THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Novelties in Spring Clothes YOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca coats $2.00 and $1.50. M A CK & COMPANY. You Are All Patriotic but you can't-some of you-play "AMtER- ICA FOREVERu"(march or song) by E. P. Paul without the music. You can buy it for 25c. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR me Table, Sunday, Sept. 6, 15897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:43 *7:30 a. n. 112:15 p.m 11:20 a. m. 4:460p.m, 8:40 p.m, *Ru, between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. E.S. GILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. M19H IA N~gA Thbe iagara Falls Route." Taking Effect Apri1 17. 1895. Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. P. M. A. Maliand Ex...3 47 B, N.Y, Cti.... 0312 N.Y. Special. B455 Mail. 00..9 Eastern Ex..----.5938 Pacific Ex --..12230 *N. S. LimitedlO__0 00P. sM A. M. Western Ex...., 1 38 D. N. Express ....7 00 G. R. & K. Ex_... 5 45 Atlantic Ex......6 08 Chi. Nt. Ex....10 00 G. R. Express.-1110 *North Shore Limited is an extra fare train and there is a charge of $2.50 to New York more than on other trains. o. W RUGuonxS, H. W. HAvES, G. P. & T. Agt °hicago. Aqt.. Ann Arbor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. CLLMBUSI HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY Is the only line from the Toledo Union Station to Columbus and points beyond, using Union depot terminals at Colum- bus and runs four fast express trains daily between the points named, two of them in the un-precedented time of three hours. Parlor cars on day trains, seats 25 cents: Pulman sleepers on night train. Students desiring unequaled facilities are invited to use the Buckeye Route and can obtain full particulars on application to local ticket agents. E. R. DAVIDSON, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toledo; or W. 11. FISHER, G. P. and T. A. Columb. Ohio. 0110' FENTRAL LlNEs. THE DIRECT LINE TO Cincinnati Columbus' Dayton Marietta Urbana Athens Springfield Middleport and Charleston, W. Va. Through trains with Sleeping and Drawing Room Cars from Deiroit and Toiledo. KINDERGARTEN,(oE u t. QARTRS) Don't go home without one or FULLER & BERANEK Call and See Us, more of our celebrated "Michigan" Pins,, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. RENTSCHLER, THE PH OTOGRAPHER Work called for and delivered Telephone 0. ANN ARBORJ W ELER Phone N . SAew Sta. over osey. ~a. ~ t~t Phoe 1N . INNetae HOLMES'LIVERY, U0. M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. 515 East Liberty St. NO. 209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Phone 106 BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. BIG REDUCTION IN TH E PRICE OF CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for ali Fraternity parties, club B T.C Y E, B S , dances, etc. 'Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence,l7l0OGeddes ave. For a few days P. 5.s- Will take pupils on Piano and in r Cor Main and Huron sight reading at above named Places, At wnsDrug tore, Streets..Johnston. I need the room for other purposes and will guarantee to save you money if you want a wheel. [.of M.ShavingParlors and Bath Rooms A Practical Joke on a Tute. Orfinally one of the young ladies routed 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. o s en nh rto Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs out some one s the front room. Old friends rail again. We welcome new Some hard-hearted students taught The perpetrators of the joke were oh- ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, one of the young tutors in the chem- durate, but after a good deal of coax- istry department a good lesson the ing and the promise of immunity from Lowney's Choclates other night which he is not likely to further recitations by the tutor, they -G T --- forget soon. went down with him and hunted up VJt, He had come to call on two young the key. The victim tried to keep the ALLERETIS, If you wish. ladies in the house where these stud- story secret, but it leaked out in some ents roomed, and stayed so late, so way, and his life has been miserable late, in fact, that at the usual time ever since.-Journal. TO RENT. for locking up, the boys went quietly EAST! WEST! NORTH! M. STAEBLER' SCYCLE EMPORIUM down stairs, locked the front door and A clean, cool, pleasant journey home One door east of American House. hsid the key, via the Anchor Line. All students who Both Phones, No. 8. contemplate returning home by way of About midnight the unsuspecting the Great Lakes and connecting rail- e .) N "tut" tip-toed down the stairs and roads, and members of the faculty who propose to spend part of their vacation THnEtLARGEST MAUrACUERS Or ATHLETI1C started to go out. He found himself a at Northern reurts, can secure tickets, AND BICYCsLEU CSLIEs AND UIFORMS prisoner, and after fumbling around berths and all desirable information IN THE WORLD... for some ten sinutes had to go hack from J. W. AMESSE, 1' 9M, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. f e"AgtAncsor Line. The Name the Guarantee." to the young ladies' rooms once more 812 E. Washington st. 200 Official Outfitters to the Leading CoNee, A#h- letic Club and School Teams of the U.S. for assistance. NOTICE. Every Requisite for Bass Bal, Again he made the attempt to get We want to employ a few young men Athletic Sports and Pastimes. of ability and good address who are out armed with all the keys they had, anxious to make money. Our men are The Spaldlng OffIcIal League Ball making from $8 to $12 per day. Perman- Adopted by National, Minor, College and but was unsuccessful. He was afraid ent position to right party. D. Apple- School Leagues. ton & Co., 243 Wabash ave., Chicago, Base Ball Uniforms, Bate, Gloves, to appeal to the boys for help, and Ill. G. H. Love, Manager. 200 itSPA CtArotet orsShoes,Ec 1HE SPALDINC BLUE RACER (Chain) MODELS. TE SPALDING ROADWHEEL ". Uiversity School of Dauciug rend for Illustrated Catalogue of al STArE STRiET, OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING. A 6. SPALIN & R& Programe Party, with OrChestra MusiC, every Saturday Evening. New York - Ch cago Private Lessons by appointment. - Office, a27 'I hoispson st. "War Songs"! Coon Songs") ENOCHi DIETERLE, - Sousa's Marches') j ErIBALMER AND FUNE) AL DIRECTOR CallsAttended DayorNight. E Latest Mumeforiano, and other No. 161 East Liberty Street: Residence, 530 Finest assortment of Guitars and South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. l AMandolins, Strings .and, Trim- mings. Lowest Prices. TH PJEFRFERaON A DE T The SCHAlIVER~L r1iC Store ijANDALL, TH EePHOTsGRAPE AD TERt L . 'W*L*""erh* Aan"'Arbor, WASHINGTIOU .STREET ANN ARBOR D NF r m sW l *