THE UNIVER6ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, oj Columbia won the eastern intercol- - f I. V t le -1giate fenoing tournament. Teams from ,Harvard, Cornell and Columbia. Published Daily (Sundays excepted during the ollege vear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. rric: Timern biidng, 129 S. Sats St. Telephone (Ne- Sate lb. MSANAGING EDITOR J. F. TuoMAS, '29 L. BUSINESS MIANAGER . H. BAS, 'lb L. ,EDITORS R,1B. SILLMA, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GISoME, 'it. G. D.HUiNUTTc, '0 T. R. WOnODow, '95, F. EsOstuAs, '9. F. D. EAMAN, '00 R, S. DAsronv, 'IS P. W. JOaEs, '9. C0, H. LuND, '00 M. A. H. MCDOUALL, '01 E. -- The subcriptio price of the Daily iu 2.0 for the college year, with a regar delivery before noon each day. Noties, communica- tions, and other matter intended for pbica- tiomot be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8 p.m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p.i., of the day prevos to that on which they are expected tonppear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newtand, or with Businss Manager. Subeibers will con- fr a favor by reorting promtly at this < office anv failure of carriers to dliver paper Prof. Davin Goes North. On Friday of this wek Prof. J. 13.1 Davis wiilooseae for Northern Michigan to make preparations for the coming of the junior civil engineers, who go north every spring to do work surveying. He wiii be folowed on May 2st by an ad- vanced party consisting of . D. M- Naughton, L. E. Leas. F. C. Hannan, and F. J. Wilbur; they wiii set up the camp andi mate generi preparations for the work. The foilowing Saturday sle remainder of the cas wili leave consisting of M. . Moxey, . J. Mans- hield, C. W. Noble, F. . Hoover, . C. Hal, . W. Conable, S. Hodges, F. M. Green, S. B. Mosley, . . effebower and F. C. Newton. They wiii not re- turn again until the opening of the Coing college year. Laws Elect Ilchiganenian Editors At a meeting of the junior law class yesterday afternoon they chose the fol- lowing oard of editors for net year's itichiganensian: J. A. Bardin, C. . Smith, D. F. Diln and S. I. Moler, Mr. Badin was elected by acclamation and will go on the board as managing editor, this office going to the laws local year according to the -scheme of rota- tion now in force. Athletic Note. Dr. Habethge will have sole charge of the track team training. The Ath- letic Board decided Tesday night to drop Tom Cox, who quit the relay testis a-ile at Philadelphia. Cox was paid for his services up to the time of the U. of P. meet. sOerin do feted Wiscoin Tesday by a score of P to 5. Notre Dame won the college ::oom- pionhip Saturday from Dr Pauw by a °cor: of , to 2. All candidates for the '99 baseball team meet at the gymi at 4:0 p. i. to- morrow, Thursday. the 19th. Profesor Munsterburg, Germany's leading pshologis, has accepted the chair of psychology at Harvard. Johns Hopkins University in to have a new gymnaium. It will contain the largest baseball cge in the country. conteted.- By the wiii of the late Hery S. Pierce, Harvard University, the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technlogy and the Boston Art Museum each receive $700,000. Barvard will use up her share in buling a reading room to the li- brary. Century Artcle. Btesides 100e article on the causes of the failure of the Spamnish Armada. by Capt. Mtahan, the June Century will contain "Ten Months with the Cua Insurgents," the eperiences of a major in the army under Garcia, and an art- icle ono "The Confederate Torpedo Ser- vice," by the electrician of the torpedo division in the Confederate navy who laid the mine which blew up the first gunboat ever destroyed by this mean. Harvard has 287 students in her grad- uate depatuent._ These students coins from 94 institutions. Harvard sesds 17, Kansas comes cat vwith 8, Olen Brown folows with 7, Dartmouth, Ver- mont and California folos' with 6 earl, Stanford sends 4, YPale 4, Colum- bia 