THlE UN4IVERlSITY OF MICHIGAN .DAILY'. Novetiesin Spring Clothes YOUNG H/EM'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND :SERGE SUITS, fGOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, ]BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy. suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca, coats $2.0Q0 and $1.50. MrY. ' I DRG TEU 502 E. Huron St. 1 A IEW .--W6. Call and See Us, $flying. Dutchman RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOC114PHER VOCAL SCORE AT 8gc Telephone Is0. ANN ARBOlR EACH. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO I1OLMEN.IS ) 205-207 E. Washington St. Es Phone 106, ANN ALRB OR GRANGER'S ACADEMY. me Table. Sunday, Sept. a, i897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Crntral atandardri at NORTH. SOUTH. 8:43 a. mn. *7:30 a. n. MR. OR MRS. ROSS GRANGER. *12:15 p. ns. 11:25 a. m 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p. m. *Rtuu between Ann Arbor and Toledo only Tise Foss os li Rules Committee smet E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. Hi BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. at the Uitsvetrsity Attletirc('tab in Noe Fortt.fMay 7. This stilt probably be teo U N l tteast meetiog for this- year.. The crnst- -°^... .. Tg ostis wa originally called together The Niagara Fails Route." tar the colltes hy the University Ath- Taking Effect April 17. 1881. leti Club to discuss rpss bne Central Standard Time. i oht islgrls orat TR IN T NNABO. rodtcal alterations have been revised P. M. A. M antd moade m:ore definite. A sop.~y ot Miand Ex.347 B, N. Y, Chi --8 11 N. Y. Special.--4 58 Mall . 5______ 18 thtem, s,0 at iresent prepared, witt so Eastern Ex..0-- 645 Pacific Ex.---12 30 N. S. Limited-_--8 50 '. Mu tatkets to, earcs coltege by ito member of A. Mt Western Ex-_0_ 18 'h omte n h ia oewl D. N. Express ____5 50 P. It. & K,. Ex ::: 5 s teroo5tean5h n oewl Atlantic Ex...7311 Chi. NE. Exj! 0 947betknwhotayfrermtig 0. R. Express ----1 o1et0c itosoyfrhe i eig eNorth Shore Limited is as extra fare train sf the rosmmittee. and there is a charge of $2.O to New Yorh more than on other trains. To stick Rubber use MAJOJR'S RUBJ- 0. W EUGOLES, H I. W. HlAYnS, BER CEN ENT. Beware ! ! ! Don't G. P. & T. Agi 7hlcxgo. AgE,. Ann Arbor take a subtitute. THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. EXCURSION TO TOLEDO-OPENING COUMUS HCKNGVALE AD OLDO'RILAY LAKE ERIE PARK AND CASINO. ~DL~aUI t1~~gVILFY V FLEY ~lLAY On account of the" opening of Lake Is ihe only line from the Toledo Union ErePkan CsiSudyMy Station to Columbos and points beyond, RenPr adCsioSuay My using Union depot terminals at Colom - 22nd, the Ann Arbor Railroad will run bos and roncone font express trains an excuroion to Toledo, leaving Ann daily between the points named, two of Arora 10:21 a. m. Fare for the round them in the on-precedented time of three Abra hooro. Parlor cars on day trains, neats 25 trip, 7ie., children under twelve years centn; Pulman sleepers on night train. of age, one-half fare. Besidex the en- Students dsairlng unequaled facilities tertainment at the Casino, there will are invited lo use the B~ucheye Route and be a championship basehall game be- can obtain full particulars on appication tween Toledo and Youngstown league' to local tichet agentn. teams. E. it1. DAVIDSON, Returning special lrnin will leave Ta- Dist. Pass. ,Agent, Toledo; or ledo at 6s30 p. m. See excursion bills W. 1T. FEIIl. G. P. and T. A. or call on agents for particulars: . t STEINS! A wholo window full. SIVERY, Liberty St. BUST SERVICE IN THE CITY. SCHOOL OF DA; ICING. LessounS BELL TELEPHONE 246. tIRST 1.,XCU RSII)N OF THE SEA- SFON TOsDETROIT. Saturday, itay 21, 10898. Train wilt leave Antn Arbor, via Mlichigan Cenl rosad, at 8:12i.. 1rice fsor rosuod trip, 90 cents; leaves Ypsilansti at 8:2;35Itsricr for rounsrd trill, 75 censa. tetssrssi~g, train swill leave IDetroit t.1 7 P. Us. Chsildren betwveen ages of 5 sand 12, haslf fare. Lost-A blarckansd wvhite English set- ter dssg, answerisng to tile nasne of Pc- dro. Finder will receive liberal rewrard by retursning hints tosDr. P. C. 