THE UNIVE1ILTY 01F AILUIIIAN DAILY . Published Daily (Snday. excepted) dring the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY F MIHIAN rrlc: Times building, .2 S. Malo St. Telephone (New 9ate 189. MANAtNG EDITOt J. F. THOAS, 55 L. BUSINESS E5VIANA(EB . 5. ASo, '0 L. EDITORS 11,B. SILLM,osasSL~.Athletics. E,. L. Gocoun, '93 L G. D. IltonoTT, '0 T. R. WoOROow, 'S F. E5001,AR, '98. F.* D. EAMA, '05 E, S. DNFroocs,'95 P. W, JOES, '9. C.5H. Ls, '55 M A. 11. MDOtTAL, '01 E. The subcription price of the Dly is 2.99 for the college year, with a regular dells-ry beore noon each day. Notices, commuica- tions, and other matter intended or pblica- tion mot e handed in at the Daily officee- fae 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor beore 3 p, in., of the day preious to that oo which they are expected tooppear. Subscriptions may be left at The Doly Ol11ce, Mdeyrs or Stoeto Nwstand, or with lBusiness Mhluouer,abriers will con - feeit faor by reporting prosoty at this ofice nv failure of carriers to dlier paper. Meecting of Daily board Saturday, May 21, at 3 olock, in ERoomn 9, Uo- vrally hal. Best Number of the Yor. Wrinlei is ot again today, sd it is notsyng too mch to call i the bet oombr of the yar. The drawings are excelrt, sd are c-co above th high sodard that a been ot this year. Rtch Wagier frishs a fol-page drawing which is ftr his sual style. Mctleorge has the ceoter page, which is a sar picture howing a naval re- serve bidding farewell his frids. Bar- din, Whitehead, Emmans sd Latimer also cntribt drawis. "Frozen Trth" is touched p in the edtorial. Mr. Tuttle, of lunch counter fame, is carooned both in verse and picture. The usual amount of verse and jokes is given. All in all, Wrile this week is a decided success. Ages of Law Graduate. I will be interesting to the students of the Universiy to know the average age of the gradustro of the law depart- ment thia year. The following statis- tics were taken from the '98 Michigan- ensan, which gives in the list of pros- pective graduates of the law depart- mnt some very interesting data about each of the students, among other things including hio age The total number of students in the class is 23. Of these 19 did not give any age what- soever. The remainder re divided as follows: 19 years old, ; 20 years old, 5; 2 yers old, 2; 22 years old, 33; 23 years old, 39; 24 yearn old, 24; 25 years old, 22; 2 yers old, 11; 27 years old, 16; 2 years old, 4; 29 yes old, 5; 30 yearn old, 2; 3t yers sld, 4; 32 yearnsd, 1; 33 yes old, 1; 37 years 'old, 2; 35 years old, 2; 43 yearn old, 1; 44 years old, 1. It will be seen tht more students graduate from the department t the age of 23 thn at any other, The youngest man of the class in Michael H.,O'Brien, of Detroit, who is 1 years old The oldmst mener of the rlas in Charles R. Marrow, of Stockport, Mo. His age is 44 years. Left to Join the Army. The Washtenaw Evening Times of IB uLyiiig yesterday had the following notice rel- alive to an ox-student of the-Unscer- sity: r Rtaymond Mtead, the studenst in Michi- ga University at Ann Arbor, who re-, ently disappeared, leaving no trace of his whereabouts, has been heard from.dyteplcauhrisofAent- county, End., swere advised that :Ma wsO in custody at Winouia, Min He said he disappeared from Ain Arbor} to joins the United States army. He VII ' -0 +1ire 1--sue ics; nnpsv ...7 ,couent. Furnisig Here now is particlarly fascinat- ing because our sack is remark- ably fresh. Negligee Shirts Scotch Madras-$1 .00 and-! 1.60. Thin, cool, stylish ani] pretty, Cheviot, Flannel, Sll--'1.00, If"l.50, $2.00 and $2.50. was ___one __ofthe____est__kn__wnstUuderwts of the University. IU PHEE.OLOOECAL SOCIETY.