THE UNIVERSIY OF MICHIGAN DAILLY. Novefles in S wrin lothes YOUNG MVEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; ]Men's alpaca coats $2.00 and $1.50. You Are All Patriotic but you can't-some of you-play "AiItER- ICA FOsRaVaR"(march or sotng) by E. P. Paul without the minns You can buy it for 25c. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO 205-207 E. Washington St. Tinse Table, Sunday, Sept, 5. 189 7. TIME TABLE: Trains ieave Ann Arber by Centrai Slandes-0 Time. NSORTHn SOUTH. 8:43 a. m, *7:3 a.n *li.4O p. m. 11:25 a. nm. 4:46 pm 8:40 p. m. 05:0a. m. 505 p. M. 'Run. between Ann Arber and Toiedoonliy E. S. GILMORE, Agent 15. B BENNETT G. P. A. Toiedo 0. MICHIGAN C'AL The Niagara Fails Route." TakinogEffect April 17. iSOS. Central btanaard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. P. M.A. Maii and Ex.... 347 B ,N. Y., Chi.... 8 12 N. Y. Speciai--4 58 Mii.....______.__ q 18 Eastern Ex.---- is 3 Pacific Ex.---12 30 *N. S. Limited ---i1 00 P. M A. M. Western En.---1138 D .N. Express ----7t00 G.R. &R. Ex... 5 43 Atlantic Ex.0..608 .Ohi. Nt. Exn.---10 00 G. R. Express ..15 *Northi Shore Limited in an entra fare train and there is a charge of $2.50 to New York mere than on other trains. 0. W RUGGLES, H. W. HAvES, G. P. & T. Agt 2hicago. Aft.. Ann Arbor KINERARTN, 1E.(NEW QUAoTERSo Don't go home without one or KIN DE SRee 10Eus ontmore of our celebrated RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTORPHER "Michigan" Pins, Telephoe i 0. ANN ARBOJR VV'r0 .Lz o . EWLER FULLER &BERANEK "°TAIL0RS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered 312 S. STATE ST.. over Rosey's. Phone No. 284, New State. L 'LI E , FUNERALDIETR 515 East Liberty St. Embalming a Specialty. N.209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Phoeel10 BEST SERVICE IN THlE CITY. Resldence, 301 P1fth Avenue. BIG REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF For a few days At Bro--w n's Dru g S.tore, Cor 5atrn.Hro -I need the rooii for other purposes aiid will guarantee to save you money if you want a wheel. A HAND)SOME BO00K FOR A TWO- If you are thinking abcut procuring' CENT STAMP. NEW P'I3LICA- microscopical mounting supplies it will B3YT0E D. &C. LINE. interestlysoco loarnthuatFEberbach & To linace who contemplate taking a Son, 112 S. Main s1., carry the only cons ton mer outing swe will nmail for 2c. pootogeouor illustrated panpliet, whic.h plots line of Grubleros dry stains, injec- contasino a large noumber of fine engr,::v- irgs of svery sumnmer resort betw ee:,lion colors, prepared stains, chemical Clevelan:d, Toledo, Detrsoit, and: Pictor- reagents, mounting media andinmbed- esq~ue Mackinac. It hoo many artistic half-tones of points of interest, of the ding substances in lbs state. pper Lake region. information re- garding bath: short sled exten~dedllours, To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S RUB- cc-sts of transportation and hotl tart, BRR CEMENT. Bewvare Ill Don't etc. Address, tk usiue A. A. OSHANTZ. G. P. A t., sbtiue Detroit,_Mich. GOOD BOATING up the river. Boat1s HLALF EATES-NASHIVILLE, TENN., to rent day and evenings at 1U. of 1M. AND RETURN. boat house, foal of N. Main st. If Foe the meeting of the V. P. S. C. E. _________ the Ann Arbo r Railroad wilnell ex" AT ET' OT: cursiso tickets to Nashville, Tent:., and ES!WS!NtTl return at half rates, .'uiy 23rd, 24th and A clean, cool, pleasant journey honme 25th. They will be good returning until via the Anchor Line. All students whol ,; CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity pasrties, club dances, etc. Leave orders as Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence, 1710 Geddes ave. P. U. -Will taps pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places, A. J .Johnston. U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Blale Dressing up stairs Old friends rail again. We welcome new ones. R.i. TRSOJANOWSKI, Lowney's Chocolates -HO TO - W. W. TUTTL E'S ate ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. $37.50 Will buy an 1808 model Man's Envoy Bicycle used lens thtan two months. Prce, whelnew, $71.00. