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October 20, 1897 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-20

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Science is driving commerce, and one must either keep the pace or be left hopelessly behind. That is why we have secured the exclu-
sive sale of clothes bearing the labels of
The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammersiongli Bro's.
These clothes are far-and--away ahead of any ready-made clothes that you have ever seen. They are designed by genius and fasli-
ionedl by skill. They are equal to the best made-to-order sort, though they cost but half. So convenient to have ready-to-wear clothes the
moment you need them, without fussy measurements, "TiIY-0Ns" and a multitude of exasperating alterations.
Money Back If You Want It. Come Today.


Lindenschmitt & Apfel.

Geo. S .
H55-AE.LuLhlgluR51. IIRFOR A ..0. E.MVARTIN,
.---JEWELRY STORE! O 14 Embalming a Specialty.
_____________U. of X Buttons and TLUTTLE'S 48 S. State St. Amulncengtoa
_________________________________________esidence,____30___ Fifth Avenue.
.AKNN .ARBOR Among the Colleges. Ill 91' y~ PtiISO NTONTEUFEL,
RAILROAD. thIvassile netII 5 ,sA'll V~
Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. 110"rd1(1ll (Colle-, recieord el'0 111000 for lloh oo irt ,11 11 1 .HEADQUART10ES Fr
TIME ABLE a~nlllifill 'to *-67,0( +arin h(. 1t t ri'h, . lt., n th( Trunks, +oValisfesunk, lVaises Suits Sui aCassandn
Trains Ileaye Ann Arhor by Central Standard 011(111011,0(il.irIl10Ilho l 1110111Tuh univlesrprdscly d
Time. .'"sclLbrtr.Tuk n aie eardnal n
sNOT. eOcTH. Yae, piesIl :1~9,10100 10 ecyer o" , 110111110 Ii1101 51 10 1(1 1111h111(41;8. cheaply. No.3o7 5.MSain Street.
8:43 a,. n.. *7:30 .15m n t1e1a11(1of 11 .o lillstudents. It is10 "10111t Ill lii 101 '1 '11110111 1 t o 110ab 1u
*12;l5am. 11:25a. m. AJOR &aneCO
4:4(sa. m,081400 p, en 1n l1he ort)f 111 Pllll0li'ofl it0111111 ar 111 1) el t li: 1 11 111o ai
e*tun betwee Ann Arhor and roledo only,_________li ritcJeae
+Runs hetwecen Toledo ad loweell. '01111 l a001111 oea ll 110n01 0110111h A titi d oatr
train Sunday only. All otlher trains daily, t el01 iI1t ttl r 11 ()Illy ciS. 1001 N01 1'11(1 Have a complete line of
except Sundays ~I~oF gn 1"''ile11irs111001111"' 111 t1e1' iltIlg'll1' 1-
W.HB ETT0,.A oeo01~ 01 S. GIL' 1 IIII 1(AgentI ill I 1 ' ii11 Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Windowi
W.HBENETTG.PA._oleo_._Yle__________L__;t1_is_____ yc1Ii bSrdadesb h( RoohimI!-ohadsdingsoudinstc.c
__________a_4:1:,O'clok ill Room )11-11cI 111111 !O , 11 t 11 10uc10 ,1e01 111 o1 o 1 1111'lf1' o 1'Specialty of fine interior decorating
The JNiagsaaFalls Route11."101 0 0111 1101to11al111f11'1,500.111 soud'oIv~o iatis1i ll?01et- hanging. Only the best of Workmer
Centeal Standard Tine. 1 1ll1ou ' (0-1'1101' 1110111 I 9 10Il iIg11o 1111 l ste rali~t~l014 1' he o' 1011employed. Work guaranteed.
TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. fli1111111 dstall 75 1s 0' 1t1,. I A 1011011111bo '0,11 0 tl111 1011fiteC. ff.MAJOR & C.
Bail and En__-3l7 0., N. Y., CIII 011812 yo'1 V 101 '1 1001111 He is 19 y011. IX 09'I1 'l"U )fI IN O ' I ( 10101, iThe Artistic Decorator,
N. Y. Special.... 4 585 Mill----------918
Watern Eu-i--1 olU Western Ex----15501Ooll 1019lol0 1001
flN.Express....- 5 50 Chi. NI. F-a---9 401xmlzto audy, _i t9 A N D E M