__ French IBalriorgn-drawers lein- Postponed meeting.Necxt Thsursday forced, 50C per gorluoumet. eveninghi May 19, 1599, at 7:30, sarp, ___ Natural Wool-, 0 a ii1~ I. 25. in Rloim ILUsniverstty Mall, Ele fol- --" _ lowing paper, postponed from April 28, i Hosier3 will he read; "TheElpiE.aphics of Lys- I II'LL1 las, Dr MT.It.Wai. i I IIEverythinn in Hosiery from the plain JOOEND. W H. WaitENGER," to the fanocy plaids and stripes-l15c, JOHN . EFINGER JR- 20c, 25c and 50c. Secrectary. IF YOU WVANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY'BDEORPNs o" Sendlo SM ITH, STURGEON & CO0, for a Summer Cruise C o s 3, 3,21 .odr ve.1.rit ak h ie t o EM ack ina of this hind. E E. The Greatest Perlec- PASEE , teenpyet attatned tn $ " PASSENGER STEAMERS, A-BoatConstruction: Lunurtous . Eqntp. #Athens ° Theatree SPEED,. - ment Artistic Fur- AND SAFETY and Efficient Service Theso are somn of the attrac- tions we have hooked for next To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago X your:.N other Line offesnaaorama of 4 iesfeul ari e yndineestl. FoaseTripspearReerk Been Sere~r n nd D nd,, igh e riceetrwen WilburOpr Co. Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Cleveland;,DER,,OIT ANsIE,,sIsnD EPtrcaETaOSaEY, "THSOO~,"XMARQtETTE Put- in - ay Berth, s,5., 51. ntaeoomn, $1. Prisoner of Zenda. , ANDS DUTHl. and Toe o nctonarmade atCleveland wish Under the Red Robe. ae s mclnr easaleeln, $7;foTldo,Not nsdNrhwensteeiclrx Soil Smith Russel. $14lfmsDeeroi, $25.SnayTisJn, uy uut Send as. for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address ' Heart of Maryland. A. A. sceAsyc.,Q. P. sa- Decen c. ,.DotNfOagfle IvelnaNflViiUI1 ofl OI1RY And many others equally usp SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. 29th Summse. July1tosaept.i15559. Bavs prssed neseily proitle tso begnes; to candidntes for ndeissin to theeela5; to oungpranitiones lnshing syseme~aticin setrsction; anedSo older peas. tiionesdesiring So eomhine recreation wish a reieofeeenearp peleiples. Foranaogsenad- dress R. C. MINOR, Secretanrp, Chnrlottesville, Va. "Acme" BicycleS '98 Models. High {grade. SAME GRADE AS AGENTS SEILL FOE $75.00. We Have no Agents but Sell Direct to the Rider at Manufacturer's Prices, Saing You all Agent's Profits. Sent esaterials, Superb finish. Eight elegant models. We shipaywhere with privilege of examnation, pay express charges both ways and refund year mosney it' not an represented. Meery "Acme"' is fully guaranteed against all Accidents as welt as Defectivee Wor'S- mnansfeip. 5Send for catalogue. ACME CYCLE CO., INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OP ACADIEMIC COSTUME, CO?'T RELL fi&.LEON AR.D. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N, Y. Baksers ofthe CArS and Gowss.tIsUniverstly of SMichigan, °- U. of Chilcags, U. of Mlinnesta, Coernell, Lehigh, UsCo Penn- sylvasnia, Harvard, Yale, Princetsn, Columbhian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Maswr, etc. Class contracts a specialty. ADVERTISERS iglho U. of M. Daily, "Itts columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways tilled with choice of the best advertising University news."- mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 3898. 5, 1898. READERS 4 I XA_,MAPS -OF-- Cub~a, The Wo'ld,'FWest Indies. Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verolie Is- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas, Etc. The World onone side, 28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indies, on. other side. Send l5cfor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men esrn $28 io, $35 weekly. RAND, Me~tALLY &CO.. 166.174 Adams St., C12cae