The Literary Societies.
The following officers have been C u t r c
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durin elected by the different literary socie- For your benefit as well as our own-You'll wan
the College pear, at ties of the law department for the en- the goods-We need ie cash.
O Ti e pshobuilding, 821Ne 5. MaIn 51. Lincoln-President, L. S. Cramton;
MANAGING EDITOR Michigan; vice-president, J. O. Mni-r, O 50 NO cW 3.0
J. F. TxOMAs, '00 L' Pennsylvania; se cretary, Carl Wisner, i6
BUSINESS 5PANAGER Michigan. $5.00 NOW 8.50.
o. 1, HANs, '00 L.
EDITORS Jeffersonian-President, W. S. Gil- This includes all this season's nobby cheek.
. B. SKILLMAN'98 L., Athletics. bert, Washington; vice-president, A. M.
E. L. GEissEs, '93 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00
T. R. WAODROw, '98 F. ENGELHARD, '98. Cloud, Iowa; recording secretary, H. S. cT
F. D. EAMAIs, '00 R S. DANFORTH, '98 Lurd, Utah; corresponding secreta. , G o lf u i ts
P. W. JONEs, '99. C. H. LUND, '00 M.
A. Ii. McDO e ALL, '01 E. E. B. Powell, Washington; treasurer, L.
S. Tuck, California; critic, S. Sanger, $10.00 Suits $7.50 $7.50 Suits $5.00
Ohio; marshal, T. L. Everett, Minnc- $ 8.50 Suits $6.50 $5.00 Suits $3.50
The subscrption price of the Daily Is $250 ^
for the colletoyear, with a c egular delivery Webster-President, Geo. D. Harris,g*
before noon each day. Notices, communica- N gie S t I'traw fats,
tions, and other matterlintended for publica- Kentucky; vice-president, D. H. Thom
lion must he handed in at the Daily ofliebe-
fore 8 . m., or mailed to the editor before 3 as, Ohio; secretary, W. O. Lee, Indiana, Crush Pants. Duck Pants.
p. m., of the day previous to that on which
lhev are expected to appear. T ticasurer, L. H. Ehrlich, Missourf; Grit- Everything that is cool and comfortable for hot days.
Subscriptions tmay ho left at The Doily 0csrr .P.EeilMsor;et
with ieses Manager ISucriherswslldCo- ic, John E. Egan, Ohio; enarsnal, Geo.
Soffice anavfailure of carriers to deliver paper. Kingsley, Jr., Kansas; nietnber orator-
ical board, R. E. Samsson, Vermont. (J a te.
NOT A BIT OF DOUBT, sumner-President, Warren Berkey,
(Continued from First Page.)
is to be deposited on or before the day
of the race.
The money is to be deposited in the
hands of Levi W. Pollard, who is to de-
posit it in any bank after the first dc-
posit, in his discretion, in the town of
Shullsburg, which is the First National
Bank of Shullsburg.
In violation of the above articles the
violater is to forfeit all money depos-
Indiana; vice-president, A. Weldon,
Michigan; secretary, F. NV. Brown, In-
diana; treasurer, John G. McKelvy,
Kansas; critic, S. D. Landis, Indiana;
marshal, Jno. Arbenz, Jr., W. Va.
All the societies report a cery suc-
cessful year, the membership having
increased much over that of last year.
This is due to the large increase in the
attendance in the department.
The work for the past year in the
leading societies, Alpha Nu, Adelphi,
Jeffersonian and Webster, has been
carried on with exceptional vigor and
was undoubtedly due to the system of
inter-debating which the Daily has so
Witness-M. A. O'Brien, L. W. Pollard. earnestly advocated. The Jeffersonian
An affidavit signed by William H. leads in this respect, and have to their
Look, a resident of Shulasburg, Wia., credit victories over the ether three
societies, thus giving them the Univer-
recites how the signer,in cosmpany wsth lsty championshipj fi
J. E. Freeman, went to Madison, Wis.,
to arrange a race with James H. May- IF YOU WANT THE BEST
bury. It is alleged in the affidavit that FRATERNITY STATIONERY'
Mr. Maybury signed his name as len- BADGES OR PINS
ry Sherwood, and that he deposited $35. Sendto
The race was run at Shullsburg Sept. SMITH, STURGEON & CO.,
18, 1895, for a purse of $1,000. The 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit.
Designs and estimates furnishedon all work
money, it seems, was never paid over to of this kind.
the winner, which was Mr. Freeman,
and the whole case was aired in the
There are besides four affidavits
signed by Fred F. Steigmeyer, C. F.
Roby, V. W. Sincere and M. E. Cole-
man, respectively, in which each avers
that he heard H. A. Coachemss of the $34.50
University of Wisconsin say that Mr.
Maybury was a professionaL The con Ac ttte Bicycles
versation took place at the University
'98 I DELS-HIGHiiffaRA DE.
of Chicago in the room of Mr. Steig-
meyer on or about Nov. 8, 1896. It is Same grade as agents sell for $75.
set forth that Mr. Cochems stated n We have no agents but sell direct
deotail how Maybury had run for money, to the rider at manufacturer'sprices.
and he is said to have mentioned the Sent for catalogue.
amount of prizes and the place where ACME CYOLE CO.,
the race was run. 102 Main St. Elkhart Ind.
As we never indulge in "False Alarms"
you will realize the wisdom of coming
promptly if you wish to enjoy these ex-
traordinary offerings--They're too good
to last long.
W A I Is 3for 25c.
. 2 for 25C.
With the new Cuffs
The one you want
-and the only place
®®® you can get them.
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