'reer, 1410 Hill St. LOST. A number 2 Bulliet camera on the bleachero at the Athletic Field Wed- nesday afterssoon, Mbay 11. Finder please return to 714 State St. and re- ceive reward. 72 (tOOt) BOATiING2 up the river. Bosats Is rent day and evenings at U. of Mt. boat house, foot of N. Main St. tf TEACHERS WANTED FOR NEXT SEPTEMBER. Physics and Chemistry (man) . for Mich. H. S., $800. Three H-. S. Prins., $1,000, $1,200, $2,008. 30. 5. Assistant (woman) English, '$00. S Girls' Coil Prep. Sch., Latin and Greeh, $410 and home.- We have very many other vacancies and are getting them every day. Al- bert & Clark Teachers' Agency, P'ull- man Bldg., Chicago. The oldest and largest in the West.- Thirteenth yekar. FULLER & ERANEK "'oTA'TILORS Cleaniiig, Pressinig and Repairing. Work called for and delivered 3112 S. STATE ST.. over Itosey's. Phone No. 204, New State. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming n Specialty. NO. 20 FOURTCH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Itesidence,.32 Fifth Avenue. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders as Ann Arbor Msloic Co. or ats iudence, 1710 Geddes ave. P'. S. - Will take pupils on Piano and is sicht reasling at above named Places. A. J . Johnston. U. of Al. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ,322 SOUTH 'STATE STREET. Ladles' stistic Hair Dressing op stairo Old friends eali again. We welcome new ones. TROJANOWSKI, i~t) R.... Lowney's Chocolates -GO0 TO- 33 iW.W .UTTLE' s5,tat ALLEORETIS,. if you wish. TANDETI)LS TO RENT. M" STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM One door eaet of American House. Both Phones, No. S. THE L.ARGE1ST RANPFACTUERSanaOr ATHLETIC A.NP nICYvLESUPPLIE.S AND UNIFORMS5t A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The None ihe Guarantee." Official Ostfittenrs isthe Leadilng College, Ath- letic Club and Schsool Teams of the U. S. Every Requisite for Ease Ball, Athlotic Sports and Pastimes. The SpaldinE Official League Ball Adopted by Naitional, Minor, College and Schsol Leagues. Base Ball Uniformus, Bats, Gloves, Mits, UCsest Protectors, Shoes, Etc. TlIE SPALDING CHIAINLESS BICYCLES 19 IHE SPALDINC BLUE RACER (Chailn) 5MODLS.. THE. SPALDING ROADWHEEL L Ssend for Illustrated Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. As 6. SPALDINS & BROS., New York - Chicago "War Songs"!, Coon Bongs" r Sousa's Marches"!l Lttest Munic for Piaso, and other Instruments.. M andolins. Strings ad Trim- 9 mings. Lowest Prices. & ;The 5C; AEBERLEI flusic Store 114 west Liberly sL,. Ann Arbor. Columbu, Oh~o. 0110(3NTRAL LINES. TOE DIRECT LINE TO Cincinnati Columbus Dayton Marietta Urbana Athens Springfield Midcleport and Chaarleston, W. Vs. Through trains with Sleeping and Drawing Room Cars from, Detroit and Toledo. University School of Dancing STAaE STREET, OPPrOSITE LAW BULN.s Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every aturday Evening . Private Lessons by appointment. - Office, 427 ENOCHI DIETERLE, 0 ErIBALMELR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Calls Attended DaysorNight. No. 161 East Liberty' Streets Residence, 53 South Fourth Ave. Phone 125,. " .e.s 1 a RANDALL, THlE PHOTOGRAPHER, , WASHINGTON STREET 1ANN ARBOR . - Q II