J s7 7y3C3 A i' 5 _ f f \ESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1897. Fouot PAGES. VOL. VIII. No. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WED? Has received a ull line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N.10O8 E. WASHINGTON ST EAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- tile a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACYa ATHENSTHEATRE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21T. Three Guardsmen PRICES:-25c 3, 50e and The Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of Now P4pes! Hot and Cold Lunces at all hours. Agents for Huylers ad Williams and Werners Con Chcolate Boo Bns. R2. B. JOLLY & 0O. THOSE NOBBY SITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S DOOHSTOR E. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stck of Law and Medal Books, in short, Text-Books for every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta tionery at low prices. Make our stores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Utp Twn Down Town S. State at. - Oppsite Corlouss Ann Arhor Main A. TO PUBLISH A WEEKLY. Alumni Association Will Add to Our List of Publications. At tle meietiig of tithe oat iof i- lcitortliat iifri ttlli ttbiritiwerea peetabetxl iortlit btttimeiiota s harats. After ani ixteid(it-s- atoll as to omethods of tOOntlt tigtheil busine-so of the As soehioioll. the retool i t eoittiteet-oe bIttok frin was prese-tnted aintiat-i-ipt-. Mr. R. C. nftAttooir. tit geilial se (rtt1'y, ws1 reele-tlaifttitiedt epeettialthte mo 1 tt tirose (its aot 'ilhakicing 11t11e. Ii ws00 tte tl(Itopubltih, ill ie titer to tat-calledithe "JAici-iiaii lii- estyi N-'sn." It wilteconsist ttfottr tages cotiinig ll tie Fim-rit it-n s liki-ly to hi- if lter-it-a ithei 'luitti _1t1ri.-Mt-tllasi~ter i5silt lt -tl fro attIllit th ieatis ntteSilt beiii acidttiotimal 'thoititis Ihil-ot tlt ti tititlty t inter toitbringti liii:lan ot deuts tandiitoti- thtu to 0leo Ih e . Athetc Board Me/in. tttsiies o/o etries ii-t inteti iacict- mo Molitiger rte-plostilt tha t heli csti Aiuuiii catheite.i tCoil ilI i/tthis year tailthin- tuba enirhben A isot ltioll wrs tssi-il ti sitt-t tittie tilrya;°s nnittiireisenlttedilMit-l Te-ilis "oninaniiitiilastsitinc will r- celine-ctreates. iterricek, Itifartl adiiI tiiiiare terefore ientitldi'to 1w1150 tle - Vasity \. A tcomittiifee osisiac of AV. 1l'- Huiigt ,sand F. 5. Simnts 010istimd toi se 'the ianagers of the (iens (llis andt 1 anti ahotut givig a daice 'in liii. tni -asiuns-uiYor the tbenefi of the At- lotte Assocation, the Geie ClothaidI tite h-, d. J. i. Xamoson Bas eloted Chicago itpr settative of the Mietilhgois Ahlnol oin lie graduate comnilttee of the W'e. tern tutercollegiate Athetic Asso- ial ion. 1 airy B. Ptter wa-s apitetdell u151 -ter for the Olerlin gameiCSalnsi- Band Men to Meet. E and nensmwill meet at their mro ot reguhar rehearsal -Wednedy oen- l.at 7:30 sarp. New music. Eery- c. e niust 'e theremwitotstfail. There will e n eainnoion of It nors for ile 'Vrally Glee 'Club to- 'a glt at 7 o'clok it oamlo 24 Uni-r- ali ty Hall. JefroinProgram. Q~ SEMI-INALSJ TODAY. ih e1_snarkt r oit f tie tint-depatrtmen-ittill lilit tilt-Results of Games in the Tennis tptbli- tot-ihg int thelawinlcie ii" ii Touinament Yesterday. tiltro iai ven ninttg art S tiutlt t-lharp, Sliushe, T'f l.tot 21init-tttiau aili -lii tltwtas f lth- e erigi-t iqualityt. 0. 2. C. A. Qtiret:it-itebuit-Rstilt-i-itRusanti1I. lDanfotiiaod le01-ihtint littatb ptiritiltas li-ieien-i --tffnLuatt eloesonyitti 11.-to itets tn-Ir- itidt- J. 1. 