AMM6.4.1 F'RIDAY, JUNE 3, 1898 PRItCE-3 CENTP. VOL. VIII. No. 185. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,]I __ At Wild's* Spring selections just arrived from the fast.' Call and inspect our . Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN You Can't Afford To trust yeur prescription with unskilled drug clerks. All emplees of eur stere are graduates anid register- ed pharmacists. We guar- antee every' perscription sent nut from cur store to be correct. Geo. P. Wilder. Keep Cool... Gott Your [ CE CREAM1 SODA WATER, CRU*HES, P1HOS- PHIATES, FLOPS, and all Summer Beveragesat Fz. E. JOLLY & Co. 3108 South State Street. ' SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY 0OF VIRGOINIA. 29th Suamer. July 1toept.l1898. Have proved especially profitable to beginners; to candidates for admission to the bae; toeyounegpactitioners lackingsyteteatic intruction; asd te tlder prac- titioners deesieg to ctabine rceatietn with a reiwo l cetrpiaciptee. Forecattetegeesad- dres R.0. INSeetary, Chaetnttesvie. Va. #Athens = Theatre $These are some of the attrac- tions we have hooked for next year:$ $ Wilbur Opera Co. Eletrician. $Prisoner of Zenda. Under the Red Robe. tol Smith Russel$ Heart of Maryland.$ And many others equally as good.$ Senior Laws We have in stock a full set of the OFF FOR CHICAGO. University Track Team Left This Morning. The members of the 'Varsity trark !team took their tast prarctitee before the XW. 1. A. A. A. meet yesterday after- noon. The work was very tight. With the exreption of Teetzel alt are to goad condition. An otd sprain has hero troubtiog Teeteel for more than a wees, and baa seriously ioterfered with thi, traioiog. He has beets out for wcork the last two at, three days aul.y. The team left at 6:3 orlocke this nmorning over the T'. & A. A. and Wa- hash Rtaisways for Chicago. Alt wree feeling wvell and wore wchite felt hats wcith yelloanad blue bands. This is a new departure, and it is hoped wilt bring the desired good lucrk. The noon whoatcomposed the leanm and she erents in whirh they are entered fallow: 1tt yards dash-Westpheal and Thom- 220 yards hurdles-Thomas andi West- phal. 120 yards huerdles-MScLeant and Web- ster. 220 yards hurdles--MtLean attd Web- ster. f440 yards dash-Teetel and Thtomtt- 880 yards run-Hotch and Htayes. One mite run-Wouds. One mite walk-Tryun sod Brookfield. Bicycle rares-Tutrner, Baldwin and Spsrua t. Running bruad jump-McLean, Rus- sell and Runnels. Running high jump-Flournoy. Pete vault-Adams and Baker. Shot put-Caley. Discus throw-Caley. Rammer throwc-Caley. Trainer Rabethge end Manager i J. Williams, P. P. Wiley, T. P. Sarre, W. S. Farrant, Ralph H-oagland, . L. Btrown, A Paulmat; inspector, F. X. Getrould, S. H-. Bet, C. W. Ducs, Rlphe Treadwcay, T. 1E. Petit; referee of oycing, BI. . Raytond; clerkc cf course, I. J. Wagner; asistont, T. Mi-tati; scorer, J. F. Turril; assistans, W. E. NleCornack, J. R. Bradley, C. A.XKRiot- der, 0.MateVeg; jsdge of waltkitg, F.IW. XWetworth; marshat, C. Eoe; starter, Ed Smith. Pupis' Rectal Tonight. A puptis' recital cittlte plctiis evenngotog ott' clocn oF~rtee not at Basl. This to the first (tf t o oooonece- mntts cime, f cotcert. 'I're fctow- tg tpersons owt11 takle Prt: P.O i--s e Craw, Fists, Wensteto, Bassset; so, o.Mesrs. Sacks and Ethe. The prgrametfollow.,: o ala lloim~o........Schutan Mr. Sacks. Variaions tobrltteettee...Chopsa Mliss Craw. Spiemlied ... ..........