Atlantic Ex-a - 17 30 Pacific Eas----12 30;l Ilo1i 11. 1 sof 1 -ae' r ,M' oll \il lh 111111111 . (1191 )cI t.
G.R. Expres ---i110 a.lit, ill 11o001111 1 af1 a11 s1 1 a1111
*North Shore Limited iloan exIra fare teain I-> l I'0'Il 11 1111' 1)111p1.1 11111101 11 1.11 o LT n III
to b heele~nsof $a.50to New Yock ihan 0an 1111111.10111t11.'' Iii . 11118)11 '9 T i l en
O. , RGLE, H W.HARS, 1:, payc byoneof ilt. sr~n'e~ ('111 , ''The Lamgest Line elBicyclen, Sun
OWIC . R' dis ndSupieoGe. &T oAt, Ci 0st. A. Arbor 1 I o 1011 by 1111 1111' (19111 yeICE. drirat: and Surppeiiea at
e.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.&T.At. hcaool n Ah, 110 11 1111011 Ilhe11t.1'51 111 111 111e 1 1111o1119 )011 9101- M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,
. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms S10 I.iell 'rr(tte elbn ,a11lllIcr tis fe'o 1a:s
eft rigiOlU'H, I I e' "1111t0a1d1the 041 ' -,i 11111R 11om fi119, 11.Telephone No. S. One door East of Ameni TT SRE.cnHue
Ladies' artlOc C' Iir eessing up st'airs 101111111 11 1 a e' 110 1017' i , 1)1 11111--
Old frieids cull again. We weleI nw 1>rorn-b ~ l"0or Ml111111rhofile a I nte
one, JIR.TROJANOW5K.___________ '10 11 1. 0 V'1110lThe nama the Guarantee,
RETCLRTEPHOTOGRAPHER '11 1110t1111 19110011il 1 I thi11111.0011llerl''11 100000 lt~ f fileALIN
______________ for 10011011 of1office~rsat I1 ).11 1.19111 S I 1111. 1111119 ' lO ll 01Foot Ball Suppliea For '97
(°ll 7(l. ( , E erv Reqluisite for the Came.
Teiephone 0 A N iilt (iy, (10 1011123 111iinageshede1lln 1
I3.I' 1'PIRI8VAD + ,t11111111111eswil owel owrt
ENOCtI DIETERLE, _______ for samples and special ra te:
I, ('IiREN -t-cu desrabe siteof I'I L? I~ol11a 11 boa r Nv ti beore purchasing..
EIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. F51.R'T 90' GS10lebl 0110 i 09iI0sj~oakig 1111(1l.Ares, h S1dig01ica
Cates Attended Day or Night.0roiom''s 1 '1011shah 0110ary hoawl 10111lihot ~~~i 0101 Illl. 00110s h pligOfca
end old-waer;hot ate hetin 5ttdest, 31. I Iiro st 20Foot Ball.
No. 110 East Liherty Street: Residence, 531 111v d' ll ht 100 ho :"' 111111 llioi5.2
SouthFourt_ AvePhon_129_bathInqirea_4:39S._Dvisio st. S 011ei0eloi the Daily. Adopeed hy Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania
Sout ForthAve Phne 20. lI~tll lillolc 1 41) S Dis1o1i1 l IHarvard, Corell, Iand nll terleading oti
bersities. ich hall tested ad pached,ifland
W 1 S .L FZ G S 0 R], seled in seperate hox with hrass sinflater
CORNR M~N A'0 tC O STRETSpaid, to cents.
1~DEI(sE QUIARTERS Catalogue of Fall and Winter Sports, FRnn:
UMIJILII1EN E. Huron St, is the place to Reise. This Register is always consulte asCnu ed first b the
Call and See Us. Messengers--t's FREEB_. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS#,
The Famous "Joseph Bahman," and Washburn. New York Philadelphia
Chic ago Washington
MANDOLINS z GUITARS -University School of Dancing,
For Sale at SttRtetopst a tidn ietHE TOIIIC. COURSE 22.
MCHAEBERLE re Mite Stre.post LwB liin f'1 oursofScCourse 21, Develop-
.. 14 W. Liberty St.. Ann ArborTrs$.0 etr - - Single evenings 50 cents. iiient of °Itlitorical Theory, will b(
_ N.R. . Wa havs nT~nfinin' \".ts ea ednlleiTcie rieaieoac'as

, .

eneoma formuslc studeats. Offilce-42 Thopo Street.

j F. N. SCOTyT..

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