THE UNIVER6ITY OF MIICHIGAN, DAILY, 4, the end of the semaster, the attend- FOR STYLE, COMFORT AND 4 4 , ; '* anee has decreased somewhaa, so th, C ON MY W A mnajor tes posted tordierstto htttddrill P ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) durlng only thr e nightn a wtek, litaday, the Cot] ego year,-,tt THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. DOpEme~: Times huiding, 324 S. Main Telephoxe (New S ate) l8it. M1ANAGING EI~TORt J. F. T1naxa. 'at L. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. 11. Dana, 'at L. EDITORS 1i,13i. SxLLaTA,a'a.atL., Athletics. St. E. L. Geestco. 'lii L G. D. IItmN ITT, 't0 T. iR. WnetatiW.'tt Ft, ENnEeHAan,'98. aF. D. EAANas.'SO R. S. DA,-tltatH, 'at P. W. Janets, 'i9. G. I1. LUNe, 'Oh l. A. lt. MceDOUGAtLL, 'at iE. °The suhscription price of the Dtaily is S2.50 f or the cottcege ycar, with a regutar delivery bofore noox eacah dtay. Notices. communica- ttees, and other matter intenaded for pubhica- tion mast he haeded to at the laity officeehe- lace S e. in., oc matted to the editoc before3 p. in., of the lay previous to that ox wshich they areenxpected to appear. Suhscoiptitons may he teft at The Daily Office, Meyco's 00 Sittilet's Nemstand, 00 witha Bustitess Madagoer. Suheribteos wittcons- fer a favorc by repoetasg promptily tat tis office anv faitare ofl carriers to detiser ptero. U. of M. FRiflos. Last niglat Ctimpiaany A, 17. 'it At. Iiitet, laad their cusatianary trill as aw'll at a gnn drill in the arnmory. The tarn ae fat heriomitag ptrofeient unader armsa tfit the time wh'tich laa heen allitated to this dtrill. Net all thae men can he pet throuagh alht manal itt arms at the stme time an the number it cities in thte armary is insuftiient. The censptny hseiang recri'ated very rapuidly up ao the limit. Sunday maornting at rcimpany will escart the C. A. Rt. Veterans tn ehurech. alnday at 1a a. m. the crtnany, an- gether with thec Veterans. marchtaoI the cemtetery, whaere the usala memtira~i ceremanies wtilt take plaee. At 5:30 p. an. at the name day guard mount wilt take plate tin the campus. The rant- pany, as tin inaspectian tat Wednesay eveninag. stilt appeor in white duc'h trousoers. There is math tlt amoing thatstrittus mats in the cemanay abount gultng tit thae tract. Many an entering had tat idea at goining aythaitng turthcr thean pterhaps a partial knawledge af military toetics, hat naiw nn ateatant of tiae e'ff- cient ntanagemnent end enthasiasasn dis- toayed there were sery teat tisasenting voicees when asked hy Capt. Megitey last maty would go. The swhatle eompany is ran lempttltiag tis step, end partly maaeh morse cat- thnusiasm will he diosplaye'd a sttatn as it is tattana out that 11a m pana' will remain intact. U. at M. Battalion. The U. ofM. Dbattaliata Petittliotl drill an the gyamnasium camtsae last night. The new company at enginaer which haa heen farmed tatak tiartanetd stas ed canoiderahle impravemnent tsar their lost appearanee. Owing tat the an- creooe of wark whith always comes a.t We neday and aFrida.. The flst talt et thethurae ater lag siltlitaliteittiiiicomapny drtl. the lattetr :al betg iteotedt at ntttiotit it11 iloar daestarte foratait. Aa inapetions irilt is sedinhnahnaitaalehtu pribahbly ibt held son.t Thaereis rconidere t'tlt aong i- taret maemberasatatthe cmatinisabut a atlisitag.oat ispasntsihle tht,tIitrut- Many silt e orded rantthe tattaliaa aslwhichstll g tt the raalt in Iady.1 Ifth wh'sar reatinesa tittheeo itt tachoaol it is almost terain ta'i suits at atv wesiltte