1 e . f AL. VoL. VIII No. 174. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy IS NOW- Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. PIP SALlE T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line in the city. Lunches at all hours'. R. B. JLY&C 30S South State Street. -- (, Ye Sp th wi f4 7 ra lul no ti B as th th t E' d e r tl c MCDr. Nancrede Receives Praise. Lecture on German Student Life. MICHIGAN, 4; CHICAGO, 2. -a 1Major Nancrede was in the city to- Last evening Dr. Dock lectured before hlow and Blue Agatin Triumphs day. He has his new uniform and the medical department on student life Over the Maroon . looks very military indeed. Said the In Germany. The lecture woo given at great surgeon: "Of course I do not the request of the senior class and was know whether or not I will ever come quite largely attended. The life of the ecialispatch to he Day back alive, but I am running risks of student in Germany from its various Chicago, Ill., May _.-Michigan won losing my life every day in perform- aspects was discussed and also the gen- eral management of the universities, e game today by opportone hitting, iig operations where blood-poisoning There are about twenty large univer may set in. People do not seem to hile the summary shows more hitse sities which are chartered under the realize the constant danger to which r Chicago. Half of* them were tae I am subjected, but I do and in certain government, but are supported and controlled by the different state gov- nkest scratches, but even if all the cases I would for my own safety rather ernments in whose jurisdicion they face a volley from the enemy than per- ick was on Chicago's side they could form the operatios." are located. The executive officer of each state is an ex-officio member of t wo. Miller held thenm safe all the The Detroit Tribune of yesterday tad the faculty, but his -only duty consists me, and his support was faultless. lie foltoing nottercocerning our in making an annual visit and inspec- Doth o richigan's errolrs were xcusabl .tion of the university. All of the teach- Major Nancrede, formerly dean of ing force are under government con- they were hard drives. Michigan hit the medical faculty of icl- U. of M., is trot and are dependent on it for their e ball hard and often, bt many of st becming popular ir. e is appointments. The teachers are of dif- unpretentious, but his kno ledge of feent grades, and it is only by long he drives ordinarily safe were cap- medical science is much after service or on acocnt of some slong ured. Michigan scored one in the first by the other surgeons and assistnt sur- . - tific research that a man can become eons of the regiments now left here. nd three in the seventh, Chicago one a full professor. Ordinarily he must Yesterday Capt. Van Epps, Co. G, tart as a Prevot-doens an suds he ach to the third and fourth. Thirty-Third Infantry, was thrownrceives us salary from the university, A. H. KEITH. from his horse and sprained his ankle. and is wholly dependent on fees from Maj. Nancrede had him removed to the students, and for this reason tries to The present standing of the teams in hospital. The doctor removed his coat, make the courses thorough and popular. he Western College League follos: rolled up his sleeeves and began to re- Next in rank is the professor extraor- Played. Won. Lost. Percenltage. duce the swelling in the injured ankle dinary, who Is not, as his title would ichigan-----.7 5 2 .714 by rubbing it in certain ways. He imply, more than an ordinary profes- ,hcags.. 5 2 714 worked for more than an hour before llinoisa----a------c5 3 2 .60or, but is below him in grade. He Northwesern--7 0 7 .0 he was rewarded by seeing the swelling also is dependent on the students for Michigan won one of the most ex- go down. This was a revelation for his salary. Het in rank is the ordin- iting games of the season yesterday. some of the doctors, and it is safe -to ary professor, who receives his salary The game was in doubt until the last say that it will be repeated many times from the university. As a rule it is man was out. While Chicago got the during the Spanish-American war by only after a number of