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June 11, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-06-11

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2nd Floor


Spe ia I W. J. BOOTH. Pres. . ARNoan, st Vice-pne
'j '."1jJ. V. Sn>EnnA x, 2d Vice-pres.
JON C. WALZ Asst. Cashier. IP o o TS a e S v n a k
The Be r m n S u i Transacts a general Banking bs
(Successor to Gibson & Clark) y _______________________B Il
I112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. + Cor. Thuan anci furanStreets.
Capital, $5,00. Surplus, $WOW0. Transact a
general banking businnss.
Ja . 9 K® ,., UR. Knlirr. lPnes. C. E. OnCah ie-re
lFngo. H. HSLSH C{'ashier.
JOSial WpitlKOLLAUF50,00.________$15,00
1'olcdoDetroltandMacunder the Ge[erIalABank[[g Laws
r as a speciEatyof GrPut u ayd $1ul 0 Dr ess enSuits . Ht Sav e.ecangcopleteivelinia of ey tn
UPARS5JT. adToeo. C ni n Arbr,n MSCach. WaFIlER rstPaintsckOils, WDw
HalicmaniVice-PreslpChas E. Aiscsck
Sendfnr IliSummraidPnpiiAdes5,snnACe~~iy. oeliyo eitriie a ao dec roratn
" .. ake he Cast o FI frescTONg, tiNing anidaper
NEW BSTEELTZe . t. Dt[IUf1!VIftNllh llGretest eIfeY lapgiag10.' On l e best ofiworkm en0
PASSENG R tion et attaned In employed.a gWoraguaantegbied. .
inoroastingrcoffee, andeproducehinnthebcupha beverage.ofugolde
coloMR duS, rpssugllaortWeselshiscofeeatredpeipun
andPEnE te tteet htobet r r mentdel sicu - coffeeee
ca bisp ee ehaaten Ber price.a KLEINt eric Btw
214 SEY Sou thEMi StO"ReUET E Pt TnAyLoth,7u. $.Sttrom

ho SnirSwngOu, address and the class of '7t turined over Latest Novelties in Spring
S h o SeiorSwtg-Ot. the University into his hands. Last and Summer Garments.
The long expected senior "swing out" year, when President Angell was tailed
ThAA *took place in University Hail yesterday to Turkey, he in his turn handed over COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
i..iepa~r iiienr Jafternoon in the presence of an inter- to the care of the class Oeolckfsto17n1eniy
eated audience. The caps and gowns again." James H. Prentiss, goq-
have hesn a long lime arfiving owing cra1 secretary of the Alumni Associa- BICYCLES
1st Floor, to the failure of the firm which made tion, outlined the work of that organ- Built to order, Repaired and
thsem to fulfill its promises, and this icatiton, and the exerciues w ere riosed Enameled, at 106 North
TS EShas made the function unusually late with an organ solo. The mtsic wa.. Fourth Avenue.
LAD IIES H E in the year. The affair went off ver' furnished by Messrs. Renwick anid W m-..J. W enger.
OXFORDS successfully, howeve', and more capped Henderson, of the School of Music. ________________
and gowned seniors were in line than
and SLIPPERS there were last 'year. Eighty-twvo Robert fGrinnell, '99, left college for BTES
young men and women filed iats the his home yesterday on account of the CHAPIN BR TE ,
ball to the strtains of a triumphal death of his father, Judge J. S. Grin- iaccesnors toBunter & Chapin.)
At i 8 c io t march adto e ts gethctr i se ell, ofChicago, AUATRESO I
center near ithe front. The Ann Arbor High School catalogue Dental Instruments ad Fleflachinery
Short addresses were made by treat1- for '97-'98 is just out. tt shows of 634 :Special attention given to Bicycle Repairing
dent Hutchins and Professor Hudson, students, of whom 277 are non-resi- BICYCLE LIVERY-Prices Reasenable.
"iSee our Three Buckle dean of the literary department. The dents. There ore 67 in the senior class. 114o..11B E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor.
Bicycle Boot." latter gave a reminiscence of the grad- "The Tyrolean Queen," with Freddie O U H S~..
uation of the class of '71, of which he Daley in. the title role and 60 children's
and President Hutchins were mensbers. voices, will be repeated at the Athens Fresh Strawberries and Pine Apple and
Preside1 " nht graduation day," said he, Theater this afternoon. Doos open at tebs ult beCem
MACPKe&i'Onht Angeli read 'his inaugural 'half-pant 2 o'clock,
Golf Bulls, Crash 'Suits, White Duck, For Forty Years
-Tennis and Golf Trousers.
MACK & CO.,, third floor, elevator. P O P X F
GOLD N SC PTRE Finest Fruit Juices and Artesian water
Remegohber! We handle a fine line ofse n u
.Clothing; Mee's °and -Boys, as- well as
;Haberdashery."" Clothingon ti rd floor. Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER 'S O D A
MACKC & CO. as a ppure, mild, 'sweet mixture for the pipe.: 200 F. Washlngton ate S. Sent.


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