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May 16, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-16

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.. ....

Pubtlished Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Collece near, at
Gre: Times building, 329 S. 9Main St.
Telephone (New 11 ate) 189."
j, F. TupAts, 'II L.
0. It. HAP'S, '59 L.
H, B. SseLLM~As. '052L., Athletics.
E. .. xiEx, '992L T. R, WOODnOw, '95
F. EsNGr.sAno, '98. F. D. EAOAN, '09
G. D. HUDNUTT, '00 B. S. DAsFrev, '99
P. W. JONES, '99. C. H. LcuND, '00 M.
A. I1. Ilc~oucALL-,'it E.
The subscription price of the Daily is $2.9).
for the college year, with a reguiar delivery
before ooon each day. Notices, communica-
tions, and other matter intended cor publica-
tiomuet be handed in at the Daily office be-
lose 3 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3
p. in., of the day previous to that on which
thev are expected to appear.
Subscrptions may be left at The tDaiiy
Officc Meyer's or Stoffiet's Niewstand, or
with business Msanager. Suheribers will con-
fer a favor by reportine promptly at this
office :env failure of carriers to deliver paper.
Chicago Defeats Illirnois.
Although the recent games, with Chi-
cago and Illinois have aroused consid-
erable enthusiasm among students and
faculty, yet the event oc the year
asmong baseball enthusiastB has not yet


by 8 inches to 21 ft. 9 in'. Ludwig low-
ei ed the mile bicycle record fronm 2:32
to 2:22. He rode the lost half unpaced.
All these recosds would have been low-
ered nmoce if it hsd nst troll for the
wind, which blew strongly the whole af-
ternoon. Besides the six records men-
tioned above, two were broken Sattle-
dsy in the meet with Syracuse and
stand ss Cornell records. Powell raised
his own high jump record from 6 ft.
/in. to 6 ft. 11/ is. Lueder also raised
his shot record to 37 ft. 41/; in. 1
Harvard Wins Again.
Harvard defeated Princeton in the in-
tereoliegialte debate for the fourth time
in as many years lost Wednesday igiht.e
"Resolved, That the present restrictionslP
on immigration into the Ulnited States
are insufficient." Harvard hsad tile at-
firmative ad Princeton the negative.
The judges were unanimous in their
verdict . F.0. White, '99, R. T. Parke,
'98, and S. B. Roseuthal, '98, repre
sEnted Harvard, while ItR. D.Dripis)s.,
'98, N. S. Reeves, '99, and M. Lowrie,
'9. repsresenied Printceton.
237, 235, 241 Woodasrd Ave.. Detrsit.

tiolf and Bicycle Cloihes.


Are the liud you
want. They are the
leading cycling costume.
[hey are the hest style
of outing suits, hefause
they are specially adapt-
ed to just those pui
From $5 to $15.

5s.fLl OS

Extra Golf aiid Cyci-
isg pit.t",Golf and
Bicycle Cups, Golf
Hose. Fancy Ncgligep
Shirts ltre suhstituted
for Sweiaters eleriing hot
50c, 75c, $1.00.

for a Summer Cruise Goit[etoMuia
..take theCatLn oMcia
NEW STEELMn 'V> / -n The Greatest Poriec-

occurred. On Tune 1st a picked nin


Desicns and estimates furnishsedson all
of this hind.