year' service most hits, many of them were the surgeons in the Michigan volunteers. as an under professor that a teachr "punkest" kind of scratches. The Gun Club to Hold a Handicap. can hope to attain this position. In Michigan hits were hard and long, but exceptional cases where a man ias done on Chicago's side several grand-stand The Unversity Gun Club will hold its some unusual work in scientific re- plays were made. firot handicap shoot tomorro' after- search he may be appointed to a full Michigan won the game in the sev- noon at 1:80 oclock at its grounds one en n.SateS. Unusual interest is bein professorship, without having served in any of the minor positions. Dr. Koch singles by Gilbert, Davies and Miller taken in the preparations for this shoot, as t i th fist hig o th kid tatis an example of this, being taken from brought in three runs. Michigan's as it is the first thing of the in a country practice and established as other runs came by singles by Cooley has ever taken place at Michigan. Cap- and Lunn and a passed ball by Gard- tain Shepard and Secretary Woodrow Thfu medprofes ,r. ,- The medical student, before he can ner. Chicago scored in the third on will determine the handicaps for the take up his work, must hsve previously hits by Merrifield, Gardner and Clarke different shooters sometime today and and again in the fourth when Kennedy will publish them in tomorrow's Daily, finished the work in the gymasia. The got first on Gilbert's excusable error, About twenty members of the club are medical course covers from 10 to 1 went to second on a sacrifice, to third expected to take part, sithough entries semesters, a period of about five years. on Smith's hit and scored on a long . The first .half of the course, as in our fly-out to Matteson, who made a beau- will not close until the hour of the awn department,51s devoted to slenti- tiful throw to the plate and caught shoot. Any new men who have not fic preparatory work. After this is fin- Kennedy, though Umpire Tindill did attended any of the shoots this year ished the student serves one, year in not see it that way. Matteson and viii be permitted to enter, but must the army, the first six months as a Condon a ade a fast double and Cooley,g. private, and then is attached to a hcs- Gilbert and Condon made another in go in as scratch msn, as there is no pital corps. While in this service the the ninth, with two on bases and one basis for giving them a handicap, medical student must support himself out. Score: There will be four prizes offered. The and receives no aid from the govern- -i0ment. He then returns to the univer- Chicago. Michigan. first prize will he 100 nitro, smokteless,siyadpe hslmencaaia AB R It A AB B H A sity and spends his time In classical Merrifeld,3 5 1 2 4 Cooley, 2 3 0 0 0 cartridges; the second prize will be 71, work. The working hours are some- Herseh'r,m I2 5 2 5 allesounr2 5450 0tetid5 n tefut 1? at Gardner, 4 1 2 Lunnc 4 0 the third and the fourth '2 cart- what longer than our own, often work- Careld 4 0 12a3'Gnsnsd4 0 1 1rdesThsrtcmnwilb awyer. r 4 ondon ridges. The scratch men will e given ing from G o'clock in the morning to Kennedy, 1 4 1 0 1 Wolf, 3 1 2 0 72 shots, and the handicaps will vary 7 at night. Verots 1 t n 1 Gilbtls 4 1 1 y Though women are admitted to the smith, p 4 0 1 1 Davis, 1 4 1 1 0 up to 10, making a maximum of Tshoohwoednotrenjoytequalpriv southard, I 3 v 0 1 blillar, p 4 0 1.5 schools, they do nt enjoy _equal priv- Two-base hits - MeGinnis, Wolff. shots. Many members of the club' ieges with the men, many of the pro- Stolen bases - Sawyer, Merrifield. have been showing up remarkably well fessors refusing to admit them to their Double plays-Matteson and Condon; in practice, and large scores may be ex- lectures. O Goley, Gilhert and Condt'n. Base on pected at the shoh tmrr5 w The social side of the student's life ,...-11 ,. .rI Is rathera . narrow one. Their amuse- TiIS 1898 KOZY CAMERA IS SOLD BY THE MAKERS AT $10.00. YOU CAN HAVE ONE, IF YOU COME BEFORE IT IS SOLD, AT $8.00. CALKINS' PHARMACY, 300 KST 0 R . A good Base Ball and Bat is just the thing to develope your muscles. S }: C c t i I U C U- di -de 5 e. C'