'.THE UIVI-RSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. K eep the t 1 Feet Warm iAS FL 9 A hot water bottle is just 4 ® the thing for cold feet and 4 a a.ure relief for most aches 4 ( 9 and pains. 65, $1.00 $12 9and $2.00 ae the picee4 * $1.00 gets a good ne that 4 For FD we can warrant not to leak.d ® CALKINS - PHARMACY. s i - ®~ s~s~ s~o Has bee Theas a pr TheStore- Lam ______________ The The $1.04 STYLISH DRESSERS OIL red: FURNISHINGS sale CORRECT FADS 21Sot UN Of all nanner of artil's that go to Mis 1011 made uip a gentlemen's wardrobe iiiC~ shown for the firs time here. Als Ci ____________________ College i FISK, CLARK & FLAGS Ai-sMn~r (ompete line of fle neckwear. nbsen~ic. MAiss Nt sni).555sd l ". & IV." COLLARS, Nwest Shapes i" ssBinli kllitch ign 'icloso, Dct Ms's Will: Barkers Perfect Fitting Collars. f~s Night Robes 50c to $.00 Nvork in 1:1 Laundried Shirts, 75e to 1.50. Caril ('001 Bath Roes $2.50 to $3.50. lalosr, AI odet of; Fancy Hose 25c to 75e. Miss Wa Black Hose 2yc to 50c. is studying Hlens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. tor, :Rgls Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.00 The Con *Umbrelas 7c to $4.00. hNvilpsi Fine Suspenders 15 to $1.00. Judg'e C. ('9 ot of Al 'ass in te' Newest Novelties in Mtr. Aber Cuff Links, Shirt Studsi euincai emin. Collar Buttons, etc. C. H. Nit _ lie. both 'W Ii dependes, Msse.Flo Xens' Fine Under- cpying tl the Aft. Cle wear 25c up. Dr. Aeif W 0OS . Main St. and 34 S. Stae St. UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, j NEW ANl) SIOCOND-TA D. LLINES Of (NOTE B13OOKS, and- (~STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, 'ountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowdest Prices. arty Years GOLDEN SCEPTRE ,n smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER s, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. PS Expressly 4o. Students' Use Rochester," 'The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from O0 to $2.50 each. Every studenut should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- in any part of the city in our cans at t4e per gallon. For Ganly by W. a. BOOTH, Pre's. WY. Aevorn. lest Vice-pres J. V. SEEHAs, 20 Vice-eres. JOHNs C. WvALZ, Asst. Cashier. Stae Savings - Baik. Tascsa general :Banking busi- THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Cspital Steck, $50,00. Surpus,,$15,000. Resources, $i,t0,000. Oreanloed ander the Oeneral nankingaLaws Mf this State. Receives deposits, hays ad sells exchasge en the pricpat cities of the tUeited States. Dirafts cashed apse peeper idestificatios. Safety deposit bases to rest. OrrICES: Christian lack Pres.; W. D. Harrimas, Vice-Ores.; Chas E. Biscock, Cashier M. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K &aniero Capital, $100,00. Surpies and Prefito, $40,50 Transatsoageneral hashing hasiness, Foreign exchange hoaght andsld. Farnish letters of credit. E.1). KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULS. Vce Pres S. W. CLARKSSON. Cashier. Car. lain and itaron Streets. Capitai, $05,000. Surplas, 530,00. Transact a general hanhing hasiness. R. iteari, iPres. C, . GEN Ec, Vce-tpres FILE. II, BELSoRi. Cashier. CALLAGHAN 9 9 340 S. STATE STREET Law Books F.. J SCI-LBEEDE. 340 South State Street Baoh Binding......t.25cntsad up Solid (Gold Foeuntain leris.$..1.00 and so. Waterman and Wirt tees in slo.:h and lees iReparei. Whoeasle aad Retail Paper. 