THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Science is driving commerce, and one must either kcep the pace or be left hopelessly behind. That is why we have secured1 the exclu- sive sale of clothes bearing the labels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammersiovigh Bro's. These clothes are far-and-away ahead of ainy ready-made clothes that you have ever secn. They are designed by genius and fash- ioned by skill. They are equal to the best made-to-order sort, though they cost but half. So convenient to bave ready-to-wear clothes the moment you needl them, without fussy measurements, "rizv-o~s" and a multitude of exasperating alterations. Money Back If You Want It. Come Today. Liudensclimitt & Apfel. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. IPIANOS FO RENT ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.. 205-20,'E Washington St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. Time Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NeRTH. SOUTH. 8:4 a. m. *7:3 am *12:15 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:40p. m, 8:40p. m. t9:10 a. m. 18:05 pm *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. 0Rons between Toledo and Howell. This trate Sonday only. Alt otber trains daily except Sonday. E. $. IIILSIORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. MOIGAN U TA .The Niagara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. Mall and Ex - 347 H., N. Y., Cbi-.-5 12 N. Y. Special.... 4 5 taill.-------9181 *N. S. Limited-.-6 i Pr. Eastern Ex-- is- sOu Western Ex.1-- 15 AM. G. R& K.Ex.---555 D.NEpress-.- 5 500Cht. Nt. Ex.0--940 Atlantic Ex_-.y7 30 Pacific Ex----12 30 G. R. Expresns.--t-15 eNorth Shore Limited Is an extra care train to be a cbarge of $2.10 to New York than on other trains. 0. W. ReeGLEe, B. W. BAYES, G. P. & T. At. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic BalertDressing op stairs Old frieods call again. We welcome new ones. . R . TROJANOWSFIL RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone 0 . ANN ARBOR ENOCH DIETERLE, ElSBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended DaysorNight. N~o. 110 East Liberty Street: Residence, .00 South Fourth Ave. Phone 120. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, i2EHuo t Call and See Us, tain Pen. FOR. .......0 M ATN HALLER'S 0NMATN HOT LUN CHI FUNERAL DIRECTOR. - JEWELRY STORE! Fmbalming a Specialty. G0 TO NO. . 09 kFOURTH AVENUE. U. of M. Buttons and TUTL" 48 S State St.Ablnenih rhy P~fl~ Iesidence,.102 biftb hiiAvenue. ROSS GRANGER, Teacher of Dancing. ITHOSE considering the subject of dancing are requested to call at the office of Ross Gratiger for correct informiation ini regard to classes, private lessons, terms, etc. 011111cR,: Ground Floor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY, Maynard Street. "The Three Guardsmen." 1to1tiat:il :'ii~aioia.l stlNtaible3:111:sI- l~ng w2-ill bel th('e2atotractn ioun Xt1111':1211:-PiwawilBist. I ':1 :131:. 102'wo- 0:1312111 iltPai1111. ii is.l(p:'10 the'y11:l0 Iroi'l iio 'a tol , illIitltt l:' :itoo'illth ( tlI: A lot:nder11):' 0112111t1 111o lo clfor. Ca 'nI'iiif houi~ld10111li1~'g:1ldto .S1ittif'tlat :'ssR'iiilig"7:11 t'eAo':iofiy :'lllioo'.c:', '':11 :10 i::' :li:Mr. zpr(uod k o n .211(1.1t11 '} CC i 2'i,l lonio-t'sily H51..All iottolrs:of te EXXINA'1210 IX .:\ S0'It}1.,000Y. '111m.0i011110 1' 1,1t'1210y 1 1 ,0 til1. 1' 1-1(1g 1. 11 Mo lion Aoif offlicrs't,1.11..S.atur-'s daOct. , Yl Iin , the111Chapilel I tl ,Hciill. 1. 22DVY.C'aina et'rslily ofhis witerO cu. } h ANTON TEUFEL, 't'sinks,2'Verlisesressit(Caen. and Telescopes. Trunkbs and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply. Ne. 307 S. Main Street. C. fI. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic de orators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workm-nen employed. 'Work guaronteed. C. ff. MAJOR & CO., . The Artistic Decorator. TANDEMS! To Rent!!!I The Largest ILine of Bicyclee, Sun- dries and Supplies at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 8. One door East of Ameri- can House. The Name the Guarantee. - SPALDING'S Feet Ball Supplies For '97 Every Reqisite for the Game. Mtanagers will do well to write - for samples and special rates before purchasing.o The Spalding Official Foot Ball. Adopeed by 'Yale, Prieceton, Pennsylvania, Harvas'd, Cornell, and all ether leading oni- versities. Each ball tested and pached, aed sealed in seperate boa with brass inflator Price, $ Spalding's offiilFool Mal Guide for '5817 Edited by WALERe CAMP. Post- paid, ecents. Catalogue of Pall and Winter Sports, eREE. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS$, Now York Philadelphia Chicago Washington itHETR'POt. COURSE 21. Thle hoots of Coturse 21', Develop. mi1jnt of Rthetorical Theory, wvill be Monday aod Wednesduy, at 11. F. N. SCO1T. BROWN'S lDRFUGO S'TORE. CORNER MlAIN AND HURON STREETS is the place to Register. This Register is always consulted first by the Messengers-It's FREE. i MANDOLINS z GUITARS University School of iDancing, FoSl 'aStor State Street., opposite Law Building SCHAEBERLE'S S.ns --Shor 11s W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor Terms. $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents, 9FN. Brooms fovmu rctinte N.rooWe havemracstiingOfice-427 Thompson Street. I