THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orice: Times building. 32 s. Main St. Telephone (NewState) 189. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TeoMAs, '00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER 0.1. HAMS,'00 L. EDITORS H, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GEssMER, '93 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00 T. R. Wooneow, '8 F. ENGELHARD, '98. F. D. EAMAN, '00 R. S. DAORTH, '98 P. W. JONEs, '99. C. H. LUND, '00 M. A. H. McDOUOALL,'01 E. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and othermatter intended for publica- tion mst be handed n at the Daily office be- fore d8p.m., or mailed to the editor becore3 . in.,ro theday prvious to that on which aer lbhev are expected to at pear. Subscriptens may be left at The Duly Office Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or wIth business Manager. Subeebers will co- ler a avor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of arrers to deliver paper, The Notre Dame-Michigan game at Regents Field this afternoon will be one of the closest and most exciting contests of the year. Your attendance will give you your money's worth as well as aid in warding off a deficit in the Athletic Association treasury. Come early and stay late. Rev. Caroline Bartlett-Crane Re- signs. Rev. Caroline Bartlett-Crane, for the past nine years pastor of the People's church at Kalamazoo, has tendered her resignation, to take effect June 26. On account of continued ill health Mrs. Crane has intended at the expiration of the pastorate in April, 1899, to resign in order to pursue university work. She hopes by fall to so far recover her health as to enter upon a course of ad- vanced work in political economy and philosophy at the Michigan University, and later in sociology and American constitutional history at the University of Chicago . Dr. Gibbes' Success. His many friends here will be glad to learn of Dr. Gibbes' success as De- troit's health officer. The following is clipped from a recent issue of the De- troit Tribune: "Nearly a week has gone by now withtout a case of diphtheria in the city. The success of Health Offi- cer Gibbes in clearing Detroit of the disease has been most remarkable. He is of the opinion that his new system of isolation has aided greatly in reduc- ing the amount of disease in the city. Looking over past records shows that during corresponding months as many' as 80 cases of diphtheria have been re- corded during a week. At present there are 17 cases of scarlet fever in the city, five of which are at Harper hospital,'- Courier.1 Dr. Vaughan a Major. The news of the appointment of Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the medical department of the University, as sur- geon of the Thirty-third Michigan, with the rank of major, came unexpectedly to the University authorities this morn- ing. The honor is merited, however, and Prof. Vaughan will be given one year's leave of absence at the meeting of the board of regents tomorrow. Dr. Vaughan will leave as soon as his affairs here can be settled for Camp Alger. He is one of the most eminent men of the country in the medical pro- fession, his reputation in physiological chemistry and hygiene being national. Dr. Vaughan is named to fill the va- cancy of Major Nancrede, promoted to brigade surgeon. Many Notre Dame Supporters. The game between Michigan and Notre Dame today will bring in many old Notre Dame students from Detroit and other near-by cities. They are coming prepared to root from the game's beginning to its end. The 'Var- sity's rooting will 'be in the charge of "Jack" Atkinson and several assistants, and will be systematic. Everybody bring tin horns, and let enthusiasm be at high pressure. + If you are thinking about procuring microscopical mounting supplies it will interest you to learn that Eberbach & Son,112 S. Main st., carry the only coin- plete line of Grubler's dry stains, injec- tion colors, prepared stains, chemical: reagents, mounting media and imbed- ding substances in the state. To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S RUB- BER CEMENT. Beware ! ! 1 Don't take a substitute. GOOD BOATING up the river. Boats to rent day and evenings at U. of M. boat house, foot of N. Main st. tf IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS Sendto SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished onsall work of this kind. $34.50 AcmeBicycles! '98 nQDELS-H1I JGQRADE Same grade as agents sell for $75. We have no agents but sell direct to the rider at manufactrer'sprices. Sent for catalogue. ACXE C YCIE 00., UNTIL JNE21 $6.00 Tans and Patent Leathers. .$4.88 5.00 Tans. and Patent. Leathers..- 4.18 4.00 Tans .....................2.98 J . T Jacobs &Son's 121 SOUTH MAIN : TREET. ...FINE TAILORING..... Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated and'pronounced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one pattern of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street for a Summer Crulise uieto ~~ ...take the CoA1 inM ckcl The Greatest Perfec- SEE tionyet attained in PASSENGER Duat tnstruction STEAMERS. Luxurious . Eqsip. SPEED, ment, Artistlic Fur, COMPORT nishing,Dscoratio, AND SAFETY andEficient ervice To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No other Line offers a Panorama of 460 miles of equal variety and interest. )oar Trips per Week Between ' ver r Day and Day and nightr errlee B twees T'oledo,Detroitand Mackinac Clvelan' DETROITAND CLVyiAND PETOSE, "THE 0so," AEQUETTE Put-in-Bsty BarasE , ro . AX]) 5JLtI. and Toledo. oetieOssae mae t Ceeland with LOwRATEStorietesqeNacklaeand so 'Traisfrilos s e am 5.0...., inebdi.M s and Berth. Approi e.niss anpon a imae Cost 5ro..leland, 1,51;from Toledo, 5se5aud \.h~bes ; r nti, .eptemberandeto Only. send c. for Ilustrated Pamsphlet. Aadress A. A. SCHN TZ. .i. E r . " ., . MIC . t 1 11tt tl A I Il ti$i INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEIIC COSTUME, -OQT BLL & LIBONARD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the cArs and GoWNS, to University of Michigan U. of Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn- lvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. Class contracts a specialty. ADVERTISERS "The U. of X.. Daily, "Its columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with ?hoice of the best advertising University news."- mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 1898. 8, 1898. R EADERS WWAR MAPS" 4"W OF- Cuba, The 'Woz'ld, Wect, Zdis Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas; Etc. M.he World6oeione side,*28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side. Send 15c:for sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RAND, MCNALLY & CO.. 166-174 Adam. St., Ubicago 102 Main St. Elitiars 1usd. I1