At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our....,
Suitings, Trouserings,
Palmer's Pharmacy
.IS NOW---
Wilder's Pharmacy
The store is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and
the stock is being sorted
and increased. Precsrip-
tions a specialty.
Geo. P. Wilder.
Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and
Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line
in the city.
Lunches at all hours.
R. E. JOL LY & CO.
308 South State Street.
What Is Vacation
Without a KODA K
Next fall you will wish you
had had one. Five or ten
dollars invested now means
plenty of stisfaction next
fall. Better get it in time
to learn how before you
start, too.
Kalamazoo Defeated In An Easy
Practice Game.
The 'Varsity won an easy practice
game from Kalamazoo Coliege yester-
day afternoon by a score of 8 to 1. Kal-
amazoo was strengthened by Sargeant,
Olivet's pitcher, and at time played
good ball, but Lehr at all times held
them safe, allowing only one hit. The
'Varsity pounded out eight hits and
gave Lehr good siport, The feature
of the game, outside of Lehr's splendid
work, was McGinnis' batting, he get-
ting a single, a double and a four-bag-
ger in four times at bat. Gilbert was
enable to play, and his place was taken
by Hicks, who accepted his only chance.
Matteson again played right field, But-
ler still being laid up.
The summary:
A B. R. H. O. A. E.
Cooley, 2b..,....... 4 1 2 2 2 0
Matteson, rf ...... 4 t 0 0 0 0
McGinnis, no..,,,,,, 4 2 3 0 500
Wolf, 3b., ......., 4 2 0 1 0 2
Thompson, c. ....... 4 1 2 8 1 0
Hicksass. ......... 4 0 0 1 0 0
Condon, lb.......... 4 1 0 13 0 1
Davies,lf.........-4 0 0 2 0 1
Lehr, p........... 3 0 1 0 10 0
Totals ............35 8 8 27 13 4
A.B. R. H .0. A.
Stripp, c. ........... 4'00 54 t 5
De Waters, rf.,,... 3 1 0 2 0 10
Waterbury, 3b .. .. 4 0 0 2 3 1
Sergeantp......... 4 0 0 0 4 1
O'Brien, 2b ....... 3 0 '0 3 1 0
Smith,m.in ...... 2 0 1 1 0 2
Rot, If.., ...,.. 320 502 02
Hoag, lb. ,.......,.. 5 0 9 -0
Calhoun, as.,... 3 0 0 1 0
Totals ...........29 1 1 24 9 7
Innings- 123456789
Michigan .......,:1 013 000 3*- 8
Kalamazoo ,........1 000 0.-l
Three-base hit-McGinnis. Two-bate
hits-McGinnis, Cooley. Stolen bases-
Cooley (2), McGinnis (2), Thompson.
Condon, Davies Double play-Water,
bury to Hoag. Bases on balle--Off Lehr
1. Struck out-By Lehr, Stripp (2),
Waterbury, O'Brien (3), Root, Calhoun;
by Sergeant, Cooley, McGinnis, Hicks.
Passed balls-Thampson, Stripp. U&m-
pire-Heard. Time of game, 1:35
Michigan'saexoame will be with Be-
Championship Prospects.
Because of the variance in the num-
ber of games to be played between the
teams comprising the Western Inter-
collegiate League, and the doubt as to
which of these games count in figuring
the percentages, the standings of the
teams are in doubt. As is known, Mich-
igan plays five games in all with Chi-
cago and three each with Northwestern
and Illinois, while Chicago plays four
with Illinois, with the privilege of the
fifth in case of a tie. Northwestern
plays three games with each of the oth-
er teams. If all of these games are to
be counted there is a manifest unfair-
ness, as Michigan and Chicago play
more games than do I1 n(is and North-
western. Unless certain If the extra
games are thrown out, the nly way to
determine supremacy is by using the
winning of the series as a basis. Illi-
nois has won her series with =Michigan
and Northwestern, Chicago has won
from Northwestern, as has also Michi-
gan., The uncompleted series are those
between Michigan and Chicago, and
Chicago and Illinois. Should :llinois
win from Chicago her right to the
championship would be clear; but
should Chicago win from Illinois and
then from Michigan Chicago would be
champion. In case Chicago wins from
Illinois Michigan has a chance to tie
both Chicago and Illinois by winning
from Chicago.
Counting all the games played thus
far, the standings are as follows:
Played. Won. Lost. Peaentaga.
Chicuao......-..7 5 2 .714
Ilio s--.-.-.-.6 4 2 .667
Michigan-....- 8 5 3 .55
Northwestern,..7 50 17 .000
Major Nancrede's Horse.
For the past few days it has been
rumored that the medical department
was to present Major Nancrede with a
horse as a token of their appreciation
of his work here. At a mass meeting
of the department Jyestrday morning,
Dr. Vaughan announced that Regent
Barbour, of Detroit, had made the of-
fer of a horse to be presented to Major
Nancrede by the medical department.
Schedule Changed For the Rest
of the Series.
Owing to the holding of the 'Varsity
rack meen on Wednesday, the inter-
class schedule has been re-arranged as
'00 Laws vs. '01 Lits-Friday, May 27,
4 p, m.
'99 Laws vs. '98 Lits--Saturday, May
28, 8:30 a. m.
'00 Dents vs. '99 Lits-Saturday, May
28, 10:30 a. m.
All games wit be played at the Ath-
letic Field.
In l'Memoriam.
The passing of the greatest states-
man of the century is not to be un-
noticed in the University of Michigan.
On Thursday evening at 8 a Gladstone
memorial servife will be held under the
auspices of the Oratorical Association,
and Acting-President Hutchins will
preside. Appropriate good music will
be furnished, but the principal part of
the program will be orations by the
men in college who have won first hon-
ors in oratory and debating.
The speakers and their subjects will
be: "Gladstone, the Scholar," Whit-
man; "Gladstone, the Reformer," Ta-
tum; "Gladstone, the Political Cam-
paigner," Allbright; "Glaldstone the
Theologian," Wiers; "Gladstone and
Home Rule," Dillon; "Gladstone, the
Orator," Simons; "Gladstone, the
Statesman," Berkible; "Gladstone, His
Character and Influence," Sadler.
Faculty vs. Faculty.
The annual baseball game between
the faculty nines from the 'Varsity and
the High School will be played at Re-