THE UMIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. \ " Millillery! LARGEST SHOWING NEWEST FANCIES "Fiteo et Weareo" We throw in this Latin motto with every pair of our celebrated Cornell Shoes 0FOR LADIES, 3FOR MEN. 119 South Main Street. JOS. W KOLL AUF MeTAILOR Makes a specialty of GraduattIng and Full Dress Suits. W. J. BooTa. Pres. W. ARNoD,1st Vice-pres J. V. SaitzAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WALz. Asst. Cashier. ~Sat-Sams - Bank; Transacts a general Banking bnsi ness. x& er&%ig uir5f1unk * (oe. Main and RurnSteeets. Capital,850,000. Surplus,S30,000. Transact a general banking business. R. Ksmper es. C. E. RaXENs Vice-Pres Futo. H. BRI.Slt Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital StockISOSSS. Suepius,"8SlISIOS. Resources. $1,100,000 OrganizedundertheGeneralBanking Laws of this State. Receives 'dpsits buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OrricEns: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Harriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Aiscock, Cashier: M. J. Frits Assistant Cashier. FIRST NAT~uINA. AKg zd 6 Or an ed ie Capital, Si10,00. Surplus and Froilted4000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andsld. Fuenish lettersof credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice PFes S. w. CLARKSON. Cashier. C. li. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating painting, frescoing, tintingand paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. li MAJOR & CO., The Artistic IUecortor. 118 E. WASHINGTON ST. UP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Micb.l In Hats, Flowers, Plumes Ribbons, Feathers, Orna ments, Etc., selected by ou trimmer in New York, unde whose direction hats and bon nets sold are trimmed. Do youwant to see all thf latest, correct ideas, of Spring MillineryP Visit this depart ment, 2dfloor, this week. MACK &CO, r r e HO ! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience in roasting coffee, and produces in the -up a beverage of golden color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c per pound and venture the statement that no better or more delicious coffee can be had at any price. DBAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. University Notes. tion. The governor has been bothered a great deal by delegations pulling Dr. Thoburn, pastor of the Central wires for different men and made the M. E. church, Detroit, will preach the announcement that he would appoint Thank Offering sermon at the M. E. Prof. Johnson yesterday to stop all ef- church in this city Sunday morning, fort on the part of friends of other I May 22d. Several professors of the University have joined together to build a hand- some clubhouse at Winans' Lake. Jay C. Pray, of Whitmore Lake, has the contract and the house is to be finished in six weeks. LADIES' SHOES! All candidates for the '99 baseball We are showing the largest and team are asked to be out at Regents most complete line of Field today at 1 p. m. There will be a candidates.-Tribune. In addition to the two class games previously scheduled for today, the '00 Laws will play the '01 Litm at the Atl. letic grounds at:3 p. m. Duck Richards will have charge of all three games. State Attorney General Maynard has decided that the state law requiring plans of state buildings to be submitted to the boards of health does not apply to the regents of the University, who are exempted by the constitution from any interference from any part of the state. This decision was asked in rela- tion to the constructon of the new law building, and it sustains the position Ladie5' EVER SHOWN. SEE OUR $3.00 SHOES IN BLACK OR TAN, VESTING TOPS. game with the '01 medics. Members of the two classes are also asked to ie piesent. Miss Elsie Von Grave, who is play- ing an extended tour with the Boston Festival orchestra, is scoring continued success. Reports come from Madison, KLEIN LADIES' AND GtNTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Spring and Summer Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. BICYCLES Built to order, Repaired and Enameled, at 106 North Fourth Avenue. Win. 3. Wenger. A D U' LI$E Or atCCLE sUoaoI STO QHAPIN BROTHERS, scess"rs to Butr & Chapin MANUFACTUREs oF .. M Dental tostrumsents and Fine Mlachinery Special attention given to Bicycle Repairing BICYCLE LIVERY-Prices Reasonable. No. 118 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. CRUSHESONS..*- Fresh Strawberries and Pine Apple and the best quality of Ice Cream. Feest FritJuices and Artesian water used in our taken by the tegents. Wis., that she responded to three en-Y cores. She played in Saginaw, Mich., last night, and goes from there to Og- densburg, N. Y., and Montreal, Canada. Prof. E. F. Johnson, of the law dept., will be Gov. Pingree's appointee to the yacancy on the state board of educa- Lost-Right ,hand fingered glove for left hind thrower at L w-Lit game Wednesday at Athletic Field. Finder please return to 504 S State st. and re- ceive reward. To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S RUB- BBR CEMENT. Beware Ill r Don't take a substitute. Shoe department, 1st floor. MACK &CO. Golf Suits, Crash Suits, White. Duck, Tennis and Golf Trousers MACK & CO., third floor, elevator.- Remember! We handle a fine line of Clothing, Men's and noys, as well as Haberdashery. Clothing on third floor. MACK & CO. Four Underwear Specials. Men's Fine Fine French Summer Weight Derby Ribbed 25c 50c WAGNER & COMPANY, FURNISHiRS. 13 A Malin. J200 F state