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June 07, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-06-07

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,
The kind that wears well
ani gives satisfaction. A
new line just received of
all sizes and prices from
five cents up.
Wildex 's Pharmacy

First Annual Regatta Held By
the Huron Canoe Club
The first annual regatta held by the
Huron Canoe Club took place yesterday
in the presence of a rather large crowd.
The events were a little slow in being
started, but after the start no siowness
was apparent. Excitement ran high at
the finish of several of the races, and
the time made in most of them was ex-
cellent. The stroke pulled by Lang and
Dietrick in the half-mile pair-oared
boat race was particularly noticeable
for its strength and regularity.
Though they won their race on a pro-
test they undoubtedly would have done
so anyway had there been no fouling
which made the protest necessary.
Much amusement was furnished by

to prosper here, as the Huron river of- W. I. A. A. A.
fers a fairly good course. At a small
expense a two-nile ourse wide enough Resolutions Adopted Against
at the turns for two boats to roy side
by side could be opened up. Those who Michigan and Illinois,
are desirous of becoming members of
the club leave their names with J. B. The annual meeting of the W. I. A. A.
Felker, 727 E. University ave., or at A. was held Saturday night at the Clii-
Wahr's bookstore before tomorrow cago Athletic Culb. The meeting was
evening. The club will meet then to act said to have been exciting, and no
upon new names presented for member- doubt was, as all the institutions repre-
ship and to elect oficers for the ensuing sented thought and voted the same way
year. on everything that was presented for
consideration. Everything being unan-
Tennis Tournament, imous, the excitement must have been
Thse finale is the first-class jingleshigh. Among other things accomplished
The thenadoptiothofthrst-cloassigmress
were played off yesterday between Rip- eras the adoption of the foloving reso-
ley and Danforth, and offered the finest
exhibition of tennia seen this year. Dan- Whereas, The Universities of Chicago.
forhcrriedn off flnee is er sig Illinois and Michigan withdrew their
forth carried off first jrize by winnng tasfo optn tteana
three straight sets, 6-2, 7-5. 6-4. There
was ouite - a large crown in aotte snce games held this day and held opposi-
s - uit - ag -n - tion games, at which they endeavored to