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM THE BUCK COLUM BUS, Isathe on! Station tI using Un bus and daily bet them inst hours. I cents: Pt Students are ive san obtai to localt W. H. F' OHIO _________________________ - --- UAA.--- IV. --W---',-contemplate returning nome by way 01f ai19ovese Washington Steet. KEYS ROUTE. lt edpsto ikt the Great Lakes and connecting rail- _________________ TO CHICAGO-TO ST. LOUtS. roado, and members of the faculty wo .TBE LRGSTMANUFACTURES OF'ATH5LETIC HOCKING VALLEY ANO TOLEHA HAILIVAY Leave Ann Arbor at 7:20 a. um. propose 1o spend part of their vacation ASN ICYCLE tUPPLIES ANS PNIXCOOMS dy line from the Toledo Union Arrive at Chicago at 2:40 p.m. at Northern resorts, can secure tickets, 1N THE WORLD.. ,o Columbus and pointn beyond, Arrive at Si. Louis 651 p. in. berthn and all desirable information A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ion depot terminals at Colum- Same day. Iruns four fast express trains Via Ann Arbor railroad and Wabasih from J. W. AMNISSE, '98 H, "The Name the euarantee." w een the points named, two o the un-precedented time of three Ccntinental Limited. This is by far Agent Anchor Line. Official Oufitters tn the Leading ColgeAh Parlor cars on day trains, seats 25 the fantest time ever made, and the 812 E. Washington St. 100 Ile Club ad Schosl Teams of the U.S. ul.moan sleepers on night trains. Continental Limited the new fast trainEeyRqust o Bs al 3de-siring unequaled facilities of lbs Wabash, is the finest train ever EeyRqiiefrBs ad ;ed to use the Buckeye Route and run between these points. Free chair For sale-First-class Remington type- Athletic Sports and Pastimes. tincful particulars on application cors Milan 'to Chicago or St. Louis. writer No. 2; first-ctass in every respect- The Spalding Official League BRA tiktaet.Close connections for Kansas City and $50.Cl t71Cieies Adopted by National, Minor, College and E. H. DAVIDSON, the weaL. 2005 4.0 ala 1 ahrn t School Leagues Dist Pae. gent Toedo orBase Ball Unifornms, Bats, Gloves, 131s. Pss.Aget, oled; 0 SltsChet Prtecors ShesEtc :SIERZ,H. P. and T. A. .INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEIIC COSTUME, THlESPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLESTH PLI BU oub Oh.H JWE"04 'IR D ,?TEit SAINCesRAWELCanPrecr),heEc.19 bI~ . ~I f 472-478 Broadway, Albany, .N, Y.I Send for Illustrated Catalogue of all fitakers of the CAPS and GOWNS, to University sf tMtchig;as, A. G Pf lI##i" . ARA~fO, UofChicago,U.o Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh. U. of Penn- ' w . Sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Now York - Chicago HEDRCLIETE..Wellesiey, Bryn Mawr, etc.__________________ rOE IREC LIN TOClass contracts a specialty, Cincinnati Columbus ENC DIT L, Dayton Marietta EUiIDEE 4 Urbania Athensa BIlBALMER AND'FUNERAL DIRECTOR prnfed MiddlOport . teddDYsor Night and 'Charleston, W. VW. No. is. (Liberty Street: Riesidence, 533 South Fu._ ave. 's uSPhone 125. Through trains with Sleeping and iAN~IALTHlE PUOTOBRAPHER. Drawing Room Care from Detroit. ANNTNSRE and T'oledo. WSIV LTET "War Songs"! Coon Songs"!I Sousa' arches"! Latest Music for Piano,'and other -. .~'~f Piestassortment of Huitars 'ndA i,'Mandolins, Strings and Trim. mings. Lowent Prices, 55 The SeCIAEBERL.E l'usle Store .e'4o-r s w , 114 W'ist Llberly sL., Ass Arbor.