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June 29, 1898 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-06-29

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t hc tl* of

IMF low,
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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,
The kind that wears well
and gives satisfaction. A
new line just received of
all sizes and prices from
five cents up.
Wilder 's Pharmacy

tSenior Class Day Exercises.
Dark clouds threatened to put a stop
to the class day exercises of the lit-
erary department this morning, but
rain held off and allowed the program
to be carried out without a hitch. The
exercises were held under the historic
old tree, the Tappan oak, which stands
just west of the general library. For
the past few years it has been custom-
ary for the lits to hold their class day
here in preference to stuffy University
hall. Music was furnished this morning
by the U. of M. band. The audience
was grouped picturesquely about the
temporary platform which had been
erected for those on the program.
Chairs and benches, and the green
grass of the campus, served to seat the
The program: of class day was opened
by the address of the president, Frank
S. Simons, of Detroit. In touching up-
on matters of current interest he said:)

Keep Co
Get Your IC
Summer Be
R. E. jOL
1108 South
29th Sumse. JulyIto5
especially profitable to be
for admission to the bar;
lacking systematic histruc
titisoes desiin to som
rve~w of elem naryprinci
Athens =
These are som
tions we have b
Wilbur Opc
Prisoner of
Under the]
Sol Smith]
Heart of X
And many oth
Gradu at
A great variety of
Up Town
S. State St,
Ann Arbor*

"The era upon which we are entering
)la. gives evidence that it will be an epoch
LE CREAM SODA making one. Visions of imperial sway
RUSHES, PROS- are held before our eyes. Radical de-
FLOPS, and all
veragesat partures from our established policies
LY & 0 0" are talked of. In these stirring times
it seems to me that the body of col,
Stats Street.
lege men and women should perform
N LECTURES in society the functions of a balance
F 1898ae. proved wheel. They have studied more deeply
eginners; to candiddatesh
to young practitioners the lessons of history, they have exam-
d tion; andto older prac-
es rreation witha ined more closely the foundations of
pies.Fo e'astlsgussad-
tary,Oharlottesvile.Va. our political system, and should exer-
c se a steadying influence throughout
the whole country. They should not
Theatre rush blindly into new policies nor un-
duly attempt to change existing insti-
e of the attrac- tutions. As reformers they should not
ooked for next think of changing the face of the earth
in a day, but should recognize condi-
era Co.- tions as they exist and app7ach the
present day problems from the stand-
Zenda. point of common sense."
Red Robe. Charles Henry Farrell, of Dexter,
Russel. performed his duties as a historian ac-
aryland. ceptably, and told of the triumphs o°
ers equally as his class with due regard to truth. He
d. was followed by the class orator, Chas.
Simons, of Detroit. Mr. Simons takes
to oratory like a duck to water. He has
sol been winning honors along his chosen
tine right through the past two years,
having won first place in the Northern
Oratorical League contest at Chicago
ifts this spring. The subject of his oration
today was "Lessons of the Hour." He
Y OF MICHIGAN devoted most of his time to a discus-
sion of.the war and the questions that
are growing out of it.
ile r! Like the class orator, the class poet
V s - this year is a leadirng personage in
his line in the University. C. Fred
handsome things Gauss, who holds the latter office, ',
an Ann Arbor boy, who has won prizes
T - from others than his classmates. His
poem today was entitled "Cybele, the
Spirit of Nature." It showed teep and
OK STORE careful thought, hut held the interest
Down Town of his hearers throughout.
Opposite Courtflouse The class prophecy as read by Miss,
Main at. Florence H. Pomeroy, of Ann Arbor,

