THE UNIVEIV5ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, f1 game. A hard goose is expected tomor- 4*4 ~ I~.3 row, when Northwestern conies for the Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the Coiege ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICE: Timsenbuilding, 2 S. Sain St. Telephone (ee State 19. MANAGING EDITOR J. IF. TnAS, 'ItL. BUSINESS MANAGER 0, H.BANs, 'It L. EDITORS R. B. SuILMA, '8 L., Athletics. F. L. nissn, 't L G. D.H DenoTT, 't T. R.WlosoDOw, 'at F. EGEnooan, 'i. F. D. EAan, 'It 5R. S. DasrnvOr, '50 P. W. JONES, '5. C. H. Lus, 'Ith. A. II. tMlDOUtaoLL, '01 E.. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 f r the college year, with a regular delivery bfore non each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tionamusthbehanded in atsheDaliyoffice be- fore8 p.m., or mailed to te editor before 3 p. i., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to a ppear Subscriptions may e left at The Daily Office Meyer's or Stofle's Nestand, or 'ih fusisess Manager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reportiag promptly at this oftenvu failure of carriers o deliver paper. Wiii Beome Inorporated. 'he Wontn's League has decided to become iicorporated. At its meting last Satrday a committee was appoint- ed to preare the articles of association, antd these articles will be presented oe the members to sign Saturday mar- intg, June th, at hal-ast nine, its the tarbour gymnasium. Those siging the ar tiles of a.soiation will e charter memaers, liece all who re or have heen active in league work and desire to identify themsoeves with the incor- porated society are urged to be present at the ime stated. Toatmatnr' Cua. At the lot regular meeting of the Toastmasters' Club. Chairman J. Q. Adams, of the Arrangements Commit- tee, reported on the matter of the an- nua banquet to e held at Whittore take June . Oly memisers of the elub and their ady friends will be in- vited. G. F. Pau. M. I. Cro~dy, . L. Mliholland and F. E. 'theinfrnk were admitted to mteosibeseip. Athletic Notes. The '9 Lits wili play the 'It Dents this afternoon at the Athletic Grounds at 4:001 p. mn. "Charlie" Baird and "Pa" Heninger wili be here tSunday to address the foot- ball meting at the old training quar- ters on Voland st. College baseball games Wednesday re- oulted as follow: Lehigh 8, Carlisle t- dians ; Pensylvania 3, Correll 1; ar- card 1t, Amherst 3; Princeton 14 Gergetown 3. t is said that Notre Doume will bring a crowd of 500 rooers here June 9 thej sate of their return baseball game with the 'Varsity. It sill be a good game. October 29 has bes settled upoi as the date of the football game between the univesities 'of Chicago aid Pensyl- vania. The game t-ill e layd in P hiladelphia. The arangemnetsade by the universities call for a return goose at Chicago in 1900. The pas for a series of baseball games in Chicago this sprnse betwen tie two istittios ase fallsntsrouh on accont of hi- nasicial reverses. Isadore lill, manager of lastvse's 'Varsity tack team, come in from De- troit yeterday afternoon and aeocts- pooled the lach team to Chicago tisi morning. FOOTBALL NOTISC. All candiidates foe he footall team for next fall arc requestedi to ued at 1237 Volland st. Sunday f tronsat 3 o'clock. H4. T. tHEAL), Mu-7g. J. N. F. IENNETT, Cai. NOTICE.v The pupils of Prof. Jonas' advanced class will give a concert in Frieze Men- orial Ball its Friday, Joe 3, 198. at8 o'clock. An excellent program sill b gvet. LOST-tn front of Deital building pair of rimless noe glasses. Please: leave with janitor of Dental bilding or at 4tt . Washington street. A young man (student) active and willing, who knoss something about sailing and can do his trick at cooking can secure a paying psitiocit board ailing yacht for the season. Address A. M. Baynes, Bay City. 1t5 IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS Sendto SMITH, STURGIAOIN & CO., 2ay, l3, 21 'Woodard Ave.. Detrot. Designs and etimatefurnshed on all sor of this kind. $34.50 Acmne Bicycles ! 198 1fODELS-HTIGIi GRADE. x$8.50 Special Stilt Sale ! We have selected from our stock fifteen different patterns-every one this season's make-made after the latest fashion, well lined and trimmed. They are suits that we told at $10.00 and $12.00 and are cheap at that price. Ini order to close out the lot we make you the above low pr ie. .take the Oast U n t "L The Greatest Perfec NERO STEELtiony et taneis PASSENGER Sa nsrnis STEAMRS. ,.n~ Lxurios . Equip. SPEED lc' montl.Artiftic. COMFORT ishig.Icralia $4ND SAFETY adEl'iete.cee To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicag N thrin fs noramaofe46ne ilesof equnlvietyitadmoa intet Pu sep. pr we teens nEresy nad n a n t iiseried son' nit1esnusenDETROIT AND C[LEV[LAND. loledo, Detroit asdMackinac Cleveland, P,1D~dD~rMSE,"H O, eAQET u-n-By 1-h, : st trr....s. oa.D UUtest, and Toledo. Csoto,,s ns s a r , eu., ft,.ism with "n'T AT~sto Pctursque sehi. an EariC~tTain.o, fr n oiriotsit::t,-i was H. h~n, tntndign-lsndliehs. ppro anmSsothwest, o.Ott is~atfoilo panos in O i C ai, 51.0., Suna rnip. cdlainas,t d . foritlsstratedtepll. "fen f1o1 atn c fttfs A . tsv.t 6. m ien ..MICH. 01 01111 fbevl88 1001h1011 nomosoa INTERCOL A COTRELL S& LEONARD[. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. V. maters of the CAS and GOWNS, 1o Universty of Michigan, U. of Chicago . of Milineota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. or Penn- syvna Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, rSLd ellesley, Bryn Mlawr, ec Class contracts a specialty. ADVERTISERS "The U. of M. Daily, "Its columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with r hoice of the bet advertising University new s.- mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 189. , 1898. READERS IWAR MAPS -OF-- Cuba, The World, WNest Indies. Just what you need to lecate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Is- lands, Porte RRico, Dry Tortugas Etc. The World on~one side, 2$21 inches; Cb, West Indies, on other side. Send llcfor sample sheet and terms to agens. Our men trn $111 to $35 weekly. RLAN, McNALL.Y & CO.. 166-174 Adams St., Chcago. The 'Varsity baseball men hove been Same grade as agents sell for $75. taking only light wsrk since the D. A. C. game. Their work the preceding We have no agents but sell direct week was hard, and it was thought a t h ie tmnfcue' rcs Sent for catalogue. rest would he of benefit. Captains But- ler is rounding to all right again, and ACME C YCLE CO., will be in his position in the remaining1 102 Maim St. Rlkharltad.