3, Michigan 3, and Minesota 1 Cornel, Chicago and Wisconsin are not represented. PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Postponed meeing. Net Tursday eveninglii May 19, 198, at 7:30, sharp, in Boom E, University al, the o- lowing paper, postponed from April 2, will be read: "The kEpitaphios of Lys-. ias," Dr. D.1. Wait. JOHN R. EFFINGE, JR. Secretary, IF YOU WANT THE BEST ' FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS edto SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 299. Ml Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estmatefurnished o al wok of this ind. SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSFTiY F VIRGINIA. 29tH, Summr JlyIto ept.i 1M5. Hae prved enpecayprfitabe to beginners to eandidates for nodmision to the bar; ts osse pnctitines lacking sytematis instrctin; nd to eder pra- titisnerrn , niein to eombinerecretion eaS revief nices seprinipien. Fratalegse ad. dese a. 0iMIN, Sertr, Chrittaiii, Va "Acme" Bicycles '98 Models. High tirade SAKE GRADE AS AGENTS SELL FO 75.0. Wg Have no Agents but Sell Direct to the Rider at Manfactrr' Prices, Saving You all Agent's Proit. Bst mteril, Superb finih. Eight elegn modrl. We nhpanyhrrrswithn privilege of eamiatin, pay epeens ecarges both ways and refund yur mey if nsf as represented. ]Every 'Acme" in fll uruteed ugeeduef all Acidteness wllass Dfeetie We- muanip. Send foresatague. ACME CYCLE CO., 102 (Main St.' - El~khrt, Ind. FOR STYLE, COMFORT AND >ECONOMY, WEAR J. T. Jacobs &SnS. POPULAR RUSSET SHOES AT e POPULAR PRICS. r SEE5 OUR. $3.00 SHOES. I 21. SOUTH MAIN 't-TREET. r .....FINE TAILORING..... Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all tho swell- est and most exclusive noveltios. Our garmento wherever seen will be appreciated and pronoitocedlhy tcrttice as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty itt stocrk. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCIIFIELD, INew Photlo 43. 1011 East Huron Street l'or a Summer Cruise ~ S Ict a kni ,.tktie UIJU ietoMa ki NEW TEELThe Greatest Parieg. NEWSEEL tion pal attained in PASSENER . .Boat Construction. STEAMERS, aalan.Eup SPEED, _ wnt. Artistic Fur. COMPORT '.,' shing,Decoutn ANISSAFETY mnd Eficient Servie To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No otheLinofferaaPnorama f4iles of equl aetyad inees. Foar'TIp per Wene etw~een EerpDayanS Day andsNgtSnervleo etwen loleoDtro an Makin Nisgt eteen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ToldoDeroi an MckiacCleveland, rare, $8.0fnS nac iectios. rITesET, "TuE See," NagrITTz Put-In. Bay IBerths, 7ie., $1.5Sateroom, $5. 1eees. and Toledo. Corles rsiora ponsas Soutoeh I iwAaTSsnclgtMeas and e th. s.lnae and and Sondb th twes, a st.A.ataDetreitiforallpoints ImaseGost frnntleelndl, $17; fro e doToedo, nnt Snday Tries Jne, July, Aurust, $14, fro en oitnl, $18.6.SptmeanOcorOly Send c, frllustrated Pamphlet. Address 5AefeaherasieeianP.e1-r A. . CSATZ ~lDETRsOIT. MICH. ONO W O UNo1ll1G8DQl f~fll~l ONE INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, GCOTREL.L. ' & LEONA ,RDa. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Makers of she cAas ndoOWNS, to University of Michigan, U. of Chicago. U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh. U. of Penn- sylvania, Hfarvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. r Class contracts a specialty. ADVERTISERS ~"'The U. of M4. Daily, "Its colummns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with choice of the best advertising U ni ve rs it y n e ws."- mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 2898. 8, 1898. READERS Cuba, The World,' West Indies.. Just what you need to lecate Key 'West, Canary Islands, Cape Vordie Is-. lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas, Etc. The World on~onelside, 28x21 tnches; Cuba:, West Indies, on other side.: Send 15c:for sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $256 to $35 weekly. BAND, XONALLY &t CO.. 166-174 Adams St., Chiago~.