hc . of
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VoL. VIII. No. 193.
At Wild's
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And many others equally as
McLain Saves the Day By Good
All-Round Work.
Prof. Stagg's prediction that Chicago
would win the dual meet from Michigan
Saturday by a score 73 to 71 did not
hit very far from the. mark. The score
was 72 to 72, the summary showing that
each team made 45 points in track
events and 27 in the field contests.
The crowd that accompanied the
team to Detroit wa the smallest that
has yet invaded that place on a like
occasion. The extreme lateness of the
season, the fact that the meet came
after the intercollegiate games in Chi-
cago, and the nearness of final exam-
inations are the causes for the falling
off in the number of accompanying
rooters. The crowd at "the meet num-
bered probably a thousand, Detroiters
attending in goodly numbers.
Why Michigan did not win yesterday
after making such a run-away of the
triangular meet of a week ago is ;ap-
parent to all who saw yesterday's meet.
In the first place several of Michigan's
contestants were not up to their usual
standard and in the second place Chi-
cago had several new men entered, and
all proved to be point wir ners. One
new entry, Moloney, in particular
proved disastious to the 'Varsity's
hopes. Running in splendid form he
captured the quarter and half mile in
time exceedingly fast when the strong
wind and soft track are considered.
The first event the 120 yards high
hurdles, was called at 2 o'clock, a half
hour behind scheduled time. McLean
won easily over Hersehberger and Ken-
nedy. Webster, who was expectetd to
run second, unfortunately hit one hur-
dle and lost his stride at almost the
start of the race. He picked up in
good form, though, and would have
done well had not Kennedy, who was
out of his course, jestled him. The oc-
currence was unintentional and no pro-
test was made.
Burroughs, as was expected, won the
100 yards dash. Westphal ran well and
finished five feet behind Burroughs and
a yard ahead of Thomas.
Moloney made his debut. The race
brought out all the enthusiasm of the
crowd. Fair and White were put in
by Chicago and set the pace for Molon-
ey, and Hartsburg did a like duty for
Teetzel. The 'pace was hot right from
the start. Teetzel kept up and ran at
the head against the strong wind in
the back stretch, Moloney following af-
ter taking advantage of the protecticn
Teetzel afforded against the wind. On
the turn Moloney forged ahead and won
coking back. Teetzel's performance,
when his condition is considered, was
extremely plucky. The time was 51 4-5
The discus throw was another event
in which Chicago men shone. They
captured first and second places, while
Dye took third for Michigan.
The bicycle races did not turn out
as advantageously to Michigan as was
expected they would. The Chicagoans
had a better sprint and won three
places in the quarter mile and first in
the mile. The Michigan riders, too,
were handicapped in the inferior starts
given them, thus giving Chicago an
The mile walk was won easily by
Michigan's men, Tryon and Brookfield.
Brown, Chicago's only entry, was over
a hundred yards behind at the finish.
The one point he made, however, saved
Chicago from defeat.
Chicago showed a superiority in the
hammer throw, winning first and sec-
ond places. Bennett, Michigan, was
Burroughs won his second event of
the day when he took the 220 yards
dash. Thomas was second and Thom-
son third. Time, 21 2-5 seconds, a
world's record. The course was then
measured and found to be a trifling
ten yards short.
The half mils run saw Moloney again
at the front by a narrow margin over
Hatch. The race was hot from start
to finish, but Moloney's remarkable
condition took him through. The time
was 2 min, and 2-5 see.
