THE UNIVEI ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. their best efforts. Every other college * entered will send delegations. The fare -..quoted is half the regular rate, and it Our "Ads " Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OricE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone (New S-ate 19. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TnMsR'i L. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. H. HANs,'00 L. EDITORS B, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GEIsMER, '9S L G. D. iUDNUTT, '00 T. R. Woouow, '98 F. ENcELARD, '98. F. D. EAMAN, '00 R. S. DANFORTH, 9 P. W. JONes, '99. C. H. LND, '00 M. A. i. MCDOUALL, '01 E. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery b efore noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- toe 08p. in., or mailed to the editor before3 p. i., of the day previous to that n which they are expected to apear. ubscriptlons may be left at The Daily Olice, AIeyer's or Stolet's Newstand, or with Business Mianager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper. Baseball has not been very well sup- ported at Michigan this year, but the student public is to be offered an op- portunity this afternoon to make a practical apology. The faculty game will be an exhibition well deserving of the patronage of every student. The proceeds are to be devoted to fitting up the trophy room that '98 failed to furnish. An opportunity is here offered e ery deserving student to obtain his credits gratis. And as the ladies are not to be admitted free doubtless a large percentage of our co-eds will be present. The regular excursion will be run to Detroit June 11, the date of the conclud- ing baseball game and dual track games between Chicags and Michigan. The fare, including admission to the games, is placed at $1.50. Reserved seats will be on sale on and after Monday morn- ing, June 6, at Wright, Kay & Co.'s in Detroit, and Sheehan's in Ann Ar- bor. Prices-Covered bleachers, 25 ts.; grand stand, 50 ets.; carriages, 50 cts . for single rig, $1.00 for double rig and $5.00 for tally-ho If thirty or more rooters can be in- duced to accompany the track team to the Western Intercollegiate meet to be held at Chicago next Saturday, a special rate of $7.50 for the round trip will be given, If less than thirty go the rate will be $10.00. The team will leave Fri- day morning at 7:30 o'clock and will re- turn arriving in Ann Arbor at 8:00 o'clock Sunday morning. Special rates will be given to all accompanying the team at the Chicago Beach Hotel. Michigan's chances for winning the meet were never better, and the support of a body of rooters will do much to- ward urging the men on the team to is hoped will be taken advantage of by as many as can possibly do so. Military Drill at Other Colleges. The war spirit manifest at Michigan has its counterpart in nearly every col- lege and university in the country. The few instances cited here are but ex- amples, similar things being true of the others. At Harvard, athletics, debating, lec- tures and even courses of instruction have been neglected to quite an extent by the students, so great is their inter- est in war affairs. It is reported that over half the men in the university have offered their services to their country in some form or other. Among other ideas, the formation of an rish- American company, consisting entirely of Irish students, is talked of. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The annual spring tournament will commence on Friday of this week and continue through until June 9th. Prizes will be given to winners of first and second places in both classes in singles and in the doubles. Everyone must have their entry in on or before June 2. Both classes of singles are open to everyone who has never taken an prize in any of the 'Varsity tournaments. S. A. STEIN, Tennis Mngr. 503 E. Liberty st. NOTICE. The last faculty concert of the sea son will be given in Frieze Memorial Hall on Thursday, June 2, 1898, at 5:00 p. m. Reward and no questions asked of the person who took a grip containing track suits and walking shoes from grand stand at the athletic field after the Beloit game if he will return the same to 925 N. University ave. The shoes are needed at once and cannot be re- placed. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS Sendto SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designsandestimatesfurnishedon all work of thin kind. $34.50 Acme Bicycles! '98 flODELS-HIGI GRADE. Same grade as agents sell for $75. We have no agents but sell direct to the rider at manufacturer's prices. Sent for catalogue. ACME CYCLE CO., 102 Main St. Elkhart Ind. Our 'ad" do not sell our good clothes-it is the fit, finish or price that stand behind the "ad"-that does the business at - 4- for ®Sl.immer , lse - The Greates Perfec- NEW STEEL tionyetattained in PASSENGER Sdlf~~i~l Boat Construction: STEAMERS LnLuxurious . Equip. SPEED, mnet., Artistic Fur COMFORT . " nishhng,coratio AND SAFETY andElcientSerice To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No other Line offers a Panorama of 460 miles o equal variety and interest. F-erteips per Weekisets. Every D iy and Day and Night serietien roldoDetoitnd iacilic HigtRtB~eiis IW~TOTAND cG1[Y[ ANDI dD tandMacia Cleveland, ri,,$1. nrr PEToSKY, "TOE sOO," eARUETTE Put-in - Bay Ciths,,ia., 1iadtrrer .i, " Dtis TE Lt U .a ndT o le d o.k nC o n i e , se x nret uplcni,.eOe i h LOW UTESto Patnrgne11a4 n..andEriestTrain, ior l proesia , oama tahr ilud iinMt5 teriandr,esesptum rns nuSuhest ni daitOnieitnCirailpecran mateCisi from liesanr, Si ; from Toledo, shnday Trie s ure , ly, aut. si, 74; rome rliii, $12.50. ReptemUer and eato r Only. Send c. for Ilinstraled Pamphlet. Address p0 ' . A. SONA TCisoa o. . e suyoT, " Do UD6iM l ueoolU Ul uu oil UaUoU INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, COTRELL & LEONARD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the cAPs and GOWNS, to University of Michigan, U. a Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn- sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Welesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. Class contracts a speciaity, ADVERTISERS "The U. of M. Daily, "Its columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with choice of the best advertising University news.'- mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 1898. 8, 1898. READERS -AWA R MAPSW -OF- Cuba, The World, West Indies. Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas, Etc. The World onone side, 28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side. Send 15cfor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to $35 weekly. RAND, McNALLY & CO.. 166 174 Adam St., Clicago