fromn the faculty of the -University cross Per*ASEGRBaCntrcin
bats with as like teamo fre~othsefaculty .~'~ STEAMERS, .Luxous n colbado teAi roth n oT e te SEy uoos .Equip.
an cho oado teAn ro ~A he s alle teG SED,. mont, Artistic Fur-
High School. It will be remembered thatj COMFORT - ', nishing,Dncoratiois
this is the third game in as many years These ae oeo h trc AND SAFETY SitdEftcientlervice
which has taken place between these tbons we have booked for next To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
sidehara ameNoother Lineofes a Peana o 6mlesofequa vrieyeandinterst
Its fcrleit. 'c id asagae Wilbur Opera Co. Boar Trips peWenk Beween Everyand Dayansd Night senlme~ewnsa
to its credit. etTiian.liedo, Detr41tand Mackina1Gc e~ivla ~DETROIT AND CLEVELANDEltianl.5 e Drcon
Each side has deternmined to twin this. rETSEYs, "TiH ESo,"naaESQUzsmB Put- In - Bay Brhtz. 1 ttro,$,z
else decisive game, and are putting forth Prisoner of Zenda. AD iDULTIL and Toledo. nnciosnse andsftsClevlad wish
strenuous efforts to that purpose. Aside UndettheRed obe.lwudiHesan ertXshms r n otsstand a eroeitssfo ais
$14,;frm etitss, 512.50o. 55505y Trpl e,,JsIe, anly.,
frsm the Msere pleasure sf witnessing a 1,01 Smith Russel. v n5 sepnCtind lsea see elndmbesad~t.brU
scetfcgmesc ste aei ueSend an. fornllusstrated Pamphlet. Address 25n*,.Ol5nnlrsdsss-ny
scietifi gae suh a thegam is ure Heart of Maryland. A. A. SBtieianz, o r. * sew MCH. Uhlluu1YRflOiOIl ODIIY
io be, a large crowd ought to be present And many others equally as
inasmuch as half of the gate receipts good.. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME,
is to go for the laudable purpose of A%,CO'T>R IEL, & LEONAR De
iting up the nmuch-needed trophy roes.
ithgynsu.Teohrhlof SUMMER LAW LECTURES 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N, Y.
29th Summer. Juily to ssptl 115. Havee posed Makers ef the tArS and towNs, to University of Michigan,
the proceeds is to divert to the High eseially profiabhls Is bsginners; ts eandidates ' U. af Clicaezo,U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, 0.,of Penn-
foradissionltmtu artosr raatitioes
Schsol Athletic Association. The affair faer ndmssen Is instructin;and o lider a, sylvania, Hiarvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams,
titiones desring to combine receatisn witha Wellesley, Bryn 'Mawr, etc.
is under the management of B. . LWein- reviewsofelemesnry tirinciplss. Fereatnisgeead- f Class contracts a specialty.
dress R. C. MINOR, ~eelr, Charlottesville, Va.
stein, which is sufficient proof that all __________________
will be a success from start to finish.
The price sf admission is but 29 cents,
and at this price one of the grestestA D E T S R
crowds ini the history of Begents ield_________
ought to witness the canme.
"The U. of M. Daily, 'its colusmns are al-
_____ BeksRcod which, by the way, is one ways .filled with choice
At the University of Pennsylvania's of thse best advertising U ni versity noews."'
sprngmediums in Ann Arbor" Washtenaw Evening
pigtrack meet last tYednesday nso 50 -; -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April ,
less than six university- records were $0).jI
, "3, 1898. 85 1898.
broken. Tbe first record broken was,_______
i4c~ cce he 1a0 yds. h'sr die. Ripley ran the"Afe
finalheat in 16 1-5 sec., time which is Bicycles R F A R__
fast enough to guarantee him a place '98 Models. High Grade.. -
in the Intereollegiate. The namils run SAME GRADtE AS AGENTS SELL FlOE $75.00.
record .was lowered from 4:48 2-5 is We Hauve n Agents hut Sell Direct
4:43 4-. Harret,'98, ra avery "strong tothPRieatSavn Yonall .d's M A PSi . 1/I
race and can probably better this mark. Agnt's Profits.
Bassett Iowered the half mile record of Berst materials, sperh- finish. Might --OF-
2.425which has stood for five years, elegant mndels, we ship anywhere with ~, y ~ q
2:04vTh or privilege of examination, pay express r.Jit,1e O 'jg, wG ~ .~C i5
to 203 -5.Kinsey rok thepol valt eharges btih wuys and retundS your
So2mo-.Kise rk hepl al ney if* net asrepresented,>Every -f e
record b setting a mark of 11 ft. 21/ "Ame" snfulls gsarantet anaai 1 Just what you need to locate Kvey West, Canary Islands, Cape V rdse Is-
al'Ac nfsoasell us Defecieli ork- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas; Etc.
in, Toung, 't0, als did well in this sosehp. nd for essslngue.
ev ent. He broke the oldticsrd h3' nev- AME CYCLE ., The World on cue side, 28x211inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side.
eralinc es with a vault of 9 ft. 11 tn. IZlSiS., , Elkhart, Ind. Send I ofor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to
Larken rained the broad jetnipe recsrd $85 weekly. E~D CAL O.10114AaS5 ticg

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