The points at this stage stood 71 for
Chicago, 46 for Michigan. Three events
yet remained to be contested, and
everything pointed to a Chicago vic-
tory. The best that Michigan could
possibly do would be to tie, and in order
to do this must win every point in the
broad jump, every point In the high
jump and first and second in the low
hurdles. The Michigan men, with char-
acteristic determination entered upon
their task. The broad jump came first
and the 'Varsity men did all that was
hoped for. Runnells, Russel and Mc-
Lean, of Michigan, and Herschberger,
of Chicago, qualified for the finals, but
before they could be jumped off Hersch-
berger withdrew and Michigan took all
the points. Then came the 220 yards
Isurdles, and again did Michigan's en-
tries, Webster and McLean, do what
was iftaped for,,winning first and second
respecttivtelty. The score was now 63
to 72, and the high jump still remain-
ing. The program showed only two
Michigan entries, but McLean, who had
already won points in three events,
was pressed into service, and amidst
the greatest excitement of the day the
event was called. Schmal, of Chicago,
was the first to drop out, the bar then
being at five feet 4 inches. Herschber-
ger and the Michigan contestants
Flournoy, Tryon and McLean, cleared
it easily and the bar went up to 5 feet
6 inches. All of the Michigan men
again cleared it, abut this time Hersch-
berger faltered, and after )three trials
was out.
Pandemonium broke loose, and Mc
Lean, the hero of the meet, was fairly
carried off the field. His work in the
high jump is all the more creditable
when it is known that he had not prac-
ticed the event for over a month.
Shortly after the meet was finished
rain commenced falling, and only one-
half inning of the ball game could be
played. Michigan came to bat. Cooley
hit hafely to left. Matteson put up a
pop-up fly to Merrifield and Cooley was
doubled at first. McGinnis was hit by
a pitched ball. Lunn advanced him
to second on a safe hit. Butler ended
the inning by driving a ground ball to
Miller had pitched but two balls in
the second half of the inning when
the rain stopped the game.
An effort was made to have the
game played off here today, but be-
cause of examinations at Chicago Prof.
Stagg would not agree. As the game
scheduled with Cornell has been can-
celed, the 'Varsity teams broke train-
ing Saturday night.
The summary:
120 yard hurdles-McLean won,
Herschberger scond, Kennedy third.
Time, 16 3-5 sec.
100 yard dash-Burroughs won, West-
phal second,- Thomas third. Time,
10 1-5 sec.
Mile run-Wood won, Smith second,
Beers third. Time, 4:30 2-5.
Quarter mile run-Moloney won, Teet-
zel second, Fair third. Time, 51 4-5 see.
Mile bicycle race-Pettit won, Turner
second, Baldwin third. Time, 2:24.
Mile walk-Tryon won, Brookfield
second, Brown third. Time, 8:11.
220 yard run-Burroughs won, Thom-
as second, Thompson third. Time,
2.1 2-5 sec. (course ten yards short).
Quarter mile bicycle-First trial heat:
Goodenow won; Brown second, Bald-
win third. Time, :37 2-5. Second trial
heat: Pettit first, Turner second. Time,
:38 2-5. As all three men qualified for
the final, Goodenow, Pettit and Brown,
were Chicagoans, no final heat was run.
Half mile run-Moloney won, Hatch
second, H. W. Hayes third. Tne,
2:00 2-5.
220.yard hurdles--Webster won, Mc-
Lean second, Calhoun third. Time,
27 1-5 sec.
(Continued on Second page).
GlA UUAIE? Lehr took the shot put with a put
of 37 ft. 91/2 in. Kennedy was second
if so, have you a correct style of and Herschberger third.
The pole vault went to Chicago,
V isiting C ard Herschberger clearing the bar at 10 ft.
2 in. Baker tied with Leake for sec-
to inclose with your invitations? snd and third places. Adams was not
An engraved copper plate with in form
100 cards will cost you but $1.50. The next track event was the mile
.run. Snmith:, Chicago's best man, had
If you have the plate 100 cards will
cost you only 90 cents. All work defeated Wood a week ago, and Chicago
guaranteed. counted upon his repeating the per-
formance. In this they were disap-
pointed. Wood never ran better, and
AHR BOat the end of the third lap took the
-AHR". BO A ST I lead and was never headed,'winniig
Up Town Down Town easily by fifty yards.
S. State st. .pposi a CourtBouse
Ann Arbor. Main at. The 440 yard' dash carne on next, and