THEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MACK & CO. M ilinery Department ! i2 . -- - " ~ u 2nd Floor FOR- Bargains! Shoe Departmenti 1st Floor. LADIES SHOES OXFORDS and SLIPPERS At a Reduction. "See our Three Buckle Bicycle Boot." MACK &. C. Golf Suits, Crash Suits, White Duck, Tennis and Golf Trousers. MACK & CO., third floor,.elevator. Remember! We handle a fine line of ,Clothing, Men's and Boys, as well as Haberdashery. Clothing on third floor. MACK & CO. JOS. W. KOL LAI4F ~TA ILOR Makes a specialty of Graduatina and Fuli Dress Suits. 1I E. WASHINGTON ST. UIP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Mech. "'""''tete atliet a an NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfec- PASSENGERLtion yet attained a E -Boat Construction. SE ERLuxurious .,Equip. SPEED, . ~ ~~ meet, Artistic Fur, COMFORT . n ishg,Dccoraioa AND SAFETY and EfficientService To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chikago No other Line offers a Panorama of 460 miles of equal variety andinterest,. oear dips per Week Between EeryeDays ad Day and Night Sereo Between Toedo, Detroit and Mackinac Cleveland, DTROI AND EIAND PETOSKEY, "THE 500," MARQUETTE Put- in - Bay Berts,,5e ., .Statero 1.5. AND DULUTH. and Toledo. Connctis aru made atClevelandwith LOW RATEt PicturequekeMack n" nd d rlidt.ran rdalts mlsEas, u Return, ineludnogMeals and Berths. Approx. and southwest, and at troit forall points 4 r o Clev lad, $1;romToledo,N han Send c. for Illustrated Pamphlet. d ,n i HO ! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience in roasting coffee, and produces in the cup a beverage of golden color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee can be had at any price. DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. i . . _ . A Few Facts. The Detroit Journal has been investi- gating, to use S. L. A. parlance, aid presented its discoveries in Friday's number: "The Journal has made a personal canvass of most cf the fraternities and has found in every case that rules ex- ist against bringing liquor in tits chapter houses. In nearly all tse literary fraternities these rules are rigidly enforced, although two cases were found where drinking is known to take place. One of the most promi- nent fraternities has a rule against any freshman drinking at all, and the rule is enforced to the letter. What- ever may be the propensities of the fraternity houses, it can be asserted with truth that there are us such car- ousals in the houses as the Voice pic- lures. "As to gambling, the Journal's in- formants did not have so many em- phatic remarks to make, although ithey were unanimous in declaring that all the fraternities made an effort to suppress it. What gambling was done corsisted in poker playing in the stu- dents' rooms, in a private manner. A year or two ago gambling in this form was much more prevalent than at the present time, but there has been a strong sentiment growing up against it of late. "The Antti-Saloon League, which has a membership of nearly 500 students, has exercised quite an infiuence against drinking and gambling this year, and the fact that so many have identified thtemselves with the organization in the short space of three month shows that there is a strong feeling against dissipation of any sort." Oracle Prizes. The newly elected Oracle board is hard at work and will make a strong effort to get out an even better sopho- more annual than the excellent one is- sued by 1900. The board has decided to begin busi- ness in the right way, and so starts in by offering a total of twetnty dollars in cash prizes. Ten dollars is offered for the best prone story, five dollars for the best poem, and five dollars for the best cover drawing. NOTICE. We want to employ a few young men of ability and good address who are anxious to make money. Our men are making from $8 to $12 per day. Perman- ent position to right party. D. Apple- ton & Co., 243 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ili. G. H. Love, Manager. 200 W J BOOH, Pres. W. AsNOoD,n, lt Vice-pres J. V. SanceAN, 20 Vice-pre. JOHN C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier. State - Savills - Balk. Transacts a general Banking busi, ness. Rqiarmi $ krhdiair5$__3t -or.-ia aHonStreete, Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a general banking business. R. KEMPFP res. C. E. GREENS, Vice-Pres FRED. H. BELsER Cashier. TilE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK. Capital Stock, 550,000. Surplus, $150,000 Resources, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafto cashed upon proper identfcation. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OrrICERS: Chritinnack Preut W H. Harriman, Vice-Pres. Chas SE. Blucock. Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier, FIRST NATIONAL.ANKog anedAro Capital, $100,000. Surpus and Profits, 0,000 Tranacts a general banking buoiness. Foreign exchange bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOUE, Vce Prs S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier C. II. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc, Specialty of fine interior decorating paintingfrescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. li MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decortor, KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Spring and Summer Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One blck west of University. BICYCLES Built to order, Repaired and Enameled, at 106 North Fourth Avenue. Win. J. Wenger. A FULL LINE OF BIYCLE sUNDRIES IN sTOCK CHAPIN BROTHERS, (successors to Hunter & Chapin.) MANUFACTURERS OF -,...I Dental Instruments and Fine rlachinery Special attention given to Bicycle Repairing BICYCLE LIVERY-Prices Reasonable. No. 113 E. LIberty St. Ann Arbor. CRUSHS ---.. Fresh Strawberries and Pine Apple and the best quality of Ie Cream. PHO5THATS ----- Finest Fruit Juices and Artesian water used in our 20 .Wasnton 16 S. Stae ' :PRICES * S * 0 On All NECLIZCE SEHRTS Cut to the Bone WAGNER &.CO., Furnishers. 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET..