THE UNIVEM~ITY OF MICH[GAN DAILY.X ... :f Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College Year an THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHBIAN. OpicE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone (New State) 19. MSANAGING EDITOR J. F. TisosA, 'S0L.. BUSINESS MANAGER . H. HAN,'00 L. EDITORS B, B. SaotLoMAlo. 8 L, Athletics. E. L. OInSMn,93) L G. D. BIIOTT, 'H T.iR. Wooooow, 598 F. Elop1sAno. 9. F. D. ESOIAt,00 R. S. DAOFOTH, '08 P W30101, 99.' . H LUNs,'00 M. A. H. MDOUAL,'01 E. The nubcription price of the Daily is 82.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before non eah day. Notices, communica- tion, and other matter intended for publica- tion inst be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8 p.m., or mailed to te editor before 3 p. in., of the day previoun to that on which they are expected to apear. Subsrptions mye left at The Dly Office Meyer's orStoffiets ewtand, or with Aussiness Manager. Subribero will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at thin office any falure of carriers to deliver paper. W. 1. A. A. Entrie. The entries for the Wstern Intercol- legiate Athletic Assoiain mot to be hld June 4 of Chicago were given out yeterdy by John S. Coulter, who con- tinues to ct as secretary, although the graduate executive committee hs elect- ed his successor. They re s follows: ONE HUNDRED YARD RUN. Illinois-H. H. Clinton, J. C. Brdley. Yankton-A. H. Hoyne, . L. Stph- ens. Wisconsin-P. J. ODe, P. Fox, J. H3. Maybuiry, F. McGowan, . T. Fox. Minnesota-C. A. Boyer W. B. Stout- emyr, L. Vassaly, F. Neyhart, . J. Brown, Charles T. Stevenson. Chicago-C. L. Burroughs, N. M. Fair, WV. J. Shmal, T. H. Patterson. Knox-H1 C. Nash, F. Wotmoro, C. A. Finley. Grinnell-Skiff, Whitney, Spaulding. owa--J. C. Frail, W. B. Chse, T. . Alderson. F. H. Meggars, J. T Edson. Michigan-J, H. Thomas, W. A. West- phal, Harry Johnson, W. W. Rettlman, F. W. Hartzburg, Norman Forbes, J. H. Thompson. Purdue-Jones. Nortwestern-Jones, Eliot, IHol- brook. 00 TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY YARD RUN. Northwestern-Jones, Elliot, Hol- brook.' Illinois-H. H. Clinton. J. C.Bradley J. G. Applequist, H. T. Willis. Purdue-Jones. Iowa-J. C. Prall, W. B. Chase, T. . Alderson, F. H. Meggars J. T. Edson. Knox-R C. Nash, . C. Sinclair.. Minnesota-Same as 10 yard run. Yankton-Same as 100 yard run. Michigan-J. M. Thomas, W. A. West- phal, Harry Johnson, W. W. Kettle- man, F. W.. Hartzburg, F. A. Batch, J. H. Thomson, C. L. Teetzel. Grinnel-Sme as 100 yard run. Chicago-C. IL. Burroughs, N.M. Fair, H. W. Webb, G. L. White, W. J. Sebmahi,"T H. Patternsn. Wiscosin-P, J. ODea, P. Fox, J. H. Maybury, F. McGowan, . J. FOX, T. W1'Tormey. 1 A i I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY I YARD. RUN. Wisconsin-P. . ODea, . T. Fox, "A erW .Msly .CSe veno, T. W. Tormey. Chicago-N. M. Fair, G. L. White, H., W. Webb, J. G. Coulter. Grinnell-Skiff, Whitney. Michigan-J,- W. Thomso, C. T. Tot- zel, F. A. Hatch, H. W. Hayes. Yankton-H. L. Stephens. Minnesota-O. C. Nelson, W. C. Cham- bers, J. F. Brhagen, Knox-H. C. Nash, E. Sinclair. Iowa-J. C. Prall, N. Barber, C. Brown, W. B. Chase, H. B. Gray, F. Mantz, S. B. Gothad. Purdue-Cassady. IIllinois-H. T. Willis, A. . Jackson, . W. Bills, J. G. Applequit, . T. Miles. Northwestern - Sturgeon, Jones, Brown, Holbrook. EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY YARD RUN. Norhwestern - Cowgill, Sturgeon. (To be continued.) IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS endo SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 37, 3,2DO Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estmates furnisedon al wok of this ind # Athensa Theatre These are some of the atrac- $tions we have booked for next $year: $ Wilbur Opera Co. Eletrician. $ Prisoner of Zenda. Under the Red Robe. $ fo Smith Russel. $ -Heart of Maryland. $ And many others -equally as good.$ SUMMER L AW LECTURES UNIVRSITY F VIRGINIA. 24th Smmr. Jli ept.1 105. Mavs poved espeilr proninhis to eginne; to andidts fr admision to the har; to rsun pntitinera lacking sysemtis instrctin; aned isolder pm.c titioners dsiinf to emie rcrein ith oba reiwrof elemennypriniples. Fr otals8esad. dress RitO. MINOR. Seetnry, hnlsieaille, Va. "Acme" Bicycles '98 Models. High Cirade' SAME GRADE A AGENTS SELL FOR $7. We Have no Agents but Sell Direct to the Rider at Manufacturer's Prices, Saving You all Agent's Profits. Ret umsteials, Sper oiis. Eighi elegan models. We ship anywhere witi privilege of examinatin, pay epes charges orIb ways and refund yor mney if ot as represeted . Every "Acme" is fails gurafeed uprato ol4 cidests as wl as.Deri o mo1 -c p. Send for cataoge. S ACME CYCLE CO.,ty 102 Min St., w-° s.Elkhart, lad. FORE STYLE, COMFORT AND ECONOMY, .WEAR J. T. Jacobs& Son's POPULAR RUSSET SHOES AT POPULAR PRICS. SEE OUR $3.50 SHOES, I'21 SOUTH MAIN k_.TREET. ...FINE TAILORING.. Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will be approciated and pronouncedlhy critics as strictly correct. We respectfully tnvite yonr inquiry. Wo do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURC HFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street for a Sommer Crus:e ac i NEW STEEL The Gruatest Perfee- PASSENGER t.ioenpyetattained in Seat Consruetion; STEAMERS,. Luxurious . Equip. SPEED, a, meni. Aristie Fur. COMFORT s ,' nishing,1eoraiis ASS SAFETY , andEffiient~seice To Detroit, Mackinac; Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicagor go sthertLineoffees aanoranan0ies ofelsariety andInteest Foar Trips per Week teens lierseray sad Da n ight srdisBetwee 1'oledDetrotsNighckina tweens DETROIT AND CLEVELAND, eaxesiazY, "TaH ES,"3.iliQtITTl Put-in- Bay Beth, ? , 1.0aeom,$.6 AD5DULUTH., and Toledo. Conetionareenade atCleeladwith LOW BTS i turessque sfismknead ria Tan oralpins ,st, ot geismn iselsdi ls and Berta. Apro. Noand otheos, da eri o ons !mate efrsoCeeland, $1Z;iromTle, Nrt5nd Northe.s.,oyOsi $14; from Derit, $1.40. 8aa rp ue'l;uat Send so, forIlluostrated Pamphlei. Addresso 5. 6pt®me anrmd~oerU~sliy.. A. A. SCHA"a !. . P. 6" DETRO IT.MIH. O i1 liul 181GIJ Io~Ulu, U I on Goonuu it INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, 472-478 Broadway, Albansy, N. . Mahers of the CAP'S and oOWNS, to University of Michigan, U. sf Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Coroell, Lehigh;U. of Penn- aylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mlawr, etq. Class contracts a specialty. ADVERTISERS "Trhe U. of M. Daily, "Its columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with , hoic e of the best advertising University news."- m~ediums in Ann Arbor" Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 1898. 8, 1898. READERS Cuba, The World,' West In.dies. Just what yon need to locate Key "West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdtoe Is-t lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas, Etc.. The World onono side, 28x21 inches; Cubs, West Indies, on other side. Send l5cfor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our mnen earn $15 to- 836 weekly. RAN D, McNALLY & CO.. 166.174 Adams St., Chicago. _I