THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .411 + & + * 11111016 lV t iR.1E.111nap1. whIo wor'kedi eth ii r. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during 1ie}1iii'in the' ltbtirooiebfi (le to- the Coiiege year, at shill) iast yrear, is now eiiged'ias a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. i'beilist withi Parki', Djavis & cIo., of OrrICE: Times buiidieg, 1329 S. Mini St. be- Det rat. tweea Liberty and Wiliiua Sta._________ MVIANAGING EDITOR Pour Year Pharmacy Course. J. F. Tseuttt, 'St L. BUSINESS M&NA4SER 'li t tottitiiinetiof tifour-years 0. 11. IhANs, 'it L. ('titile'foliii'J 'cietiot's tit'rei.'1t EDITORS 1i'tIitity title titadit tabout (tie [I1,n. SostLeLwt, '(15 t, Athletics. sitle tititti t 'tUisitie's o ittOls-l- E. L. Gessoeti.'53 L.- - - Monday -aAic)liladOi.AlLlvr IluxtLEiLoan, '00. - - Tuesday lO~Wstist it ~tt.Altnse' Y- .ttov.'t - Wedeesday ily scholesof ilittrlltity tie lottklloti 'T. It. WiotODR~w, '5(, - - Thtursday fottewaid to lite tttalish(?ititit of ile' A, CAMPBtEttL, '09t, _- - - l Friday t(t'irst's ci'otn dy. I. A. CAMrPtEtLL,$00, - - - Saturday .toitf twsenty-fiie g;rititbitt ,tE' f Mll sottotil iave rettrnedto ttte I'ivt'rsit ________________________________________fttr liittet'st'i'iitti esintly :111iti bas The subscription price of the Daily is $2.90 reoe 0 i't'ti ot'etiritt'of IB. S. tIelt- for the colege year, with a regutar deivery before nseachitday. Notices, cemmustes- tititithe ii' ort' of 1it1:. ' otit L. S. tions, and ether matter intended for publics- tiesnimust be handed is at the Daily office be- n1t lesteluaulfive seers at ilit' 1'ivt r- fore d p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 it:xaerfhrd 1hr leee p. in., of the day previous to that on which syltrsart.''~'s r''es thev are expected to appear. sit(1tin ittr itittitisly it sootrs' Subscripios may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stothet's Nesstand, or for ti.ilgretof 01. S. it 'stiitt'y«., with Business biasager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this lii (tuiti'.t itittitirel of otiers sjlo ex- office asy failure of carriers to deliver paper.i'p'ct to '~OtiS (1115' tieir wvirkt'for tit - iit'~dgree, tfitt' etliitte ts'ire'iteitt'o Es-c'rystetil elo entelrse Kile:sO oiareiprecstesty tt'e sltle' asfor W'eit'ytllistort'quiire'dtoaddtiiet'ptene'B. S. ilthl'ittirary iitiitrtiii'it. of thi'ecollte littler Wss'iits'e pays hits "'f1its fottri'ye i'oetree it'iilrililt'1'> tutton. Why Cali h eitesport iibei tite asesttttiitsjti'edilttr et,'t oil rostle fo(r ia hlo's ho'g Irte utuin t' fori~t of ittrstlito;iprofestontalstudo~tse itl Btefore it ietoiolaite te leilttie'sst'. ay(itilnthi ^le epeid (slties if the b'itse'tst.itt1110iiitiot' i epoitls to(lit' couirses fit' at Eiut' in at "o ft'. o :lr ; a 1 i tt tt'rI-soce'y li" filei' Iiigt;i l ', t ' ieatrtiii'tt. Dingor theipositionicoexiit'rts'ilei'rlit itatiei'.eoi'gtatlle ti 01it117ie rlt' i la e llti°it ' l~l tii 1~sa il'ier-clleb~ltc delatiln ha bE n s le ~ot liita, m11111' txti'it'trlt'ii ni that otir recordis no1111titithatit tt 911111 alleit eiii (111 il tufttwo eyi'ii' SHOES T -OF- ----__ Every Description! o A LARGE tINE OF i "' :..LELI0. OURWINDOW? BEAL'S SIOE STORE, - 10'9 N.Man Street. Opposite ' the Court Rouse. fn(! 