The prophetess sprung a little surprise
by taking a fall out of several of the
University's prominent professors be-
fore she treated the class to a horo-
scope of its future. She had Prof.
Winkler, of the German department,
who is one of the best looking mem-
bers of the faculty, and still a bach-
elor, saying "Women are fickle, men
are ungrateful. I was neer appreci-
ated. Why did I stay in that frivolous
world so long." To the great conster-
nation of Prof. Hudson, dean of the
literary department, she had the genial
old bachelor a married man within ten
The regular program was concluded
by the presentation of the claus mem-
orial by Paul W. Voorheis, of Ann
Arbor. The memorial corsists of a
scholarship, which at present amountss
to about $250. The members of the
class have also been asked to pledge
themselves to give a cerain amount
for a number of years, usually five.
School of Music Commencement.
The third annual commencement ex-
ercises of the University School of Mu-
sic were held in the Frieze Memorial
Hall on the evening of June 17. The
audience room was tastefully decorated.
The officers of the school sat on the
platform, and a large number of friends
of the graduates, whose graduating pro-
grams had been given each evening of
the previous week, were present.. After
an organ voluntary by L. L. Renwick
and prayer by Rev B. L. McElroy,
Prof. R. M. Wnley gave the address
to both classes. The following received
diplomas: Miss Marie Greening, of Bay
City; Frank L. Wightman, of Payson,
Utah; Miss Emma Daisy Burke, of Ann
Arbor; Emanuel Anderson, 01 Chicago,
and Miss Grace Bassett, of Bay City.
The Senior Roception.
The senior reception came off last
evening at the Waterman gymnasium.
The main room was prettily decorated,
the Stars and Stripes taking an import-
ant place in the decorations. The
grand march occurred at 10 p. m. oand
was led by Thos. R. Woodrow and Miss
Marguerite Knowlton. About 150
couples participated in the march, which
formed the letter M in front of the
chaperone's booth. Music was fur-
nished by the U. of M. band and the
Chequamegon orchestra. A program of
60 dances was gone through with until
3 o'clock this morning.
All senior lits and engineers are
urged to examine the list of those who
have paid class tax in the faculty bul-
letin board, main hall, and report err-
os or omissions to M. W. Turner,
chairman of auditing committee, at
box office from 5 to 5:30.
A full report will be made to the
class on Thursday morning just before
the march to commencement exer-

An "Old Grad" Talks.
One of the most interesting features
of commencement week this year will
be the semi-centennial reunion of the
class of 1848. This class entered the
University in 1844 with eighteen stu-
dents, of which sixteen graduated.
Fifty per cent. of the class has since
dihd and of the eight survivors just 50
per cent. will be here on Wednesday to
talk over old times. They are Col. Jos.
R. Smith, of the U. S. A., who retired
two years ago and settled in Philadel-
phia; Col W. R. Ransom, of St. Joseph,
Mich.; Rev. D. M. Cooper, of Detroit,
and Sidney D.Miller, of Detroit. Twen-
ty-five years ago this June the class
held a reunion, and at that time just
four members came here and took sup-
per with Prof. Williams.
Col. Smith arrived here yesterday.
He is 67 years old and was in conse-
quence only 17 years of age when he
took his diploma from the U. of M.,
which entitles him to the distinction of
being the youngest person upon whom
the institution has ever coferred a
degree. Said he to the Times: "You
have no idea of the great charges that
have been brought about in the Uni-
versity. Why, when I came here to
Ann Arbor to attend the University
there was only one comparatively small
building used. It served for the class
rooms, the museum, the library and
in fact all the students roomed in it,
the dormitory system being in vogue
then. There was one tutor who lived
in the building with us, but the profes-
sirs lived in separate houses on the col-
lege grounds. By the way, those col-
lege grounds were not much like the
ones that present themselves to the stu-
dent today. During my first year here
the campus was sown to wheat and it
reaped 50 bushels to the acre. Now it
is a most handsome park. When I
graduated there were only three score
of students in the University in the
four classes. Now there are over three
thousand. It was while I was in col-
lege that the Greek letter frateruities-
the Chi Psi, Alpha Delta Phi and Beta
Theta Pi-were instituted. It was
about the time I was here that old Mr.
Hawkins built a three-story business
block. It was immediately called
'Hawkins' Folly,' and the name stuck
to it for a long time for the reason
that its magnitude was far in advance
of the needs of the town at that iie.
Some wonderful changes, indeed," said
Col. Smith very reflectively.
Col. Smith went to Detroit last night
and will be the guest of Rev. Cooper
until Wednesday, when the four old
classmates will come out to Ann Arbor
and hold one of the most notable events
in the social history of the U. of M.
The U. of M. senior laws had Repre-
sentative Sawyer introduce tem to the
chief justice at Lansing and pilot them
around. They called at his house Sat-
urday night and presented him with
a fine group picture of the class. Then
they left, yelling "What's sthe matter
with Sawyer?"

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