made. Captlain Cx, oatC('antay 1, as. teat obigetio sresign,bhiattg suaddny tatled littne, and Fira Lietenat tanaslinbeen asigaeditoasthe aat posaitin. The aal'ctaitt the nnet- s aissiatnd oficter itthatetmirein t wasichthtey havent yeateatselected sill taint ile in a ew' days. IF YOU WANT TiE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY BADGES OR PINS edto SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, It, 2d41'Woodrd Ase..tDetiot. Desgns adestatestuatshed oc lisnak at thistakhnd SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY 01F VIRGINIA. m9ts Iumme. Jl Hitecpooed opeetaticpoitahle to egiecc; oilixcddte. oo admisin to the ba;.to oag pactitioes acekicg systemti isrctonttxl ccto nlde coae- titioos dsiing ta cobiee cetin witia redifleaetcoc coaicepes Ioattoga ad dooss B.C MINORooetocy, Catloitteal,a #Athens = Theatre $These are name of the atrac tions we have booked for next year:I Wilbur Opera Co. Eletrician. Prisoner of Zenda. $Under the Red Robe. Stol Smith Russel $ Heart of Maryland. $ And many others equally an good$ $34.50 Acmue Bicycles! '958l[IODELS-H1Iti IGRADE. Same grade as agents sell for $75. We have no agents but sell direct to the rider at mnufacturer'n price. Sent for catalogue. ACME CYCLE CO., 10$1ai alaSt. EItkhart lnd. POPULAR RUSSET SHOES AT POPULAR PRICS. noac iotsh $3.50 s orits. 'dl,? SOUTH AMAIN STREET. ...FINE TAILOI NG.. Oar line of Spring Woolenn is naw complete, embracing xaltoe swell- ant aid most exclusive noveltien. Our garmsentn wherever neeu will be appreciated and~pronouncedbhy criticn an ntrictly correct. We renpectfully inavite your inquiry. Wa do only a fine trade. We carry but oaae pattern of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCIIFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huronl Street for z4 Sumr Cruise . BLIW lIThe L ctleal fetlec- PAIEN Gs"ER 'ti~. hetl aitiinetdin .aTEAMEFRS, .^es LuxcrousoxEqaip. PEtED, ,eQ"' mcct.ltisidourh ao CIOMFORT 'ni-.Zs i' hingl,0att.ta liND SAFETY sxdhfilenatSartaat To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago Naoetther tineeoffes aPantorama of 060 cites ofeulaettyand aOinterest, ppe~,Dtot iuMcia ap calgltexcaxDETROIT A~ri) ,C[rV AND ii,'l Dtrot ill MckiacCleveland, DTRTtc 504, $ tOO rt,' fn{v~d PraaOStata, "TILE Fste" cxfABqtETTttii Put - in -Bay Bheths, tat., $.Statro,.l.a ANDDUXT. end Toledo. Cnt o rs at ade at E e., la. nd oath hat o t ftr".om fltta'ttd, t$U;frToedat oa, nrhat.o a t, ,a, ' aet i'tfota ettait, $It.O. Sundaetrpnetaooo t juost o p. ((. t iio{az .p. l. } l Dutoil Gfl .bc1uuu nd o ber hOullybiPSIWHO INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, - CTR LW1W 8& LEWONAIRD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Maheos ef the CAand GOWNS, to tUaiversity lftMichigtan, U. of Chicago, U. of Minnesotx, Cernell, Lehigh, U. of Pena- sylsania, Harvard, Yale, Pricceton, Colaumhian, Williams, "irvellesley, Iloyc t Mr, etc. Clxxx contracts x specialty. AD)VERTISERS "'The U. of M. Daily, tilts columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with choice of thse bent advertising University news."- mediums in Ann Arbor" Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 1, 1898. 8, 1858. Cuba~, The Wo'~ est Indies. Just whaat you need to locate Key 'Went, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas; Etc. The 'Wfrld onone side, 28x21 inches; Cnba, West Indies. on other side. Send 15cfor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $10 to, $35 weekly. RA..ND, McNALLY &rCO. 166-174 Adams St., Chicago.