THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DALY' N vli si Pd ndw lohYOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCHCHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS., BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS.' All wool serge suits $7.60, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $6; White duck tennis pants at $1.60; White duck golf pants $3.60; All wool =bicycle pants $3.60; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.60; Men's all wool serge coats $4.60; Men's alpaca coats $2. 0O and $1.60. -MACOK, & C MvPANY. Iyowihto ow: Mandouin that ha, suit the mst eran huy the Wal, OF tfANARBOR M 25 E.Wash] ANN AIR me Table, Sunday; TIME TAE: Trains leave Asn Arbor b; Time. 8:43 . m. *12:15 p. M. 4:48p. m. *Run between Ann Arbc W.M HBENNETT G.P.A. MCHIGAN( The Niagara Fi Central Stanta TRAINS AT AN~ Mail and Ex...... 3 47 B N. Y. Special---4 58 10 *N. S. Limited-_--8 10 P Eastern Ex.------S9d4 AM. A D. N. Express.----5 0G Atantic Ex.... 730 C] B. E. Express --i!1i1 'North Shore Limited is and there Is a charge of more than on other trais 0. W RUGGL.,"7 G. P. & T.Ags Ihicago. THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, OUCKING VALLEYr Is lbs only iine from t Station to Columbus ang using Union depot tern has and runs four fa daily between the point them in the un-preceder hours. Parlor carssnd cents; sleepers Stadents do siring une are Invited to use the Bt oan obtain fall particulE to local ticket agents. E. M. D Dist. Pass. A W. H. FISHER, G. P.t OHIO (1ENTRJ THE DIRECT Cincinnati Dayton Urbana Springfield and Charleston Through trains wit Drawing Room Cat 9and Toledo, ma Basjo or( La tons to ~ acting critic, do ONsIC o ngton St.5 ZBOR 1Sept, 5, 1597. BLE: y Central Standarf? *7:3 anm 11:25 a. m. 8:40 p. m. or and Toledo only, GIL MORE, Agent Toledo 0. KINDERGARTEN, .102STronNS.! Call _and See Us, A whole winldow full RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER LEA&DING Telephaone It . ANN ARBOR JEWELER5 HOLMES' LIVERY, 51,5 East Liberty St. FULLER & BERANEK . ,TA.--TILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered 3 11 5. STATE ST.. over Ituoseys, Phone No. 24, New State. 0. X~. 1MAR TIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 209 FOURTH AVENUEJ. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 32 Fifth Avenue. Phoes106, BEST SERVICE IN THlE CITY. __ _ Six Models for 958 at S60) 197' Sode, while thery last at x;50. AABzrawns Drug, Thse University School of Dancing will I Wanted-Twvo or three reliable young charge 25 censoa rs:ole for thos e o-I men having raireduca tionanddgood ad- CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Orders for all Fraternity parties, clutb dances. etc. Leave ordero at Ano Arbor Music Co. or at Residence, 1710 Geddes are. P, S. - Will take pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places, A. J . Johnston. U. of M. ShavinigParlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stains Old friends rail again. We welcome new ones, J. 1t. TROOANOWSKI. - J loa in fer the oncertvtnightDaodin reosal t oncep rineotnsasstteagntsG lie Reute." cbfrtewoeee~g aceg~ ala oe rigo oect begin at 9 oclock. ( F. Corn, Asst. Manager. Lowney's Chocolates ,rd Time.,G T- IN ARBOR. Atteod the opening of the Aos Arbor NOTICE. G O TN AwiogAley and Recreation Hall on: All caodidates for thse '99 baseball W, W'. 1TUTTLE'5, tte Friday morning.i the ltore fortoerly tram: are requoested to be at thse fair ALGEII o ih N. Y M hI I occupied by the Portland Cafe, No. 3t0 grunsLLEGsayRMyE1,at4S.,. if______ou______ ish.____ all .._______18 S. Main street. 9P.runW.Tur JONESa 1,t54r. m 'acific Eu.1----125 30_P._W._JONES, TMnDr. PetrsE . M. On account :of the concert Saturday Tostc RbbronNMJR' RS },E. & K. Es -_- 5 55 evening the University School of Danc- lhi. Nt. Ex;__._7 41 ing will not give out programs until S E EET eae!!!DntT E'' as srrtao'oclock. Daocing to continue until 11:30. lake a substitute. M TELRsCCEEPRU . -. CHECK ROOM IN UNtVERSITY GO OTN ptervr ot One door east of American. House. H. W. HATES, HALL. to rent day and evenings at U. of 25. Both Phones, No. 8. Agt.. Ann Arhor Coder the auspices of the Women's boat house. foMt of N. Main St. tf League, a chseck room has been opened 'q ay ~l in the main hail of University hail, TEACHERS WANTED FOR NEXTVR-SGI th~e small fee of 5 cents being charged SPEBR for rare of wraps. A competeot man SPEBR AND T61.100 RAILWAY is in charge. Physics and Chemistry (man) for von LARGSST MAUFACTUnERS of ATETIC ____________AN BatvCLEnSUPPIS AwD NIF~RMaS she Toledo Union - Mc.Hs.a$0. NTWORLD... alnals ns at Colum, A number 2 Bullet camera on the Three H. S. Prins., $1,000, $1200, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. st express trains bleachers at the Athletic Field Wed' $2,000. TeNmeteGarne. its named, two of"TeNmthGurne. sled time of three nesday aftern:oon, May ft. Finder 25. 5. Assistant (woman) English,, Official Outfiteratn the Leading ColleeAth. ay trains, seats 25 please return to 714 State St. and re- $60.Iltin Club and Schol Teams o te .r, son night trains. qualed facilities ceive reward. 72 Girls' Coil. Prep. Sch., Latin and Every Requisite for Base .Bali, ucheye Bouts and Greek, $400 and home. Athletic Sports and Pastimes. ars on application Loot, strayed or stolen-White bull We have very many other vacancies The Spalding Official LeaEg Ball terrier puppy, bitch, no marks, with and getting them every day. Al- Adopted by Natilanai, Minor, College and AYIDSON, name on leather neck strap. Return hert & Clark Teachers' Agency, Pull' School Leagues. agent, Toledo, or to Phi Delta Phi Mouse, 803 S. State of., man Hldg., Chicago. The oldest and Mass Hal Unirorms, Bats, Gloves, and'. A. ' and receive reward. largest in the Wtest. Thirteenth year. MfIs, Chess Protectors, S3hoes, Etc. Columbu, Ohio. '.ITE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES _ " 'THM~IE SPALI EIALINC BLUEW RACER Chain) : Univ rsit ' Sc ool f D is g Send for Ilstrated. Catalogue of all AL Ll *STARE STREET, OPPOSITE LAW 'BUILDING. Athletic Sperms. L Ii...Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every aturday Evening . A. e, SPALOING & BROS,, LINE TO , Private Lessons by appointment. - Office, 427 '1 hosopson St. NeYok 7 Chcg Columbus ENOCHI DIETERLE, 1W Sgans"! Coon Songs"' MaiaEri'BALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR t Sousa's Marches"! Athdes Caindgntd ayr gh. * Latest Manic for Piano, and other ,W. Va. No. 161.East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 y Instrumentn. 4 South Fourth Ave. Phone 125." ..Finest assortment of Guitars and THE 4 Mandolins, Strings and Trim- tb Sleeping and RANDALL, TEPHOTOGRAPHER.S.d e9The SCHIAEBERLE flusle StoreA rfrom Detroit. WASHINGTON STREET ANNI ARDOR °C 5 114 We s Llerl at,rss Arbr