(itoft Miss Fisk. Valse do Concert, op. 34 .Mloeei-vki Misc Weinstein. a Rtomatnze in F0........Schuomanc 1) Scherzo o I C..........Chsopin Mr. Etbel. Paratohrase oRigoets..... Liszt Miss Bassett. Stands By Maybury The Atateur Athletic Unin wilt stand by J. II. Maybry. tR. . Fish- tur, hirman of the rgistraton coo- mittee of that body, declared today that if the Westerns Interclegiate Associa- ton sustained the charges of profession- alism -against Wisconsin's sprinter te cnion wuld at oce declare himt an am- atesur in good standing. Mr. Fishbcrn wnt so far as to ay that in his opinion the trouble or Maybury and Cochens was the begin- ning of a death struggle betwveet the twos organiationso for supremacy nd the control of amtest athletcs.-Wis- consin Cardinal. Alumnae to Visit Ann Arbor. The Detroit branch of the Intercot- tegiate Alumnae Asociation will hold its ping meeting June 4 at the Uni- versity of Michigan by invitation of the University autmnae of Ann Arbor. The morning session will be devoted to bus- nes. In the afternoon thre will be an address by Prf. R. Ml. Wenley, in Tappan Ball, upon the "Ideal Curricu- lum for a Woman's College. There will be discussion afterwoards by prominent members of -the association. Tennis Tournament Begins. The preliminaries of the firt clas singles in the tnnua spring tourna- ment wilt betoplyed on the camotuso courts this afteroon. The list ot en- tries is unusualy a-ge and some very close contests are aticipetd. It is almost impossiblet to pis any winneor aoo the moo are quite eenly mttched, sand alt are eiualy coofident. Ripley otd tarsvey, 'who havecebeen rial for several seasons, woltagain otose earls other this afternoon. The other maches williLbe tolayeodbotween Mee antI Woo, WXarriser stoolDanforthil, antdtBensonos and Witer. The drawings resulted as folow Fis ls igles--Ripey v. IHarey, Ilec vs. Wood, NWa riner vs. Dancfortl, Besontvs. VWilier. tDobloes-Bye, RBlse snd Mle, IDan- for Lband I-torrickls s. Detnston a odWar- toot,;tys, IDemoet and Picher and Hasrey sod XWilter. Second class snges-Jernegen vs. Hartman, Crafts c. Cement, Moses vs. Barry, Nsh c. Wherry, IBeso vs. Campell, Pitcher vs. EersmatntCols- idge c. S. Jahn, Lot c. Wariner. Mhanager Stein has sesred a large nuomber of attractive pizes, whticilcit be displayed too Sheehan's windtow. Last Concert of the Series. The last faculty concert of the year was given at night at the School of AMusic The concert wa sootewohat out ot the ordinary, two pianos playing in concert for the first time this year. All the soloists wre up to their best, AMiso Bailey's number three being monst ap- preciated. The toian roncert duet by Prof. Jonas and Elsa on Grae sas exceedingly welt play ed. The progranm follows: Ronoed op. 73 for twoe pianos.. F. Chopin Elsa von Grave and Aberto Jonas. a Aes denon Atohn liessr oeine Lieder............Franz Itoe. to et Neugierige .......Schubert cWell ibch wientmas Alin.... ...........P. Tschaikoswky Alice . ailey. Maorks ..... .......Zarzyci Berman A. Zeita. Fantasie op. 11 for tw pianos..... ................Max Brch Elsa von Grave and Albrt Jonas. Oracle Board Organizes. The Freshman Oracle bard mset yes- terday afternoon and effected an organ- zatio for the reiing year. Mr. F. E. Nash, of Pasadena, Ca., was elctd managing editor. and Arvid C. Bras- ted, of Ishpeming, busioesemnger. National Reporters Breakfast wac served the men on the with Digests train, They wilt orrive in Chicago in ythe time for lunch, and will matte the Chi- Also American Annual cago Beach Motel headquarters. Digests. The meet witl be held tomorrow after- noon at the Parkside track. The list We are agents for these works of officials appointed by the Graduate and our SPECIAL PRICES on them to, STUDENTS cannot ,help Executive Committee in as followo: but interest you. Cgall and see sofre, F. W. Wentworth; judges of them, finish, J. H. Patrick, C. A. Themne, C. P. Root, W. Liginger, J. MacLachlan, W AHR'S BOOK STORE ft. J. Byrnes; timers, C. C. Hughes, Up Tows Dews Tewn Julian Bliss, N. B. Van Sieklen, 0. R. S. State et. Oppoatte flou sseBrtB.M ea;lt SAnArbor Maini t st. jBret .M a;fed judges, Get.