1 if f } ' l t /f " .. 1 ' i / J ,. t r t 1 Q . , ., _ ' _ .. HEAVY WEIGHT FANCY BACI( COVERT COATS A roghdescrip- tioneetStrappedeatms, wide facnngs editesd w\sith satini, satino l shuldesheldo fancy plaid whlich constitutes thbails of the coy- etcloth. As to the appearance iof these coats swe're- fer you to rte ac- companying itoustrationts. SWELLEST WNO3E's Star tes'rnn ci enviatbl in 11wfeot.xp"'ct 10 work hattii soi ttlily. Nootbc~eiti" .int'--nditlihkt'inter'-soi't'y coi' si1. Jet lii'eslietsile be foritiet at tnce. hitat'eswht i tis iwn tie t i 'tistiy D)tis' oio sehicteihlivii triotis Cilp~tr- nh'atiecolle tosgeter ,n hieii'tliti wettlnt 111111)'is unitdi. In thits cay eer y sident is imitdet'to fel 11111 -iii io irtif ill a.t tieisty ttilolit 'Itld lu'tllliii''ily a ittiltit' 'if to eilgit'ses's" for' Mic'itgtn to fotilows'. tie inipette .gv't'ioutegespiit by Sucheitititu-' s(j't'i''eiiitiv s'e elsuini ogaitiititi l.utp he191tthis si's'and selihltcant i doe totit. i, Tilt'Dtailywoutldl bi ;01011 to print eomitiinirtetioits ocithei subject. Graduates in Chomistry. .l.3'B Cady, B. S. in Phorinitey '7 is engttgedl 00 iheimist ini the Missoitri Staic' Agrienltutral Experimotistation. ColuititMo. A. O. Miller, '117 inii eiiitr, last Y1easr uostantt in Professor f'otnptiell'e worh, has eharge of ehemistsry ill tie Kansas City 'iroitting School. Nellie 01. Geldihovaite, '1)-I in ehietiis- Illy, 'ioas held a luenical fellosip in inle University of Chicago, ottd ie ics', filling te chair of cemeistry in . t Holyohe College, during tie 'abseitee Of Prof. Mury 9'. Leachi, '19l. Miss C011ir80 of the 'Silhool of P'ita rnitii'x. todietil tuisr of (iso s-i'll '99 Pootball Men. .A11 (-tillitli' forti' eiii 1'9 iootittii I tittiti tire i',qu'stedl to beo oil liii toinootiltirivpll to 111119. Miss Allie Desiiazeii, 111. A:d1tt1> st., Ypstiltlti, Piaiete, lne l Y'irk 1 Speei-llity. 23u DETROIT, FlICHi. Makers beot finished U. of Mi. Flags and fraternity Emblems ST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CONDUCTED BY Ti-E SIS-1 TEISRS OF THE MONROE =CONVENT Piano Forte, Vocal Culture, Mandolin, Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Harmony, Counter- point and General Musical Theory. Study of Harp, Miss Ellen Olaken. ADDRESS, ST, THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, ELIZABETH STREET. C'loth ing IHOUSe, oAo yuth Mats St ' ---. I Stvdcnqs Lectvrc ssociatioD1 Single adiSsion:i will he sold for each entertainmlent as follows: Nansen's Lecture- -- ----$100 Reserved Seat_ -$1.50 Sousa, and His Band.- 1.00 Reserved Seat - __150 Gov. Robert L. Taylo' .- 75 Reserved. Seat---100 Six Other Numbers-____- .75 Reserved Seat-------- .75 SAVE OUR MONEY BY SEBCUFZIN A SEBASON TICKET. Season Tickets, - - - $2.00, Season Tickets eserved, LExtra] .SA0 SOMET ING NEW! Those,* - tBns A T ------ Cutti ng eyer &Co. 201 and 203 South Main Street Ann Arbor, hlich SHOES SUCH AS SO D BY US They are the luxuries of shoed 0111, the "elixir of life" to weary feet. It's unjust to your feet to o without them. WfDl. J. APRZILL, 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.