31/ lbs. of Lin- ent Paper for 50e. Buy a good looking fill "61.,of 3A." Fin~ ' ONLY Soc. WM. ARNOLD,Jelr LIANGST E R FER'S IDEAN & COMP'ANY. 15MainStreet. I1VERSITY NOTES. I the' i' .oi'isiiaiillit's-c l tht Sundai'y evnll.Stihljs'cf;l,"lisiory as a Cos- ilisi' l'hir '9' 7,is tbasso- id(?."" lStol Ilsy (1 ir-I~II;i Sillool. ''e sphis~loori'iss n11.1ill 1010' 'si Scott, ±"",i-si'15' of XA:'lsasi a'Sst'sday aflternoonlllandt sletedl's Ralpsh i 1lilg iG. ioptetsS 'iit Slsd fssootlllllsltlsla," r' Oslolsir 22t is ixed 1asltie' sats' fostehiction 'g:aril 'fli i llois rtvtl ed of osihs tlts'rl''aifter ya's 9 h lwdets's iillof the Ul'iiss- -s 5of isyl-ia:hass diecisls'tto hrlne .St.'.lt'is, 07. hsr-ee Iabiiit iig l11tielUisitiy Ii't llel'rei, i slrltli ('it'''O15 .1 stitist', .l'l'es'raidiit grossils of tht s0y''e. soostl dimere;se iif tlibr i~ary by ii,'tIi' o. Tisrsiy,S',8 " ill'tisindlprc'hses hs list thisite- 1 liii' Weist (:ii-'al tlssi Ilirlsitlli. ,tsyit. 'iHobrt-h st (tisi will givs' a to- 0ft'dSuhaD" in, a gi'ailaetii s'llsii lto lihi ysiiisg pople of Si. Au. ('ollege. t t nlg r'frisi til11. IIll, 5 'siOi g siliit. ti l '1yd1s' C lii aiii Ilien'. 'i' liii'the iof tstoe, fromS 10 It iii'. A.B..'9)7, i ioatedt in s arisnIlanl. All teslstdents(('111 -Li.. this yiar a'55silupelil- atdis t'e Eiscopl ichurch. iein- Sc-tllools"'iitd10oIthis ri't'ilill. r' D. Siisni'.'. Vassar .9 __________ for an M.1. Al'egnoc iii his- NOT'ICE(. iii anti 1it ll. 'i'ie attention of luana gors of glsee batt-tsitzsiiistsots Veriseopecoluibs., sosrsof edliiors, iniishort. rely be on exhtibition at tue of all tnsical, litiersaiy and draimatic eater tonighlt. organizations, is calleid to a tu lilopt- B. Grant, of the Supiremae ed last yell' by (lie adiftinistralive lichigan and an ex-i'egent. bearid.'This iuleo:requires that a list city yesterday. of mcuibers of sui orgaizalions be it It. Stonemni. A. B.. '97.filied wsithth(lehboritat the 'beginning a't the Andover Tiieologt. of the first senaester. It is requested ty, tAndover, Oiss. that these lists le (lisiided in ltt'the als and MLiss (torugia SmealM- earliest possible dale. )T medics, were married at F". N. SCOTT. ace, Iowva, on August 5. BAND sreneBarnau'd. . 15isoC'Men xwiliacotet ,CAikins' today at e positioni of r" icipsal in 2:30 sharp to play for (liega-me looens, Mich'.,ltlrli School. by will deliver the usual The senior literary class w ill meet wilnm rlnaQQ .t 4"1, t,.-,n._for leictiona of officeis sit 1 n. il. &tur A ICE CREAM SODA G S Most Excellent T1 B Chocolates R F Hot Soda. E R(Coi.NORTHiland WASHINGTON SS, 's. 3!6 S. S T A T IE S T. Music Studio PIANO AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H. KEMPF) _________ tass5mtrn~t~5eintg aaaress :t. otorn s -" ''"" - " 4 " ' "''" VFrom Stuttgart Conhservatory: r ow in Newherry Hal. Hies sbject day, Oct. 23. in ('le chapel. Germany. Mens' Fancy Front will lie "A 'Deadand Unrisen Christ." H. P. "TREADWAY. Cliairmutn. The first in ihe series of lectures by 51. J. Barry. inscructor tin andolin a12 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. Shirts 50c. Dr.. Robert St. Wenley, of the philo. and guitar. tSoiaecherle's mnsic store, y given la14FWRLhert et.During the past ten sahcldepartment, williven in 14 . {ibr 1 y1FiRE [ years the Toledo ..' Laundry Co. have kept their custom- Gunther's Chicago Candies! ers goods insured against fire, a fact that is appreciated by their patrons. - - - - - - IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM 5c UP Best of work and Prompt Delivery. MAC. , CO-AT-Branch Office 123 South Main St., No t23 E. Washington Si Ann Arbor, Mich