THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILIY. Novelties in11Spring Clothes YOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND. LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50;° Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca coats $2.00 and $1.50. Don't Borrow Yor chumns collec- tion of college songs' when you can own, for the small r um of 50 cents.' ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO C 205-207gE. Washington St. .ANN ARBOR~ mne Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 185 TIME TABLE. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stan Time. 8:43 a.m. *7:30 a.n. *12:15 p. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:6 p. m. 8:40 p. m. 'l~R between Ann Arbor and Teledo E. S. GILMORE, Ag W. B BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. MICHIGAN cBN TI The Niagara Falls Route" Taking Effect Aprii 17. 18198 Central btanaardl Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR MaiiandEx------.347 B, N. Y,Chi-.. N. Y. Special._45 Mai.----- Eastern Ex.0----S 8 Pacific Ex.-_ 'N. S. Limited -100 A. S. Western Exs.... D. N. Express ----7 00 . R. &K. Ex.._ Atlantic Ex..e60 Chi. Nt. Exs----. G. S. Express .--21 10 *North Shore Limited is on extra fare sod there is a charge of $2.10 to New more than on other trains. 0. W. RUGGLSx, . i1. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt hlcago. Agt.. An. THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBIUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO 8H1 Is the only line rom the Toledo Ur Station to Columbus and points hey: oing union depot terminals at Coli bus and runs four fast express trz dailiy between the point named, twc them in the un-precedented time of tl hours. Parlor earn on day trains, seat cents; sleepers on night tra Students desiring unequaled facili are invited So use the BucheyeStoute can obtain full particulars on appisca to local tichet agents. E. R. DAVIDSON, Dint. Pans. Agent, Toled W. I3. FISHER, G. P. and T. A. Columbu. ( OHIO CENTRAL LIN THE DIRECT LINE TO Cincinnati Columbus Dayton Marietta Urbana Athens Springfield Middleport and Charleston, W. Va. Throngh trains with Sleeping Drawing Room Cars from De snd Toledo. KINDERGARTEN',NE UATES Don't go home without one or FULLER & BERANEK CallEanduSee Us. more of our celebrated CalladSees,_U__ ' " ' "TAIL0RS til~lan 1 115. Cleaning, Pressing and Rep airing. RENT'SCHLE TEPOGHER Work called for and delivered DC7 s,. ~r011. EADNG} 312 S. ST ATE ST.. over Roney's. Telephone 0. ANN ARBOR JWLE hoeN. 5, e Sae HOLMESMA' LIVERY, 0.F19. ' MART, FUNERALDIRECTOR . East ibert St.Embalming a Specialty. 515 Es iet t NO. 209 FOURTH AVENUE. Amulnance night or day. Phosne 106 BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. Residence. 3W Fifth Avenue. GRANER' ACDEM. SCOOLOF ANCNG.CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. GRANER' ACDEM. S~OOLOF ANCNG. Orders for ail Fraternity parties, club '7. dances. etc. Leave ordero at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence, i710SGeddes ave. P rivate~ L essons P.5,- lii take pupils on Piano ae and in Aar('sight reading at above named Places. A. J . Johnston. MR OR MRS. ROSS GRANGER. BELL TELEPHONE 246. ____________ only SenaeU. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ;et enteOtticers. actio:n was, taken in regard t0 them., 3$2 SOUTH STATE STREET. ______Ladies' artistic Bair Dressing up stairs -- The laot meetirng ot the U. atfiM. Sen- tho:ugh it is p:osible all of them may Old friends rail again. We welcome new ones. J. St. TROJANOWSKI, AL ate Ito year waa held in Roonm 2, Mill- he secured. verity Hall, Saturday morning. Tho High School Commencement. PO - chief baoinesa transacted was the eiec- Lowney's Chocolates tion af officers and a consideration of Arrangements far the high ochaool.-o O oom e resolutiono which had been: left day exercises .. 338 5. commencement and classod'yTexercises 338 S over frons the last session. isW L LJLIDtat A. B. The following officero were elected for are obout ctompeted. Class day exec- ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. _918 the firot semeoter of nest year: Press- de ilb eda ihSho __i23 cie wilb eda ihSho a onDE P. a 3 dent, F. D. Eaman, of Detroit; vice- Thursday, June 10. at 8 p. in., ado 45 president, Lafayette Young, of Des Friday, June 17, will take place the TO RENT. __00 doines; oecretary, H. H. Corwin, of ItTrlnn commencement exercises at the Miethcs- IM, SIRLLERflCCL EMPORIUM train Pontiac; treasurer, McLaughlin, of Chi, YL Yorh ao egato rs itad ds hrhi h eeiga 'lc.Oedo ato mrcnHue ag;egenofrmWsan, ef doBhrhi h veiga 'lc.oPne oreaNof.meicn oue Tea.Norris B.. Chapin will be elass valedic- 0,N.8 :Abrtorian. Ralph Lewis has the prophcy ~ .4 1NITJ Speaker For S. L. A. and Getrude Field the class history. ___________THrunLARGEST aMANUrACTUERSnOForATHLETIQ IWY The Students' Lecture Association ASP BICYCLE SUPPLIPS ASP UsIFRnS nion Doard held a meeting Friday afternoon NOTICE. IN THE WORLD.. ond,A.G SPLIG & BO im- to consider oome names which have We want to employ a few young men A.6"PLIN RS wins "The Name the Guarantee.' oof been presented for the couroe next year. of ability and good address who are Official Outters ce the Leading Csllege, Ath. hree letic Club and School Teams of the U. S. ts 25 Mr. Heech, of the Redpath Lyceum anxiouo to make money. Our soon are EvrReustfoBae a5 Hte ureau, woo present at the mseeting making from $8 to $12 per day. Perman- Athletic Sports and Pastimes. tand and offered the following names as The Sadn Official League Ball tion mnfrnx ya' ore e. n oiint igtpry .Ape Ad pbaia ,Mnr olg n srnmefonxtyrocore e.0tpiinto&Co rgh, prt.}Scpph.A opebyNtolsLage.oClegai Gordon, Roy. Ruosell H. Ccnwell and to&C. 243 Wabash ave., Chicago, Mane Mall Uniforms, Mats, Gloves, .01 or Ho.Go .Wnln.N eiieI .H oe aae. 20 Miss. ChsEs Protectors, Shoes, Etc. Hon.Geu St Wedlig. o delove Il. . H Loe, anaer. 200THE SPALDING CNNLESS BICYCLES Ohio. r TE TEPSPALDINC BLUE RACERI IChain)i .58LS U u v riyFuI o a cii Send for Illustrated Catalogue of ail 11ES Athietic Sports, 02011SREE, 0O'POSITE LAW BUILDING. A. 6. SPAL.DINO & BROS,} Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every Saturday Evening. New York - Chicago Private Lessons by appointment. - Office, 42alT'1hlltiseil St. ENOCH DIETERLE, "War Songs"! CSoon Songa "'. Sousa's Marches"! ERIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR94 Calls AStended Dayor Night.£* Latest Music cor Piano, and other No. 1et East Liberty Street: Residee, 53335 0Finest assortmsent of Guitaro andA South Fourth Ave. Phone 1225. M1 I andoins, Strings and Trim- W 7 mings, Lowest Price. "a Al eTll "lafnnfll , The SCHIAEBERLErilusic Store tand IRNJRLL, THE PHOTOGnRPHER .5s' E' .4 W s LeryL.Ann Arbor. tI WASHINGTON STREET ANIg ARBOR . . ' ' - . a. 1