THE. UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MACK & CO. Special Rates on Photos AT- Millinery The Berryman Studio Department ! s e 2nd Floor FORgis Bar airs ! (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. JOS. W. KOL L AUF Makes a specialty of Graduating and Full Dress Suits. 18 E. WASHINGTON ST. UP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Mich. W. J. BooTH, Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres J. V. SossnoAs, 2d Vice-pros. JOHN C. WALZ, Asst. Cashier. State - Savi"s Bad. Transacts a general Banking busi ness. yf aurt1 i& 'hanir rnk 5 Cor. Main and Hurontreets. Capital, 850,000. Surplus, s00. Transact a general banking business. R. KEMPF, Pres. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres FaED. H. BLsER Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINQS BANK. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,00 Resources, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells eschange on the principal titles of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification.Safety deposit bones to rent. OFFICnE: Christian Mack Pros.; W. C. Harriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: R. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK&An'dized Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, 540,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOCLE, Vice Pros S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier C. li. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc, Specialty of fine interior decorating painting,frescoing, tintingand paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. H. MAJOR & COMPANY, The Artistic Decortor. HO! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience in roasting coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee can be had at any price. DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. University Notes. address by Prof. Taft, dean of the de- partment; class history, by Robert Coach Watkins is pitching magrif-- Brown Howell, of Philadelphia; address by Prof. Walling; class poem, by Claude cent ball with Bay City, of the Inter- Burns Roe, of Buchanan; oration by national League. Coach Clarke mray Walter Herbert Bowman, of Toledo; pitch for Omaha. of the Western prophecy, by Miss Bessie Hutchinsos of Ann Arbor, the only young lady League. graduate in this year's class; valedic- The tri-angular boat race between tory, Robert N. Forbes, of Center Lole, Cornell, Yale and Harvard, on the 23rd, N. Y. Profs. Hoff and Dorrne also was again won by Cornell, 'ale sec- made short addresses and there was nor::: :a oaGe SPECIAL HATES FOR FJURTE oo' Shoe Departm:en, 1st Floor. LADIES SHOES OXFORDS and SLIPPERS At a Reductic "See our Three Buc Bicycle Boot " Golf Suits,. Crash Suits, White Tennis and Golf Trousers. MACK & CQ., third floor, eleve Remember! We handle a dIne 1 Clothing, Mens and Boys, as w ,Haberdashery. Clothing on third MACK & i ,y . -.---. by a narrow margin over Har.ard. JULY. The literary inter-fraternity dham- On July 2nd, 3rd and 4th the Ann Ar- bor Railroad will sell excursion ticketsLAIS AN GET MNS pionshipa in bssebali was decided Jun toall points in Michigaenx, ion 10 pOint LADlES' AND GINTLEMEN'S 16 when Psi Upsilon won from Sigma outside the state (except Canada) with- Phi by default. The three losing fra- half20ra esLimits for retun July.t TAILOR ternities, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa plenty of good music. Latest Novelties in Spring Epsilon and Sigma Phi banqueted the The Michigan Central will run an ex- and Summer Garments. Psi U winners. cursion to Chicago after commence- ment. All parties wishing to go regis- The Good Government Club has ar- ter their names at treasurer's olice at COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. ranged a most excellent course of lec- once. One block west of University. tures for next year. Among the spoak- EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D.C. ers that heve been secured are William On July 3, 4, 5 and 6 the An:: Arbor BICYCLES Jennings Bryan, J. C. Burrows, Prof. Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Washington, D. C., at half rates, plus Built to orderRepaired and T. W. Taussig, William Dudley Foulke $2.00, on account of meeting of National nTEducational Association. Tickets will Enameled, at 106 North and Herbert Weloh. The cost for tick-,be good returning to leave Washing- Fourth Avenue. ets to the course will be placed at so ton July 8th to 15th, or by depositing tickets they will be good to leave there Wi J Weng er. low a price that no student can afford until August 31st. Enquire of Ticket to miss it. Agent for full particulars, or write W H. Bennett, G. P. A., Toledo, O. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLE SUNDRIES IN sTOCK Dents Have a Class Day. The lowest rates from Ann Arbor CHAPIN BROTHERS, ts Ohis polot are via the D. & C. boaso-- n. The graduating class from the de- Call at the Michigan Central ticket of- (successorstoHunter&Chapin.) partment of dental surgery held their flee for information. 200 MANUFAcTURERS OF. class day exercises in the amphitheater. NOTICE, Dental Instruments and Fine flachinery Formerly this department did not hold We want to employ a few young men Special attention given to Bicycle Repairing these exercises, but since it has grown of ability and good address who are BICYCLE LIVERY-Prices Reasonable. anxious to make money. Our men areNo13E.Lbr kie to its present size, there being an en- making from $8 to $12 per day. Perman-No 113 E. LIberty St. Ann Arbor. ronllment of 223 this year, it has con- ent position to right party. D. Apple- sidered itself big enough to have a ton & Co., 243 Wabash ave., Chicago, CRUSHES MMN.... Ill. G. H. Love, Manager. 200 show all its Own. Fresh Strawberries and Pine Apple and The program this afternoon was as Lady students wanting steady sum- the bestquality of Ice Cream. follows: Address by the class president, mer employment call at 519 Lawrence r Ralph J. Roper, of Santa Anna, Cal.; st., city. -'For Forty Years Duck, ator. FHOSPHATF s GOLDEN SCEPTRE FinestFruit Juices and Artesian water line atused in oar cell as floor. Ha been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER SODA CO. s a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. 200 E. Washington 316 S. State