THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL. Novelties in Spring Clothes YOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $6; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca coats $2.00 and $1.50. MACK & COMPANY. This is.... Mandolin Week Prices mean nothing unless you see them- we dont talk; the goods and labels do that. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR me Table, Sutnday, Sept, 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Tiee. NORTH . OUTH. 8:43 a. m. *7:3 a. *12:15 p. mn. 11:25 a, ms. 4:46 p.m. 8:40 p.m. *Rue between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E.S. GILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. IGHIGAN (EJTlfAL The iagara Falls Route." Taking Effect April 17. 1898. Central beandard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. P.E s A. M Mail and Ex.......3 47 B, N. Y, Chil.... 8 12 N.Y. Special.__4 18 Maill.------- 18 Eastern Ex.....-- 45 Pacifc Ex-.51 *N. S. Lmited .... 8 10 P.M. A M. Western Ex. 138 D N. Express....5 50 G.R.& K.x... 15 5 Atlantic Es...7 0 Ohi. Nt. Exi.5-- 47 G. R. Express ..11 10 *North Shore Limited is an extra fare train and there is a charge of $2.50 to New York more than on other trains. 0. W. RooGES, -r H. W. HAvEs, G. P. & T.Ag. hlcago. Agt.. Ann Arbor KI.NDERGARTEN, 1 t STEINS! Call and See Us, nit_____ A whole window full. RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOBRAPHER LEADING Telephone a0. ANN ARBOR HOLMES' LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. Phone 106 BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. BIG REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF For a few days AA D own' Dr g St reCor Stain and Heron At Brown's Drug Store, Streets. I need the room for other purposes and will guarantee to save you money if you want a wheel. FULLER & BERANEK TAAILORS Cleaning, Pressing nod Repairing. Work called for and delivered 312 S. STATE ST.. over Rosey's. Phone No. 24, New State. 0. M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, clob dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence,1710 Geddes ave. P. S. - Will tate pupils -on Piano and is eight reading at above named Places. A. J .Johnston. U. of M. Shaving Parlors andBati Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Old friends rall again. We welcome new ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Lowney's Chocolates -oGO TO W. W.TUTTLE'S, Wi- ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. T 4NDE iS TO RENT. M- STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM One door east of American House. Both Phones, No.8. f5eP) I PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF A TENNIS NOTICE- PROVERB, All entries for the annual spring ten- Whether on business or pleasure beet, I nis tournament must be in by June 2. or sport claims you as one of it votaries, The events of the tournament will be the New York Central affords all, and first and second class singles and firt more than all, the best. In road-bed, class doubles. in safety of mechanical conitrivances, S. A. STEIN, Tennis Mngr., in the elegance and comfort of its 503 E. Liberty st. coaches, in the creature comforts of its NOt'ICE. dining and sleeping cars, it is unsur- We want to employ a few young men passed and unsurpassable. Its manage- of ability and good address who- are ment is modest in claiming that "the make. money., Our men are rumble of the Empire State Express is making from $8 to $12 per day. Perman- heard around the world." They might, ent position to right party. D. Apple- ton & Co., 243 Wabash ave., Chicago, with JustificAtion, have claimed that its ill. G. H. Love, Manager. 200 praises are so heard. A journey in this, the fastest regular train in the world, To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S RUB- is marked as a red-letter day in the BER CEMENT. Beware ! ! ! Don't THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING YALLEY Is the only line cromV Station to Columbus an using Union depot tern bus and runs four fa daily between the poin them In the un-precede ous. Parlor cars on d cents; Students desiring une are invited to use the Hi nan obtain full particul to local ticket agents. E. R. D Dist. Pagss. A W. H. FISHER, G. P. OHIO tIEINTR. take a suostitute. _ memory of the oldest traveler; and int THE1I5400557 MANUFACTURROF Aor THLeTtE AND TLER RAILWAY many a book of reminiscences the New TEACHERS WANTED FOR NEXT AND Es T SUPLIES ASD UIFOsS he Toledo Union York Central has received the recogni- Physics and Chei try A(Nan) for 711 W d points bsyond, adChmsty (mnoor GfSAtIG & BROS. ninals at Colum- tion that is its due. No traveler, be he Mich. H. S., $800. st express trainsT"TheName the uarantee." ts named, two of native born or foreign, who has passed Three 0. S. Prins., $1,000, $1,200, Official Outfitters to the Leading CohleeAth- sted tim, o tree2 over this greatest of $A2ercan rail- H-.S. Assistant letic Club and SchoolTeams of theU.S. ay trains, sas2 mrcnri- 2.5 sltu (woman) English, Every Requisite for Base Ba&l, s on night trains, roads but who is willing to give it un- $600. Ehety qB qoaled facilities Girls' Coil. Prep. Sch., Latin and AthletnC Sports and Pastimes. s cey Route and stinted meed of praise; indeed, few Greek, $450 and home. The Spalding Official League Ball wait for inspiration to do so. Safe We have very many other vacancies Adopted by National, Minor, College and 'O bind, safe find,' is a proverb that, in and are getting them every day. Al- School Leagues. iAVIDSON, railroad matters, its management has bert & Clark Teachers' Agency, Pull- Base Ball Uniforms, Bats, Gloves gent, Toledo; or studied well- and .applied practically. man Bldg., Chicago. The oldest and hits, Chest Protectors, Shoe,'Etc, and T. A. The public records attest it.-Outing. largest in the West. Thirteenth year. TE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES Columbo, Ohio. THESP IDINC BLUE RACER (Chain) D15s r TE; SPALDINGI ROADWiIEEL ,) MODELS,5 univ rs t cho ' 6 of anc-n'V seud forlluostrated Cataloguenof all Uiiiversity School of D~ancn RRruesda e- A191 Athletic Sports, STAEESTREET, OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING. A. B. SPALDIN6 & BROS., Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every aturday Eveniia . New York - Chicago LINE TO Private Lessons byappointment. - Office, 427 Thomipson st. Columbus "War Songs"! Coon Songs! Narietta. ENOCH DIETERLE, .- Sousa's Marches"! Athens ErIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Middleport Cahls Attended Day or Night. * LrMu mi , and other N W. Va. - So. 161 East Liberty Street: Residence, 53 Finest assortment of Guitars and South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. h Ur* Mandolins, Strings and Trim-