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May 25, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-25

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Published Daily (Sunday,- excepted) during
the College year, at
Orr'on: Times building, 329 S. Main St.
Telephone (New State) 189.
J. F. THOMAS, '0oIL.
. H. HANS, 'tO L.
H, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletis.
E. L. GEsmEn, '93 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00
T. R. Woonnow,'98 F. ENGELHAND,'98.
F. D. EAMAN, '00 RS. DANsORTH, '9
P. W. JONES, '1. , H. LUND,'00 M.
The subscription price of the Daily is 2.50
fer the college year, with a regolar delivery
before noon each day. Notices, comnica-
tions, and other matter intended for publica-
tion must be handed in at the Daily office be-
fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3
p. mo., of the day previous to that on which
they are expected to appear.
Subscriptions may be left at The Daily
Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or
with Business Mlanager. Suboribers will con-
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this
office ann faiure of carriers to deliver paper.
The Faclity Bal Game.
Undoubtedly the athletic and social
event of the season will take place
next Wednesday, June 1st, at 4:10 p. m.,
on the grounds of the Athletic Asocia-
tion. Even the war is abandoned as a
topic of conversation when the faculty
game is mentioned. For the past two
years this contest has afforded great
enjoyment to the spectator. This year
the two contesting teams, namely, the
University faculty team versus the
High School faculty enforced by the
Board of education, have consented to
devote half the proceeds to the athletic
trophy room and the other half to the
High School association. It has long
been the desire of the Athletic AssocIa-
tion to furnish a trophy room in the
gymnasium. Every Eastern college has
a trophy room where the records. pic-
tures of its teams, banners, medals,
cups, etc., are kept. The proceeds from
the game on June 1st will contribute
materially to the accomplishment of the
Athletic Association's desires. The ad-
mission fee will only be 25 cents, a
ridiculously small figure for the amuse-
ment surely to be derived. At first it
was thought best to admit ladies free,
but their own objections to that plan
were sufficient to overrule the commit-
tee's decision. They felt that this game
iould afford them an opportunity to
disprove the charge so often made
against them, to the effect that they
were not loyal to college spirit; especial-
ly the senior girls, who were instru-
mental in the defeat of a trophy room
memorial, will accept this chance tos
show that they are willing to c ntribute
to' a trophy room when the plan is so
reasonable as the above. No assur-
afnces of an enjoyable ocasion need be
madn toth sewho Witnessed the game

is as worthy as the exhibition is excel-
lent. Thee ommittee is enabled to an-
nounce that Prof. Trueblood and Prof.
Springer are the respective managers
of the 'Varsity Faculty team and the
High School team.
Wednesday, May 25-Annual 'Varsity
Field and Track Meet, 4:10 p. m.,
Regents Field.
Thursday, May 26-Michigan vs. Be-
loit, 4:10 p. m., Regents Field.
Friday and Saturday, May 27 and 28-
Michigan Inter-Scholastic Association
Annual Field and Track Meet and
baseball games, Regents Field; ten-
nis tournament, faculty courts.
Wednesday, June 1-Faculty baseball
game, 4:10 p. m., Regents Field.
Thursday, May 26-Gladstone Memorial
Services, 8 p. m., University Hall, un-
der auspices of Oratorical Association.
Saturday, May 28-Barbour Gymnasi-
um, entertainment and dance by
Fru t and Flower Mission for benefit
of Nurses' Home fund.
Saturday, June 4-Lawn Fete by Wo-
man's League at Prof. B. A. Hins-
dale's residence, 1414 Washtenaw ave.
The Students' Christian Asociation of-
fers a scholarship in Sociology, consist-
ing of a ten weeks' residence at Chi-
cago during the summer vacation with
work and reading under the direction
of Prof. Graham Taylor. Any student
in the University who will return to
college next year is eligible. Applica-
tions containing personal details in re-
gard to preparation, to appreciate this
oprcrtunity, should be sent at once to
Prof. F. M. Taylor, 527 Church st. No
applications received after June 10.
A faculty concert will be given in
Frieze Memorial Hall on Thursday,
May 26, at 8 o'clock.
GOOD BOATING up the river. Boats
to rent day and evenings at U. of 1G.
boat house, foot of N. Main st. tf
237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit.
Designs and estimates furnished on alliwork
of this kind.
Y Athens = Theatre
These are some of'the attrac-
] Lions we have booked for next
Wilbur Opera Co.
Prisoner of Zenda.
Under the Red Robe.
Eb1 Smith Russel.
Heart of Maryland.
And many others equally as

Or "Ads"
Our ads" do not sell our
good clothes-it is the fit,
finish or price that stand
1belild the tad"-that does
the business at
'or a SummerCus j tln t gL~~
.take the UUoast ili1 a Wto uuuuuts
NEW STEEL. The Greatest Perfec-
PASSENGERSein yet attained n
STEAE SBoat Construction
STEAMERS. -Luxurious , Equip.
SPEED, mnent. Artistic Fur-
COMFORT . s , nishng,Dccoratio,
AND SAFETY andEffictntService
To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicag
No other Line offer a Panorama of 40 miles of equal variety and interest.
oarTlpper whNokBetween Zve sy ands Sysand ight serIe Btwe
ToledoDttroitandlakina C~gtad' DETROIT AND CLV AND
Toldo I~T~t nd I3I(I~a Cevlan, ,rie, .5 1 shmuom
PETOSKEY, "nTHE S,"AnqtETTE Put-in-Bay esr., 5,., pL t sasersSlr iS.
AsD nasnn. and Toledo. Ussetissares ndeisilsnland wh
17 ITEa tsisPiesssses.MektsmmsandInli ute Ino eali pits lst ,,anh-
aEsis, in sis and e rtno neas,. ayeess- ndoshiss, nadetroitoril posan
$1s; ros etro, 5. 5S. n i5yh S a psn ,,Jas ag t,
Send ct for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address l.ejajpJ sepensnd saeilyO
-. A. S sAnTz. Oe. na. O" rnuiT. IS.H.
472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
Makers of the CAPS and GOWN, to University of Michigan,
U. of Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Oornel, Lehigh, U. of Penn-
sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, williams,
.? f Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc.-
Class contracts a specialty.
iThe U. of 11. Daily, "Its columns are al-
which, by the way, is one ways filled with choice
of the best advertising University news."--
mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening
-Detroit Tribune. April Times 'Editorial, April
3, 1898. 8, 1898.
Cuba, The Wor'ld, "west Indies&'
Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is-
lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas, Etc.
The World onone sid, 28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side.
Send 15cifor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to-

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