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June 10, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-06-10

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ftbelieve in the correctness of the inli-
Smation ofthe Times that the State As-
sociation of the Democratic PrEso will
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during seriously concern itself in pursuing
the College year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. such a will-o'-the-wisp, "Citizen" and
OFFitE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. "Taxpayer," the authors of the com-
Telephone (New S ate) 189.
-NA(INQ EDITOR communication in question, should join
J. F. THOMAs,'00 L. the staff of "Frozen Truth?" or of the
o. H. HANS, '00 L.
EDITORS Will Build a Club House.
H, B. sKILMAN.,'98 L., Athletics.
E. L. GEISMER, '93 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00 The Canoe Club has decided to award
T. R. Woonsow, '98 F. ENGELHARD,'98. the Haller cup for the half mile to T.
F. D. EAMAN, '00 R. S. DANFORT, '98
P. W. JONEs,'99. C. H. LUND, '00 M. . Berkebile. Bartlett's protest was dis-
A. H1. McDoUGALL,'01 E.
_allowed after carefully considering his

The subscription price of the Daily is $2.5
f or the college year, with a regular deliver3
before noon each day. Notices, communica
tions, and othermatter intended for publica
tion must be handed in at the Daily office be
fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before
p. m., of the day previous to that on whict
snev are expected to appear.
SubscriptionssRay be left at The Daily
Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, o:
with Business Manager. Subcribers will con
fer a favor by reporting promptly at thi
office an failure of carriers to deliver paper
A few over zealous partisans are
making strenuous efforts to create a
furor over the use by Prof. Scott, in
English 2, of Carl Schurz's speech dur
ing the late campaign. The following
article appeared in yesterday's Times
as an introduction to two rabid com-
munications on the subject:
"If the following two communications
are correct, Prof. Scott, of the English
department of the University, is trying
to inject, hypodermatically, some "hn-
cot money" doctrines into his classes
whether they desire to be infused in
this way or not. The University is
supposed to be conducted on a non-
partisan basis and the free silver stu-
dents consider his method an infringe-
ment of the time-honored principle.
He compels his students to take up
for study one of Carl Schurz's gold-bug
speeches made during the campaign of
'96 and which the Republicans dis-
tributed around so freely during that
fall. The students are told that this
is a masterpiece of argument and are
required to trace out the line of argu-
ment. The admirers of Mr. Bryan in
the department consider it a queer way
of taking advantage of their opinions
and they are practically "Prof. Scott's
"The State Association of the Demo-
cratic Press will meet in Grand Rap-
ids in less than two weeks and it is
possible that they will take the matter
up and if the University authorities
notice hereafter any manifestation of
withdrawal of support to the institu-
tion from a large number of papers of
Michigan, they will know where to
place the responsibility.
"Acting President Hutchins was seen
in regard to the matter, and that the
University proper is not responsible for
the innovation in the curriculum is
shown by the fact that he knew noth-
ing about such a pamphlet being used
in the class room and the matter seems
to have emanated directly from the
English department."
The whole agitation is a typical in-
stance of a tempest in a tea-pot. The
speech in question is an excellent spec-
imen of argumentation, being especially
good as illustrating the following of a
scientific outline. All the students are
asked to do is to trace the outline. The
arguments per se are not made -a sub-
ject of study at all. We are loath to

side of the question. Quite a number
of new members have been taken into
0 the club recently, and it is hoped that
- a great many more will join before the
- close of the present school term. Boat-
h house tender Tessmer expects to build
r a large addition to his boat house this
s summer for a club house to be used by
the club. The rooms will be fitted up
e suitably and will be greatly appreci-
ated by the members of the club. Offi-
cers for next year will be elected some
time next week, and it is desirable that
as many new members as possible join
. before this election.
A. A. H. S. A. A. Incorporated.
At the special meeting of the Alumni
association of the Ann Aibor High
School last Monday, the articles of in-
corporation presented by the committee
were adopted, and aiso such bylaws as
were deemed necessary to carry out the
provisions of these articles. This as-
sociation is now in a position to legally
hold property and administer trust
funds. In accordance with this new
constitution it will be the duty of the
association at its annual meeting June
24 to elect a board of five directors,
who shall be residents of Ann Arbor
and shall transact the business and ad-
minister the funds of the association.
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