and each of the plyr wa qety

Hicks in the water tournament in the applauded. Danforth will play Her-
Kee C OO 1 regularity and quickness with which rick for the championship of the Uni-
Kee C ol reuart andst oaya .m, n ag
he pushed his opponent into the water. versity today at 4 p. i., and a large
Get Your ICE CREAM SODA He scored three falls in less than four crowd should be in attendance.
WATER, CRUSHES, PHOS- The other matches that were played
PIIATES, FLOPS, and all minutes. The finish in the quarter-nile
Summer Beveragesat single-paddle canvas canoe was very in the second class singles resulted as
R. ]B JOJ.LLY & 0C close and exciting. Kepner evon by no follows: Hartman defeated Jernegan 3-6,
308 South State Street. more than four irches. The time made 6-4, 6-4; Crafts efeated Bement 6-1,
by Stowe tn the 100-yard single-paddle 6-1; Wherry defeated Nash 6-3, 2-6, 6-2;
SUMMER LAW LECTURES canvas canoe event was very good, be- tenson defeated Campbell, 6.1, 8-6. The
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. secons round inentewssconrycgasdsingles
29th summer. JulyIto sept. 188. Have roved at secods second round the scond class sgles
especially profitable to beginners; to canidates ing a
for admission to the bar; no youn practitioners eill be "Ised off thi f--'-
lacking systematic instruction; and tolder prac. The list of events, with winners and w b y
titioners desiring to combine recreation wh a
review felementycr principles. Focsstaloexed. time, follows: saturday at Dotrolt.
dress R. .MINOR,Secetary, Chlolttesvilie, Va.
Half-mile oared boat-Won by T. A.
Berkebile, P. G. Law. Time, 6:26. He The annual dual track and field meet
Athens = Theatre receives the cup given by Haller. with Chicago will be held next Satur-
220 yards double-paddle single canOe- day at Detroit. The concluding game
Won by A. H. Felker, 199 Eng. .Time, of baseball will be played immediately
These are some of the aurae-
tions we have booked for next 2:45. after the track meet is finished. The
year: 100 yards single-paddle canv-es canoe- events will be held on the grounds of
''Wilbur Opera Co. Won by W. E. Howe, '98 Law. Time,:50. the Detroit Athletic Club, which have
EletriciaD. 220 yards swimming-Won by Davis, recently been improved.
Trisoner ofZenda. '00 Dent. Time, 3:59. The usual excursions will be run from
Under the Red Robe. Half-mile pair-oared boat-Won by Ann Arbor, and the fare will be as
$ o1 Smith. Russel. Lang, '98 L., and Dietrick, '98 L. Time, usual, $1.50 for the round trip. This
Heart of Maryland. :26 2-1. includes admission to both the meet and
And many others equaly as Quarter-mile single-paddle canvas the ball game. Reserved seats are now
good. canoe-Won by A. S. Kepner, '98 L. on sale at Sheehan' s book store and in
Time, 3:25. Detroit at Wright, Kay & Co.'s. Prices
Quarter-mile double-paddle double have been fixed as follows: Covered
" canoe-Won by Goldsmith, '98, and bleachers, 25 cents; grand stand, 50
Meu11 r L s Rust, '01. Time, 2:25. cents; carriages, single rig, 50 cents:
Water tournament-Won by W. W. double rig, $1.00; tally-ho, $5.00.
We have in stock a full set of Hicks, '00 L. Three falls, time 3:55. Class of '88 Recession.
the Quarter-mile oared boat-Won by
National Reporters E. S. Bartlett, '98 L. Time, 3:45. Percy Hunt Richardson, president of.
with Digests 220 singe-paddle canvas canoe-Won the class of '88, has just communicated
by J. B. Felker, '01 M. Time, 1:50. the information that his class will hold
Also the Quarter-mile pair-oared boat-Won their tenth annual reunion here com-
American Annual by Hodge, '00 Homeop, and Kinsey, '00. mencement week. Col. Joseph R. Smith
Time, 2:31. writes that the members of the class
Digests. Quarter-mile double-paddle canvas of '48 are too old to enlist and therefore
the war wilt not interfere with their
We are agents for these works canoe-Won by Kepner and Stowe, plans. '58 and '68 will hold reunions
and our SPECIAL PRICES on Time, 1:20. as heretofore mentioned, but '78 has
them to STUDENTS cannot help The club has been in existence but not yet been heard from. The only oth-
r h m n I der class who have notified the secretary
bu iteet ou al ad a very short. time and originated
but interest you. Call and see of their intention to return is the class
them, among the members of the '98 law class., of73.
It is desired, though, that it shall be-
hscome a University affair, and every one Last home game of the season.
W AHR'S BOVK S TOR who is a student in college and has in- Michigan vs. Notre Dame at Athletic
Up Town Down Town - terest in water sports is urged to join. Field, Thursday, June 7. Admis-
s. State at. OppositeCoutHouse I
dun Arbor main at. There is a good chance fee such a club lion 50 cents.

have all the other members of the asso-
elation compete, and
Whereas, Such action -on the part of
the aforesaid universities was based
solely on the ground that the Graduate
Executive Committee, in whose power
the decision on protest li--s, old exon-
erate James H. Maybury of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin; and
Whereas, The aforesail universities
announced previous to the decision of
said committee that they would leave
the association unless said Maybury
was declared professional, and the said
universities had before the decision of
the executive committee made alt ar-
rangements to hold a separate meet un-
less the decision should be adverse to
said Maybury,
Therefore, be it resolved, That the
Universities of Chicago, Illinois and
Michigan be hereby expelled. from this
association, and that all members of
the teams of said universities entered
for our meet and who did compete in
the games held under the auspices of
the three said universities this day, be
suspended from all games held under
the Western. Intercollegiate Amateur
Athletic Association.
The following institutions were repre-
sented at the meeting: Lake Forest,
Northwestern, California, Wisconsin,
Iowa and Grinnell. Yankton, Drake,
Knox, De Pauw, Purdue and Minnesota
sent word that they would agree to
any action the association might take.
A member of the Amateur Athletic
Union was present at the meeting and
stated that the A. A. U. would object
to any of those who competed at Mar-
shall Field from taking part in its
games. Copies of the above resolutions
and a list of the names of those who
represented Michigan, tllinois and Chi-
cago in the meet will be sent to the var-
ious athletic clubs and colleges under
A. A. U. control that the competitora
may be known and be prevented from
taking part in any more meets.
The 'Varsity defeated a picked nine
yesterday afternoon by a score of e
to 3.

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