THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. same source also. The club has here- * tofore received liberal student support, but if it is an accessory to thin unmer- fublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during ited besmirching of the University's the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, reputation, it needs immediate purifica- OFrICE: Times building, 329 S. Main St, tion from within. Telephone (Ne w Siate) 189. MANAGING EDITOR The Tennis Tournament. J. F. THOMAs, 00 L. BUSINESS iANAGEB The second dual tennis tournrament O. H. HANs,'00 L. with Chicago was begun on the courts EDITORS yesterday afternoon, and although Chi- RS, B. SKILLaIAi, '58 L., Athletics. F. 0.. GEissKILLAN,. ,D HPDNUTT, ' sago had all the best of it the itichigan T. R. WooDiow, '98 F. ENGELHARD, '98. players still have a chance to break F. D. EAMAN,'00 R. S. DANFORTH,'98 even and repeat last year's perform- P. W. JoNEs, '9o. C. H. LUND, '00 M. ance. Herrick was the only 1tligan A. H. McDOUALL, '0 E. man to win his match and played a clever game. The McQuisten brothers, Chicago's stars, are new men on their UNTiL JUNE 1 $6.00 Tans and Patent Leathers. .$4.88 5.00 Tans and Patent Leathers. . 4.18 4.00 Tans*...........................2.98 J. T. JacObs &1Son's 021 SOUTH MAIN TREET. .....FINE TAILORING..... Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated andjpronouncedhy critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD, The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery hefore seas each day. Notices, communica- lions, andother matter intended for pubica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- fore d p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. m., of the day previous. to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may he left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffliet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Suberibers will co- fee a favor hy reporting prsmptly at this ofice an failure of carriers to deliver paper. The Ntew York Voice article is at-I tracting more attention than such a mass of slime deserves. The entire tennis team but experienced players, and our champion team will have trou- ble in winning the doubles. The play in nearly all the matches was close and more exciting than the score shows, and the best playing of the afternoon was undoubtedly seen in the doubles. Summary: 0. McQuisten won from Danforth -30, c-I HerricR woe from P. McQuisten c-6, 4-6. 6-3. New Phone 43, 106 East Huron Street write-up is a collection of disconnected Gottlieb won from Ripley 6-2, 6-3. Bla kweld-rcn fro MP A7 -0 incidents, and these exceptions the Voice holds up as the rule. No same person would expect to find a total ab- sence df drinking, immorality, or gam- bling in a heterogeneous multitude of over three thousand students from all parts of the country, 'and with every shade of previous training. And no sane persons will hope to see these conditions entirely eliminated imme- diately. There are some black sheep in every fDock, but any fair person ac- quainted with the facts will admit that conditions here are as good, if not bet- ter, than in any educational institution in the country. Conditions are being improved steadily, but the surest way rc weier won from 1vee inu McQuesten brothers won one set from Herrick and Danforth 0-6. Harvey and Wilber 'won one set from. Gottlieb and Blackwelder 6-3, and lost one to the same team 4-6. The unfinished matches were played off this morning. TO CHICAGO-TO ST. LOUIS. Leave Ann Arbor at 7:30 a. m. Arrive at Chicago at 2:40 p.m. Arrive at St. Louis 6:52 p. m. Same day. Via Ann Arbor railroad and Wabash Ccntinental Limited. This is by far the fastest time ever made, and the Continental Limited the new fast train of the Wabash, is the finest train' ever run between these points. Free chair cars Milan to Chicago or St. Louis. Close connections for Kansas City and the west. 200 to bring about a set-back is by the use of such methods as are used by "the Voice" and its miniature, "Frozen Truth." The surest way to discourage and disgust the people whom you must have with you if you wish to succeed, the conservative, thoughtful middle- class is to misrepresent and exaggerate. There is a great deal of solid common sense in the average individual; he looks at conditions calmly and fairly, and realizes that existing customs and instittutions cannot be killed in a mo- IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS Sendto SMITH, STURGEON--& Co., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimatesfurnished on all work of this kind. As we never indulge in "False Alarms" you will realize the wisdom of coming promptly if you wish to enjoy these ex- traordinary offerings-They're too good to last long. I S 2 for 25c. WAS TIE 2 for 25c. SILK TIES25c. With the new Cuffs -The one you want UIDT S I --and the only place 1 *** you can get them. MKNOX TAI UNDERWEAR-3ATHING SUITS DUCK TROUSERS-3LUE SERGE COATS-DUCK VESTS. GOODPEEDS, 117 SOUTrH MAIN STREtT. ment, however harmful they are and however much they are to be deplored. The Anti-Saloon Club of the Univer- $34.50 sity has been doing good work and has been using the right methods. We are Acm e Bicycles ! loath to believe that this organization 198 rIODEL5_-HIGl1-GRADE. is responsible for many of the exagger- ations that the Voice presents, but 'it Same grade as agents sell for $75. is hard to escape from this conclusiong We have no agents but sell direct The workings of the organization are to the rider at manufacturer's prices. given, it is flattered and cajoled, avsd ent for catalogue. a cut of its president is printed. The inference is very' easily drawn that ACRE._ CYCLt 0O., much of the "evidence" came from this 109 Main St. Elkhart Ind.