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October 18, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-18

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A216 A-d j4

N'DAY, OCTOBER 18, 1897. FouiR PAGES.

VOL. VIII. NO. 16,


Ohio State University IDefeated k ieed ofton ei'r1' Seven Mlatches in First Clasi
Has received afull line of Kovelties by a coredf 3-Ito 0.alldoIi. i-t bil.-SiIls Ae laed
for Fanl and Winter in b cr f)4t . hc 0yr1.fo---~l~ ) t~li Sn-e r lvd
"- i ii-r- 1_, i t Hid(1tie I l toe--
Suits, Trousers, tIe 1112Hilied ti211 110 tibe ill de,]%,t- 2;,, 1111111 itt-I. iloe"' 4I tedIhiEe-neitet lii el tiie intliit -
Suits,1 tie hut Stilellilitieuieelieotit rC:-
and Overcoatings tit eii teittye1te e i Cditi ll Ct1 old cr 1 0t). tt- I c tte. sut- ' ),'ill' it- itettil
NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN 1 tit tiit twere ii iii ii Hi ' trt C i t ntsi iI I iti -iei-iii ttteiali it s
:; t (,Ii t \trite 1iiiit o 1ii titti i \ iiit yi ;tile I-. P (\ te-t t o t i fl i liiitn 1:i i t t lh iiti se1l:t if, thei- dat- tens illt1
s e CIII diii hti- thuI)' C e<1:i-tiesthi-it itil it ttie ': i nt 2 a l 4 ti ein- .ti 'intIts.; e11s et! °tlc hut (tille mtieHei ens
/\ II ~g~1::.' Iiii ii1 t-V,111u-- ;>, Cii iiiCi liii
tIC t lil tt. ititiltttltt lie score. '111(i 111,1it I iCilltidetiondii iii ttu-it- iii lii liii ii in ti
O h ~ ~I at s lt~et ututt hu tueiii ee t ii ilo." it eel- -1:1.e iii i t doble".tlt r~tiiiilii
A l e r t is11 \i1 o i(i 'l- ltt ci ot. Iit I till ltui t i te itl I lea ii tt'titiii Ctl \rue ii1iro
t 1-s e-ry wek. ltittittu ii --* I-ichi;.,lipt- her iii liii iAson 1 t I-tte lil tlh le--- I e \*e u c iii Itill(e I llth
(lut ii p cka es- itst eam i he tile iWiie t the d \-1Xi cr 1 I tI it il'.d leof :*tidi1utu lt Ietl ( -tte \r --i-i iilt \- ; r
tieapo n . lllo l( l) 1r 1ii')t l i t ii-l 4)1" L l l01' lt i i tu t ii l 11-;o Cliii1 --i1 -
p fi fCC enliil IiiimiteilitIki koCiii im t o1I 11;WIy 1,1 eol ee\-l Ilr
1h(' t 11111110t~s\tiuutttu-e it al
Fresh eCer week 1*11 els 1-111 ot1._1orti. 11)i-tkcked stu'lliii I Io I Ihl-'Dil- e-ut l liii-l
li )'\ti1'~ \e't hat of, li ttl21t'. - i iiI i i
Onl iniH iee itt011. :ilt e ii e0 1.IC lt l iii lt i Y 1,r't lr1"s ill; lt ilIi __
0l llo c . it \'l 10I elol ttr I ut l iii- it -i' a t. li i
TH 0cSaAo und.ER lttCiliiit 1! 111 i.t hett i l s(<!I 'llti l i
il E dsR'e PH RM CY l.it iiei ' I.111title, . I itt-i l ;,:lliltVOi
li-i lett li iL ii itt i it li it ltt ii _'i 3. ()1i--i de 1! riihi 1 11111 t( i," 11 le ~ e D a l
lu e it litill et h t > il Ce t i 1 (1 i l ( 1 ; , - l n ' 1 1 , I 1 I t ) i) h l l l e ' ' 1l ( , i l s r w i ,; i : h l o l w I i l
ty WiO/t yuit li Clliii i y "In.()'itt I lit tlt 11.111 1( I ii t1-\4) S I-I, t- t -tttittit- ti .t til i
IRIIB. J+OL L Y1:)11 Thlttll t to il ;,nit ih(" I I t-5 i i ti'rie ttit the [I. ,tti tilt
_________T____AT_____ _____(\___________he__tithc' 'lle t. elt11i li iili i uu li
}=,:tartBBY:'UIt'S, s c ie-it iiliii ei1111 itt " ii I til t e t itit liih i \tlilt Ne i1r
sirll.;. I.('i:".d . l:1iieu tiil Cilti11i(liitiEI I

