K1e . f AL VOL. VIII. No. 189. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. i At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. WHY MICHIGAN WITHDREW,' Prof. McLaughlin Gives Reasons For So Doing. In regard to Michigan's action in withdrawing from the W. I. A. A. A. TO THE STUDENT BODY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN: It may surprise the majority of the students to learn that a dificit con- fronts our association. We com- menced the season with $2,700 in the bank and we shall end the season in debt unless the students rally to NO, l08 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN games last Saturday, Prof. McLaughlin our support in the last two games of has the following to say: the season, viz. Notre Dame, Thurs- SPONGES The kind that wears well and gives satisfaction. A new line just received of all sizes and prices from five cents up. Wildei 's Pharmacy Keep Cool... Get Yor ICE CREAM SODA WATER. CRUSHES, PHOS- PHATES, FLOPS, and all Summer Beveragesat R. E.JOLLY & CO. 30S South State Street. SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. 29th summer. July1to Sept.l 1598. Have proved especially profitable to beginners; to canidates fse admsiso to the hae; to youeg practitioeers lackings ystematic instruetion and toosher pracs titioners desirig to ombine rcreatio witha revies f elemastry erinciples. Forcataogesad- dress R. C. MINO eRcretary. Charlottesville.Va. # Athens = Theatre These are some of the attrac- tions we have booked for next year: Wilbur Opera Co. Eletrician. Prisoner of Zenda. Under the Red Robe. Eol Smith Russel. Heart of Maryland. And many others equally as good. Senior Laws We have in stock a full set of the National Reporters with Digests Also the "Although it may be said that the renunciation of membership in the as- sociation took place Friday night, it was not the athletes who took the step, but the board of control, as an act of University discipline, and the act of disqualifying Michigan's athletes for competing in the triangular meet is not punishment for them, as they could not have taken part in the regular contest anyway. The board of control might better have been disqualified. The board reserves the right to say with whom the students will be allowed to compete. It was not a question of May- bury and the Wisconsin team this spring. Patience has ceased to be a virtue in dealing with Wisconsin. We considered that the whole amateur standing of the northwest would have been in danger by recognizing the de- cisions of the graduate council. "Moreover, we knew what we were talking about in the Maybury case. We have a student right here in the Univer- sity who has raced against Maybury for money, and we have of our own ac- cord recognized his lack of qualifica- tion. We have handled personally the original contract between 'Henry Sher- wood,' under which name Maybury went, and one Freeman, for a race for $1,000 a sid8, and a certified copy of a bill of complaint filed in a suit of May- bury's backer in this race to recover money that was lost by Maybury's de- feat. We did not threaten the W. I. A. A. A. board. R .simply would not ac- cept evidence and was more technical than any court. The Chicago Athletic Association brough pressure on the board long before the decision was ren- dered and stated that the A. A. U. would not abide by the decision if May- day, and Chicago at Detroit, Satur- day. I cannot too thoroughly impress the student supporters of athletics with the fact that a crisis in our financial affairs confronts us. We cannot pay $1,400 for coaches and $1,200 for a graduate manager next year with an empty treasury in the fall. The board of directors make this one appeal-Support the associa- tion in the last two games of the year and thereby make up in some small measure for the lack of support and enthusiasm manifested so far. It seems too bad that a magnificant base ball team and a splendid track team should no receive better treatment at the hands of the student body. H. I. WEINSTEIN, Pres. Athtetic Association. Notre Dame Thursday. Notre Dame will have plenty of sup- porters in Thursday's game with the 'Varsity. Scores of old Notre Dame students will be here from Detroit and other cities near here, while a crowd will come from the University itself. The indications are that the game will be hot and that the largest crowd of the year will be out. Get your lungs and voices in condition, and bring your tin horns. Michigan vs. Notre Dame Thursday afternoon. Athletic Board Meeting. At the Athletic Board meeting last night the following men were elected for next season: Base ball manager, H. A Relay Race to be Added. A relay race will be included in the list of events to be contested at Detroit Saturday in the Chicago-Michigan dual games. The distance wii be a half mile, and each team will consist of four men. Stagg will enter the same team that defeated Michigan at Philadelphia in the one-mile championship race. In all probability Michigan's team will be stronger than the one that went East, and will give Chicago a hot race. Maloney, in the quarter and half-mile events; Kennedy in the weights, and Herschberger in the hurdles and poe vault, who were unable to compete last Saturday in the tri-angular meet at Chi- cago, will enter surely at Detroit. They are considered sure point winners, and it is evident that sith these competing the meet will be interesting. The excursion trains from here will leave Saturday morning at 9:00 and 11:10 o'clock. Returning, leave Detroit at 7:30 p. m. and 12:00 midnight. The U. of M. band will accompany the teans and excursionists on the first train. Several coaches on each train will be reserved especially for ladies and es- corts. Championship Match Today. The championship match in the ten- nis tournament will be played oif to- day at 3 p. m. on the 'Varsity courts. Herrick and Danforth are the contest- ants. The final in the doubles will oc- cur at the sase time. The annual tournament with Chicago comes off next Friday afternoon. Chi- cago will send down a strong team, but will be met by a Michigan, aggregation fully as strong. An excellent article of tennis may be expected. The tour- nament will take place on the 'Varsity courts. Admittance 25 cents, ladies American Annual bury was disqualified. We knew what Digests. the decision would be in advance. "The Chicago action was taken by the We are agents for these works board of control at Chicago, of which and our SPECIAL PRICES on President Harper is a member. It was them. to STUDENTS cannot help them to TUIENTScanot elpnot all done by Mr. Stagg. Then it has but interest you. Call and see them. not been an attack on Wisconsin. She has been going her own way. Let .her W AHR'S BOOK STORE keep it up and we shall continue to re- Up Town Down Town serve the right"to choose our compet- S. State at. Opposite courtHouse( itors." A n Arbor Slain et. H. Emmons;track manager, Harry Pot- free. ter; assistant football manager, Ferris Stevena; inter-scholastic manager, Carl Freshmen Defeat Seniors, Greent tennis manager. Sam Stei;n, '01 defeated '59 yesterday 13 to 7 in a treasurer, Ira Campbell: secretary, game characterized by th slow play- Junius Wood, vice Harry Helfman, re- ing and stupid base running of the Sen- signed. fors. The Freshmen put up a steady Michigan vs. Chicago at Detroit. though not brilliant game. Batteries. Saturday, June 11. Round tripn- '01,. Osborne and Lockwood; '98, Smith cluding admission to meet and base and Hovey. The following is the score ball game, $1.50. Trains leave at by innings: 9:00 and 11:10 a. m. Returning, 1 2 3 4 16 7 8 9 leave Detroit at 7:30 p. m. and 12:00 '98".. ... ...2 0 0 0 3 2 0 0- 7 midnight. Reserved; seats on sale at ' '-..'--..'---2 0 5 9 5 1 5 11-13 Sheehan's. Covered bleachers, 25c. The result of the game places '01 in Grand stand, 50c. Carriages, single the finals. '99 and '00 Dent play today, rig, 50c; double rig, $1.00; tally-ho, and the winner meets '01 for the cham- $5.00. pionship of the University.