21trio Ito itt-i, il; SV. If. (Is- ill iin situoniid(110si. is ato it hl tilt, Ott.,1. ciliarlis.i';)Snegal-i-e, S. it o ohei-tosn-ieiehel. f. t0Lstai, Atu a Lcy ,A iittir.1-fuf.1. X ia I :siiti-si-mt-ithosei inhit ai: S. Sangeiri-.'til. jTteig s of ilteit-- tltedthe Iiii llts. Intheii-st-ond Johnsoiiand aLiiafne. IEnerytoiet-is very fiafuidLaoitt i taigtists adth nil c-ordialty tnitedt-il iheatdn. tptpare- tnt s -3I ;, 64 Ill ifit- hsif No Faith in Dummies, 1-yicarls; lOwiristlt orfthis set nw-as cie~ ha fhedumis se b dal yrdan. riceonfo tckin hae tooeail i t iepreceingtest-i.a11d sorl itl rto-itin ur on-ilg cnuldnotlit iertasithis stt-it. lRily hiio triniti-.litt limisthaltutuit sll soonti-idtheiivei-i5-2 in his faotr.lHee- teaci to ta-te lt iiittitotihardittl i 1-111tei--l-oli ilfni is til~i iityItiitt iioO ittcs iiitie nix t nthtefi-si-re :h-alt. a too- r c I . h it tvercomeO lli tit iiteas ti h l g ve d~p e t n s t dulin i a miull tiittti li- i--itnatvineti iotfiuii.fourt~ uleo initi~ oo- uuitsft-li fhlber lt-l it of pad ft[tutuh ilt tnil ifPOlitit f. t\ 1 ftdtie--I utuuli.aitl ut I ieit it is tt lii leatd HrvfyTcyDo lot il, suiaui-lcii d lt utaiPu-ttmgt oi~ ~ tt iuttt ts u turby sHarvey.tub 'lo d g it t as earhutettitof t h is ufollosP rtmuc lnisti t 0 tis- ihuti ot i i tu-I tut'x' iuui --t ii te tS iiiuitto dlci llhi sut lii- s-a hiti ti ttru-- tuuiuuuuutulin 1 eBi-ittote; stu-t utatti l st-mstehl t. outihinlg.i clei- (huts. St1utiiti-DSe. tuiulsouu; iii-uttu istile 0111i into ilastulien- huogft. annotutncedl.forut u-ti aturday:ls 11i- e;he IAivontat-the ecod sts byurutu Ituetitir o uuua, ul_- uul. tttr 'p ,it , nt 111th Ihieriut lint-tid d ilv uing. ht- Alessrs. st-nsa t.Barenu ndu-ittckiet stutfil utu tndouf dobleis by ittfet-t IBrotwnu. alitsuuuuuay o ediiay'tus tlay is Choral Union Practice. O uiom:htelessstgioetu roud,I. Dansfoithueat Hore -in2t- TteCortoal Utitiugant lpratiut- ittt--, Rsllatietat i. Danfiugili 6-3, 4-t, i-rnittst oitit tilt S. Panl last night, lutt .0,ti-Ofleuty-'beatfLamb, -f, (4. Se- Stomley conucting anth Lous Ethel, utoiclassosigts, first rotudSutloto of filueIUiverity Philha~rlmoicClimi, -hiat Tfaggort-f6i-, t-.Dobhlt, ise- ioeisuomliyittg. Prof.tdetoont govteIis liiuTimmrytrounmd Dainfomthanmutterickel usual waning aout abshacosmutd l- udefeateul Suidlowsand imtl Loaool 6-2, so aniuounuuiuththfollownig iit(hre--2Of; Ousl ailey beam cut Oshorma cedlemifof last yearthiee oul hoani Taggaft by tdefaut. receptions from thue Itoiime to get the lSatths ootitduledt for toay: First tuutmiers at-qtaimiieel.ciaso simgls, semi-ialromundIt. Dal- Secret Practice. Lrhis v. lee 3 p.in.; donbles, seimi- fimuml round, ussel soulitiley ss. I. Fluefrt secret practice ofthis sta-lDIamnforisth nd suamb, 4 p. im.; second 500nswas givens he Oarsity eleen-t ye- class singls, frt round, 'edier vs terday. lThe Normallites oiosedthei DIenbty, olburn vs. Jacohs, Lockwoot .ien in tie hne-up aimolthe wok is c- vsWiur, Burlowv vs. lernegam, "pelted as only fair. All of fle ratd lth-elmoani vs. Osborn. Coitestants dates were ginen a trial. tie prcicenot01appuearimug on the groundsta till e todauy swill also e secret, but11thalt -f tdefaulted.jThe twvou nost important tomorrowm-tmill he slen, and ite Nr- iuatelea arts I. Daiforthm ns. fMee, antI mual mmll latoably b hee. Baker itussel anti Ripley m.I. Dnforthm amnd mowm at tie trainimng tahle. Lammbt. 11100thisltsatter contest thie totmlt ehlnriolttilt may rest. Present hRegstraton. At I oclock yesterday rie numbher of Neo letter boxs lamebemonilaced registered studots nwas 3,007, scatter- atuf'tie corner of Williatn and State, ecl atmong the ueartmlents as folionv: Churt-hiandh O'ilad, ant Inglls aid literary, ,21; law, 7t3; nucdical, 423; Hurnros ts. A larger box mran been sub- - pharmnacy, 74; dental, 21; oengineentg sttted for ce one in rmn of Se- I126l; and hoammeahimc college, Sib. an's ookafore on S. Sae s.