THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a half dozen or morerstudents aday piIdt * that a nure eis requoired. She eould Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OmFige: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone (New Statet 189. U.V(4GIN EDITOR .F, TtMsA,'00 L. BUSINESS IAN"AElt O. 1. HA, '00 L EDITORS E ,B. Siutems,'98 , Athletics, 1., L Gxdsasaii,' l3 G. D. IUDNUTT, '00 T. R. Wonnow, '9 F. EaELnARD, 'IS. F. D. EAMAN,'00 , S. DANFORTH,'98 P. W. JoxEs, '99. C. 1. LUND, '00 M. A. it. MCDOUOALL, '01 E. The subscription price of the Daily is 52.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noan each day. Notices, cmmaxca- tosand othermatter itededor publica- tion must be handed inaat the Daily ofice be- fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p, m., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Sbscripiana may ha left at The Daily Olce, lMeyer's or Stllet's Newstand, or with business Mdanager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this oface aen failure of carriers to deliver paper For a Trained Nurse. The following plea for a trained nurse for University students has been handed the Daily for publication: Why should the University have a nurse? What would she do? Where would she have her headquarters? Ho o many patients could she care for in a day? Would she not interfer with the employment of other nurses who de- pend upon the student population for patronage? These and other questions have been asked and answered many times since the announcement of a lawn party to be held on Saturday next in the inter- ests of this cause. In order to make these points clear 1n the public the following statement is made. Students, like other people, are subject to short, sharp attacks of illness; while these la.t the suffering and sense of need are as great if not greater than during nore prolonged and serious illnesses. They are away from home and its comforts, both of which are missed most at such times. They are dependent upon room-mate and boarding mistress for attention; both may be inexperienced, and certainly are too busy to assume such responsi- bility and care. The illness is likely to be too short to make it worth while to hunt up and install a nurse, and the attack is often' too familiar to make " the services of doctor necessary. They do not even need a nurse in constant attendance. A nurse trained to such service would in an hour put things straight, take the responsibilty off the shoulders of the busy room-mate and relieve the woaried householder, bur- dened with her load of cares. Another hour of attendance toward evening would be sufficient to arrange things or the night. It is to do just such work as this for not work nights except in important cases of emergency. She would have her headquarters at the Barbour gym- nasium, when the janitress n-ould re- cord telephone and other calls for her in her absence. A middle-aged, motherly woman 'would be employed (we should hope to find such among the graduates of the University school), who could care for the boys as well as the girls of tse University. In the past nurses have not often been employed for thesec ases, and they are 'ot likely to be in the future, hence the employment of a "student visiting nurse" cannot interfere with the de- mand for trained nurses to attend pa- tients suffering from serious and pro- longed illnesses. Can we raise the $300 necessary to pay the salary of a nurse for six months? This is a question which can only be answered by the faculty, the students themselves and the people of Ann Arbor and vicinity interested in this matter. By the great courtesy and benevo- lence of Prof. and Mrs. Russell, their beautiful grounds will be opened for an entertainment on Saturday after- noon next. Music and refreshments have been arranged for, and there willi be opportunity for a great good time. If the aveather is unsuitable for an out-of-door fete, it will be held in the University gymnasium and an hour or so of dancing will make up for the loss thus sustained. Please come in large numbers. Buy your admission and refreshment tickets beforehand if you can and so make it possible to raise this three hndred dol- lars. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS Sendto SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 23, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on all work of this kind. $34.50 Acme Bicycles! '98 IODELS--HIGiI GRADE. Same grade ai$ agents sell for $75. -We-i&v'.n agnts but selldiret to the rger at manufacturer's prices. Sent for catalogue. ACME CYCLE CO., 102 Main St. Elhart Ind. FOR STYLE, COMFORT AND ECONOMY, WEAR J. T. Jacobs &Son's POPULAR RUSSET SHOES AT POPULAR PRICS. SEE OUR $3.50 SHOES. 121 SOUTH MAIN kTREET. .FINE TAILORING. Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be appreciated andjpronounced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one pattert. of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street for iliicmrlr r' .Illse --" . O Dtake thele& UIt' ''i/ t.... . NEW STEEL. The Greaiest Pefee- PASSENGER Se tataiodxi PSEMER Ba Cntucin STEAMERS,_ _ Luxurious . Equip. SPEED,, ment. artistic Fur, COMFORT - nishing,Decoratioa AND SAFETY andElficientSer'.oe To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No other Line offers a Panorama of 464miles of equal variety and interest Foear trips per week Between Every Day and Day and g, t erviOee. tween lledo, etrDitand ackic i ODIT AND VLAN Tnido Dtrit ndMakiacCleveland, rare, S$1 .50 CthrsO, a a. PEToSKEY, "cTE sOO." MARQUETTE Put- In - Bay Earths, . e., $1. tatero ., . A NDULUTH. and Toledo Conneoee nsare madetcievian with La T T teso.nEarliestinisi for.all.nts a.ti so;011ta to ,Costfr oCv ,, $1i5;froamioe SsN s h and . o, Ort. , 04; fro Detroit, $I.. sunday rips Jme .,ir, Agust, Send 2c. for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCAs'Tz, . P. aosTOIT. MICH. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OP ACADEMIC COSTUMI, SCOTRELL & LEONARD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the CAPS and GOwNS, t UniversIty of Michigan, U. of Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn- sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. Class contracts a specialty. ADVERTISERS "'The U. of M. Daily, "Its columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with choice of the best advertising Univers ity news."- mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 1898. 8, 1898. READEE RS - WAR MAPSW -OF-- Cuba, The Wor'd, West In~dies. Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas Etc. The World onione side, 28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side. Send 15c:for sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RAND, McNALLY & CO., 166.-174 Adam. St., Chicago,