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June 14, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-06-14

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TEAM'S HISTORY. Condon... 89 2t 2 the bat. His work both years has been joyable by music, and light refresh-
Coolfe.. 84 1 190 of the best, and it is doubtful if he has ments were served.
Miller .......... 42 8 190 a superior in the position in the West. An outline of this year's work was
Individual Percenta'e and Record Matteson ...... 79 14 177 The selection as captain meets the ap-
On April 1 the 'Varsity commenced a given by the retiring president. The
of Gamles. eiso wle .rciegmswt proval of the students, with whom he
series of twelve practice games with floigitrsigrprswr ie
Bay City, of the International League. is as popular as with members of the following interesting reports were given
Because of the cancelling of the game One was a tie, six favored Bay City, team. by standing committees. Miss Snyder,
with Cornell, the 'Varsity baseball and five went to the 'Varsity. The chairman for raising funds for the
season closed with the partially played regular season opened April 16 with For Class Championship.
game with Chicago at Detroit last Sat- Illinois at Champaign. The following Women's building, submitted the fol-
urday. The season has been a success- is the record: The final game to decide the cham- lowing report:
ful one from a playing standpoint, and WON.plonship in the inter-class series will
its close finds the 'Varsity tied with April 16-Michigan 4, Illinois 3 (ten Amt. contributed by state clubs.$ 412 42
Chicago and Illinois for Western su- innings); April 19-Michigan 14, Knox be played today on the Athletic F Dr. Jones' lecture................ 45 7
premacy. Michigan, for the first time College 11; April 21-Michigan 10, St. Both '99 and '01 are putting up a game Miss Clara Avery................ 500 00
in seven years, has succeeded in de- John's Military Academy 8; April 23- decidedly superior to that of the av- "Miss Lovell's calendars.......... 50 00
feating Chicago in a majority of the Michigan 7, Norhtwestern 2; April 27- erage class team, and being closely D. M. Ferry paid................. 1000 00
games in the series. Illinois, for the Michigan 7, Olivet 8; April 30--Michi- matched a good game may be expected. Oratorical association .......... 17 75
first time in her history, defeated Mich- gan 15, Northwestern 4; May 3-Michi- Smaller amounts ................ 17 00
igan in a majority of the games played. gan 5, Chicago 4; May 14-Michigan 20, The management of each team urge
As Chicago took the serifs from Illinois, Michigan Agricultural College 1; May every rooter to be out and encourage Total amount during year. $2042 92
all are on an equality. The three teams 16-Michigan 14, Alma 2; May 19-Mich- his team. The adTmision will he only
won their series from Northwestern, igan 4, Chicago 2; May 23-Michigan 8, 15 cents, so everyone can afford to be Amount still to be raised toward the
the only other western team playing Kalamazoo College 1; May 26-Michigan $1",000-$3,93.24.
on a strictly amateur basis. The rec- 6, Beloit 1; May 28-Michigan 4, Chica- present. Game will be called at prompt-
ords of the individual players on the go 1; May 30-Michigan 10, Deroit Atli- ly 4 p. m. Miss Robinson, chairman of Fruit and

'Varsity shows that Lehr leads in the
batting with a percentage of 345. In
fielding Lehr shares first honors with
Thompson, the standing of each being
1,000. The table followst
Chances. Errors. Standing.
Lehr ........... 28 9 1000
Thompson ..... 49 9 1000
Lunn ...136 5 963
Condnon ....... 208 11 942
Miller ..........38 3 921
Davies......34 51 853.
Cooley ......... 108 17 842
McGinnis ...... 24 4 833
Matteson ...... 57 10 825
Gilbert. 64 13 797
Wolf. . 85 20 765
Butler . 17 1 706
At Bat. Hits. Perc't'ge.
Lehr....... 29 10 345
Butler. 63 19 302
McGinnis ...... 67 20 29
Davies ....... 58 16 276
Thompson ..... 29 8 276
Lon63 11 264
Gilbert....:. 48 12 25'

letic Club 0; June 4-Michigan 5, North-
western 2; June 9-Miichigan 15, Notre
Dame 2. Total games won, 16.
April 18-Notre Dame 4, Michigan 2;
April 20-Beloit 5, Michigan 2; April 22-
Dixon College 8, Michigan 4; May 7-
Illinois 3, Michigan 0; May 11-Chicago
4, Michigan 2; May 21-Illinois 3, Mich-
igan 0. Total games lost, 6.
"Sally" is Captain.

S. C. A. Scholarship. Flower mission, reported the following:
Only one application has been re-
ceived for the Chicago Commons schol- From former treasurer. $186 02
May Pole party.................... 80 90
arship, which enables the recipient to Fruit and Flower mission party.. 115 78
spend ten weeks of social study at Prof. Comedy club... . ...... 100 00
Graham Taylor's settlement in Chi-
cago. The committee understands that Total ............................$482 70
several who would like to go are hold- EXPENDITURES.
ing back in the belief that they have Sun room.......$105 00
no chance. Such should apply at once, Nurses' home.. ..........115 78

The embes ofthebaseall eamas t'he appointment must be made very Ptes..............800
Fruit and flowers................ 20 09
met at the Russell House in Detroit soon. Application may be made to Prof.
Saturday evening and elected Ernest Taylor or Dr. Cooley. Total .. . . . . $320 78
Lunn, the team's catcher, captain for Women's League. An announcement of the recent incor-
next year. "Sally," as he is popularly poration of the League was made.
known, is a momber of the engineering The annual lawn fete of the Women's
department and comes from Stanton, League was held at the home of Mrs. The newpresident, Miss Childs, was
Michigan. This is his second year on Russell Friday, June 10th, from 4 to then introduced. After a few appro-
team, and he is the mainstay behind 6. The occasion was made -more en- (Continued on Second page).

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