THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Olee year, ai THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN. OFrfc: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone(New Statet189. MANAGING EDITOR J, F. THOMAS, '00 L. BUSINESS NANAGER O. H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS , B. SKILLMAN,'98 L., Athletics, E. L. GEosmER, '93 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00 T. R. WooDnow, '98 F. ENGELHARD, '98. F. D. EAMAN,,'00 R.S.DDANFORTH,'98S P. W. JONES, '99. 0. H. LUND, ' .M A. H. McDoUGALL, '01 E. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for thecollege year, with a regular delieroy beore noon och day. Notices, comiunica-j lions, and othermatter intended for publica- tion mnst be handed In at the Daily officebe- foes Sp.m ., or mailed to the editor before- p. i., of the day previous to that on which Subsrptions may be left at The Daily Office, ieyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business M anager. Subrberswili con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper.- With this issue the Daily suspends publication until commencement week. The last meeting of the U. of M. Daily board will be held tonight at University hall, Room No. 2, at 6:30. McLean Track Captain. At a meeting of the 'Varsity track team yesterday J. F. McLean was elect- ed captain for next year. He has been in college two years, coming from Me- nominee, Mich., and has been a member of the team both years. Last year he confined his work to the hurdles, but this year took part not only in those events but also the high and broad jumps, and succeeded in breaking the 'Varsity records made at Regents Field in all but the high jump. His superior all-round work saved the day for Michigan in the dual meet with Chicago last Saturday. Growth of the University. The University of Michigan began in 181 with nine studens ad one deprt- ment, that of literature, science and Ie arts. It closes the fifty-seventh year of its history at the coming coo- mencement with 3,114 students and sev- en separate facuities. In its first de- cade the increase was slow, from 9 to 154. The medical department was add- ed at the beginning, the law depart- ment at the end, of the second decade, when the total attained 533. At the end of the third decade women were admitted, and the total, including the new pharmacy department, was 1,102. Thus the third decade more than doubled the attendance of the second. From 1870 to 1875 there was but 25 in- crease, due * probably ti the business depression succeeding for severa years the panic of 1871. From 1870 to 1898, however, the attendance has almost trebled. The falling off in the attend-1 ance of the literary department ins189-6: from 1,523 to 1,204 is due to the separ- ate organization of the engineering de- partment, whose students had hitherto been incorporated with the literary de- partment, Just before and during the war the literary department fell off in numbers from 287 to.218, rapidly regain- ing the last year of the war and quick- ly passing beyond its previous regiotra-- tion. Since the years of business de- pression in 1870-75, its attendance has steadily increased, barring the subtrac tion of the engineers already alluded. to. .. Dr. H. B. Baker, secretary of the state board of health, has been appoint- ed by the regents to lecture before the medical students in the coming college year upon the administration of the state laws for public health. The re gents have also arranged for lectures to be delivered before the medical and sociological students of the University by superintendents of the various pub- lic schools in the state. Among these are the superintendents of the school for the blind, for the deaf and dumb, and for the feeble minded. The super- intendents of the state hospitals for the insane will also give lectures at the University. Lady students wanting steady sum- mer employment call at 519 Lawrence St., city. SPECIAL TRAINS SUNDAY, JUNE 19. To accommodate the large number of students who will leave Ann Arbor Sunday, the Ann Arbor Road will offer the following special service for the South and West: Leave Ann Arbor 7:0 a. m.; Leave Ann Arbor 10:25 a. m.; Leave Ann Arbor 8:05 p. m. (Standard time.) Train leaving at 7:30 will run only to Milan and will connect closely with the Wabash Continental Limited for St. Louis, Kansas City, and al points In- termediate and farther west. No extra charge for this elegant service. Fares the same as via Chicago. Arrive at St. Lcuis, Mo., 6:25 p. m.; Kansas City, 6:00 a. m. Train leaving Ann Arbor 10:25 a. i. wili connect at Toledo with o roads diverging for Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, St. Louis, Kansas City and all other points. Train leaving 8:05 p. m. will make night connections at Toledo. This service is for you! Will you take advantage of it? Baggage checked through. Consult me for particulars. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. LOST-A collegiate sorosis pin. Finder please leave at steward's office or Daily office and receive reward. If you need Biological Supplies Ebe-r bach & Son, 112 S. Main st. can furnish them; also fine forceps, knives, scissors and section razors specially made for the purpose. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADES OR PINS Sendto SMITH, STURGRON & CO., 237, 20, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs andestimatesfurnishedon allwork of this ind, $34.50 Acnr ,e]B.4 i~ycs '98 rODELS-HIGIHtGRADE. Same grade as agents sell for $75. We have no, agents but sell direct to the rider at manufacturer's prices. Sent for catalogue. A&CME CYCLE Co., 102 maiat, ~ . Ekhart Ind. For your benefit as well as our own-You'll want the goods-We need the cash. Golf Breeches $5.00 NOW $3.50. This includes all this seson's nobby checks. Golf Suits $10.00 Suits $7.50 $7.50 Suits $5 00 $ 8.50 Suits $6.50 $5.00 Suits $3.50 Negligee Shirts, Straw Hats, Crash Pants. Duck Pants. Everything that is cool and comfortable for hot days. As we never indulge in "False Alarms" you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to enjoy these w. traordinary offerings-They're too good to last long. WASH TIE Sor25c SILK TIES With the new Cuffs The one you want qft -and the only place you can get them. KNOX NDERWEAR-3ATHING SUITS 0U, TROUSEERS-SLUE SERGE OUATS-AUC1 NVESTS. G 117 SOU'HlMAIN STREBT'.