300KSTOR. E.
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We are
sound to satisfy and please. Our
large stockt of Law and Medcal
Book., in short, Text-Books for
every department in the University,
iiew and second-hand enables ns
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters.
lip TownDonewsTows
S.1tto st. Opposite CourtHouse
AAror Mainst.

tI iC lii it ni ikep lit s in fici I 1-itt ('- m l i--el ti iit th titiiti oI tl ttitiit lt iI it vs. 1,ltttii til; t rtt
ft~oitict-it -lmot t c t-i o l l' 111. ii II - vCiii eIc tt ittnli- itr In to t he tittit1l1d lii-e . tt 111111. II . titiot-li Is.
kit JLicii<tie tt jii it i"ii- i nlil i liii ii i tilthc l11 i siltett iiitetii Idsilt.}"HllErd-. e
hl. "I c '-iceo ,'6 ~vra n -l it ii iii tetiroun , 1i . S ti-ttll ett c ii-
utuule I utl Stu cioflii li tdt ic ro cit-cee Oloiit ic er ckv.Iu lm an Lo- vod 1.
Ittuui utlino-ttIaclilciiuiifol los e - Itd It>afla d Rily t .(
ihll tue ucuilileiof h fiut--c-itt c s oW L0 iia - e 0 llur iiiguite Iuudi1;lr
Ie uruls 1"nut I r- nd til en I tulO ucle R 0 n toek l - L
1-tiun 11 ln uueultu I lutuc t TL E IEctilter - LR. . 'eIt uuti ciicitroun , c e li tit sc_
II~nn n =>,I~s;- 10.I~nn~u , H01 Leret----- R- L ET.- Sele-t--I----- .T
hatl gin-il~l ted tur reIc is c cfor TSnolt------ .H. Clbushy ----- R. t l c i vs Thu I r e lutav.Cauiir te Iikec
ueuueccs _Hog1H.H B BesedictL H5. an-tic-ey-ccii--t-t- .hi ii I it-------ti-L. G..
lflcui---L-----ulR.iT. Milleri---l-till--.tt. T.uv.I aotastifoles I-icr Mlt'"g Jacob",-s tori
hue util ie- eon .tice c hdowit .liii t ntie T e - H liR.E . to itlose cuss...Es .o ii li i iid u e t-u-ll-l tr
utiul~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I.c uueie htI- i TenioseCoeil -Ost - 'e.ul I iii uutvsIt ec-uuuIuuuu es tu i -
Hanniian-uu oluei tui---uu s l __-usie - F.B.uc Icrsgtocl tts -- epsi.1F. 13. iiuwil iero l ug lrtilatr nituclt
4010o-" k i lce -ioS lua tusa tl it utu an lSbii tutes-i-iFcute iiliant:u' lic Ayers ii iItut f ii -iifitloril.c
line anc h a bak 20 fr t lulleeuzel.tBtuertuor-iltu-ct--u-i-r-itfot ---lt esttil.t icIl ti l a~hu lc reu--u-
i cciCa iI ut uc~ n fr H b . F r O i: Iaro tl Iu l ily v .L m )
ttiC itttlllltit-Coal-ic-tu-let-lu I p ttitucIhdowns- ut lii'uu-uutu-eiuiai
Itendi II u-it Ltieftolutut dewItill it -,l l s Cuutut U - 5 Pbintcleto, i l-t, i-i If lit IC liii ILu-ur ii). Ic ii- li eu- n -
itlt- i I lluthen Fu ~ thu l ucut H the i-it u tten i-d-iuululle tllland. r u liti 1 ce ofG - h-i iee -reo tu s-tNil te
4 cii l tuiii Ituus Ituuuuc I" Ii- u-Oc t tt ;a v vl eitte I Ilu H i el lt uhielcucl -tu
ties stpp d ir fua r ac luc tibiuy uti)- Icu I - n u-eui i(s loolt f 1or. 'ull-

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