THE UNIVERiLTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -ih Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durt the College year, at TIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ,Orrica Times building, 329 S. MainS Telephone (New State) 189. MANAGING EDITOR- J. F. THoMAS,00 L. BUSINESS SMANAISEB O. H. HANs,'00 L. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMAN, '8 L., Athletics. 9, L. Garsmsa, '9 L (0. D. HONUTT, T. R. WOonuow, '98 F. FNOoLH ARD,9 F. D. EAMAIS,0S ,S. DANFORTH, P. W. Joons, '99. C. H. LUND,'00 M A. H. McDOUALL,'01 . The sbcriptionprice of thegDualy is 9. for the college year, with a reglar delive before noon each day. Notices, communic tions, and other matter intended for publics tion must be handed in at the Daily oceb fore d p. m., or mailed to the editor before p. in., of the day previous to that on whic .they are expected to apear. - Subscriptions may be left at The Dail Office, Meyer's or Stofflet's Newstand, o with Business Manager. Subeiibers will con te a favor by reporting promptly at thl oice anvfailu re of cariers to deliver pape At the meeting of the S. L. A. elector Saturday the election of A. C. Thomp son was conteated. The protest, signe: by nine members present at the meet ing, claimed that Mr. Shannon had re ceived a plurality on the first ballot thus being legally elected. Article II., Section 8, of the S. L. A constitution reads: "In the election held by each department for choice o: electors a plurality of votes shal elect." A statement signed by Mr Thompson himself was presented, which certified to a plurality for Mr. Shan- non on the first ballot. So long as Mr Shannon had a plurality, according to the constitution, he was duly elected to represent the dental department in the meeting of electors. We are informed that a further ballot was taken in accordance with a ]o- ion made at the beginning.of the meet- ing that after the first ballot only the two highest candidates should be voted on. This motion was evidently not con- stitutional, but was allowed to pass. We are quite ready to believe that the motion was made in the best of faith, but the fact remains that it was illegal. This action was no doubt due to ignor- ance of the constitutional provisions; But when the matter was presented to the electors, after they had been fully informed of the facts, they should cer- tainly have refused to recognize the contested elector. Some urged that the electors were judges of the qualifications of their own membership. But are they judges to the extent that they can clearly violate a provision of the constitution? We mean no reflection upon the offi- cers elected or upon the good faith of the electors in general, or the chal- lenged one in particular, but it must be evident that if such palpable viola- tions of all constitutional provisions are allowed to pass unquestioned, ail at- tempts at reglation and order becomes vain and we might as well have no constitution at all. The cmmounicatiOn which we publish today is quite indicative of the feeling which exists about colleg is ' regard to the last two games, in which the ng St. 00 98. '8 10 h y a- r Varsity has figured so conspicuously. It appears that the "kick" registered is a gsood one and the ground quite substantial Certainly there is nothing so discouraging to the patron of bali games as to mislead him in regard- to the games he pays for so long in ad- vance. If our own monster, is In any way to blame, he shows a very short- sighted policy. For, what assurance has the purchaser of a'season ticket in tUnses to come that other- exceptionally good schedules will not flatten out as the season advances? We feel safe in saying that there is no college in the middle west where the students give more liberal support to their teams than is given, at Michi- gan. But we do not feel so sure that this support will continue if our man- agers are not better able to rill dates with the scheduled colleges, or at least make acceptable substitutions. We do not wish to disparage those teams that have attempted to play bail againot the 'Varsity in the last two games. They were simply outclassed. Nor do we wish to do the present baseball ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Fine Footwear. J. T. Jacobs & Son, SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South MAin Street. .....FINE TAILORING.. Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- est and most exclusive novelties. -R, Our garments wherever''seen-wilbH.apprfIated-atnd prtnouncedjhy critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry, We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHFIELD. s manager an injustice in writing as we 00, - do. If we wrong him we owe him an New Phone 48. 106 East Huron Street d apology, but if we do net he owes one to the entire student body ard his team. Communication. for a1SummerCise t Editor of the Daily: .* take the It is the conceded privilege of the col- NEW STEEL TenGreatestaterw- lege student to kick, and I hereby take PASSENGER -.Bet yeattained in advantage of that privileger STEAMERS, Boat Construction f When the baseball schedule for' this SPEED, meet, Artistic FEe- 1 season was first made public it showed COMFORT ; nishtngDecoration a list of interesting contests, and, on ANS SAFETY andEificlentService - the strength of that, many of the mem- bers of the Athletic Association pur- To Detroit, Mackinac, Geogian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago - chased season tickets good for ten NootherLineotersaPanoraeaof4gOmilesofegnalvarietrandinterest. games. After the first few games had itBe twea EserC n DRmITiANDsarYlAN been played, other tickets good for six Toledo, Detroit and Mackiuac Cevla d, iOTADCLE.N games were sold. aT0ssrI, "Ta sei,"iAqrUTTa Put-in - ay Bert6,.Stateroom, x1.76 Now, after all who will buy such LOWKRTSris tresquEs asiasenand alist mrain Osa lips rl .sstS Retrn5IcldieladrttIs. ndpp tdo. ndatDrotrals.pointsm5 tickets have done so, the quality of rataatoCela eerSossth No wdrthwst baseball offered takes a decided drop. 15;5ssh si 5.55. is In place of Dixon, who defeated us on .Send .c. for.Illustrated PamphleT. Address 5spisnbsrswidssslsrom -thu spring trip 8 to 4, the M. A. C. is A. A. SosAevz.a.e..' sammy M ON.OgfEIOlO8~uiNyQI~~~llfR - secured "at great expense" by the - manager and we read in the Daily that Dixon has cancelled her date because INTPRGOLLEGIATE.BCREAU OF ACA0EM1C COSTUME, of the length of the trip. A good game COTRBLL I L ONARD for a quarter-Michigan 20, M. A. C. 1. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. A four-inning farce with Alma is sub- stituted for a contest with De Pauw, Makers of the CAPS and GowNs, to University of Michigan, and we are again rejoiced by a score U. of Chicago, Uof Minnesota, Cornell, Lehig ,U.of Penn- ' Sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Preuceton, Columbian, Williams, of 14 to 2 in our favor. This time we Weliley, Bryn Mawr, e c, are informed that our own manager Class contracts a specialty. has cancelled, the date, and we wonder____ if Beloit and Notre. Dame will be as warmly received by him. If good excuse can be offered for these- changes in the schedule atthe lasttnin-A V ERT USE RS ute, let us have them, but if they can-A D E I R -not, let us kick. It would. seem that this policy is detrimental not only to "The U. of M. ail, -"Its columns are al- the athletic spirit of the student body which, by the W:y, is one ways filed, with choice but also to the condition of the team. of the best advertising gJi ver s i t y n e w s."- tt may he that easy practice games de- mediums in Ann Arbor." Even~ tetiing velope the men as well as harder ones dAS-tenag would, but it is a subject upon which -Detroit Tribune, Apri Ttmes Edicrla April there is room for doubt. 3, 1898. 8, 1898. ATHLETIC ASS'N. MEMBER. ISF YOU WANT THE BEST READERS FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BASES OR PINS edta...WAR" SMITH, STURGEON & CO., --OF- 237,1289, 24i Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs andestimatesfurnishedonallwork u ba T "AJOrld vv'ewt of this ki P! Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is- SUMM IER LAW LECTURES lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortuga sEtc. S rl ' e lsso e a ThWrd nneid,22inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side. 2tSumrs Jly teta 1e15t Have rsved The World on one side, 28z21 Ice spall ros let bguera, itts. ubWseIde, nehe-ie flee admilsssi thh ar; 5toy"usg pastiioers, l iia remati i strsctisn;$anditsldsr$reac- ,end 1e for sample sheet and terms tUiagents. Our men earn $15 to. ti$ t weekly.' - RA rTJrnrrvcra in w1h a 35 We . .' dre" R1.. sn"Oreary, Chssistew 0, e. - A . ssAT.T .-O.. 166nu.174 asc-t_.. hen4 I 4 a ILUWMG ZL.1, %;Biel 'a o,