THE UNIVERZiiTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, tm _ z-__- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dune the College er, at TE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orraci: Tes building, 21 S. Male S Telephone (New State 10. MsANAGING EDITOR J. F. TOoMAs, 'B L. BUSINESS MSANAER . H. HA, 00 L. EDITORS IH, B.,'8 L., Athletics. _ E L. GiImm, 9 L T. i. Woosow,95 F. RExosnnAa, '98. F. D.REAMAN, '00 t. D. Huimu ~, '00 1R. S. DAFOronv,90 P. W. JONES, '99. C. H. LN, '00 M. A. H. MCDOGALL, 01 E. The subscription price o1 the Daily is $2.5 for the college year, with a regulai delivey before noe each day. Notices, comunica- ions, and other matter Intedd for pblica tion msbe anded is at the Daily office be- fore 8 p. m., o mailed to the editor before 3 h 2vi. ea peiu o-hto hc Sbe iosmay e left at The Daily Office, Mees tcs Nwtno with Business M1anager. Subribers will con- fer a ar by reporting jprmptly at this office awe failure of cariers o deliver paper REGENrso MEETING. (Continued from hirt pge). of War Alger nd the surgeon-general thanking the regens for the offer Of the tniversity hopital io ae of necesity. The superintendents of toe stoe asy- loms were appoite specal lecturer spon mntal Botootos. Thee getle- men will five one or more specil lec- tures each, the Uiverity paying their expenses while here. Dr. H. B. Baker, of Laning, secretary of the tte oard of health, woo appointed specal lecturer on the administrationl of the health lawo under the ame conditions. Doctor Prescott, Freer and Vaug.oti were eclosen ao a comittee to award the Parke, DavisoR& Co. $500 fellowship i general chemistry. New York Alumni. ,;2 - Thec idea prevails tht alumni of tht University of Michigano almost never same together in any numbs ecept in what is commonly know 00 The West." Probably few people have any idea that New Yort City ontairs many L.. of M. men. Bt it does. And that some of them at least are loyal to Ama mtater has just een demostrated. On Tuesday evening, April 19th, four- teen U. of M. men came together for an iiforma dinner at a Hungarian res- taurant in Second avenue, and enjoyed the reunion so thoroughly that the then and there decided to make tie gathering a monthly occurrence and to ral the meeting. an "'Ann Arbor Round Table." The suggestion for te gathering was mae by Henry W. Web- her, '4. of No. 150 Nssau street. and only a few notices :were hurriedly sent out. Those who were present were Lewis S. Pildur '0; Lawrec A. Be- Louth 87; Pomeroy Ladue, '90; Henry W. Webber.94; G. w. Harris. '94; J. Halsey Mallory. '91;,.Edmnd Block, '9; L. Barton Case. '5; W. Roy Clayton. 95; Israel Ludlow, '95; Elmer B. Lane, '95; Mron W. Neal. '9; F. C. Cheston '97; Roy H. Hardy, '9. During the dinner the U., of M. yell Was given twie with a will and loud og 3t. as as io y 3 h Y ] r , f vociference equally to the amusement and amazenment of the two hundred or Bore people in the restaurant. Our yell aroused a handful of Yale mesn, who answered with their yell. And in torn they were responded to by a table- ful of Columbia students. For a few minutes it was a lively yelling match- and "U. of H., Hah, Halo!" was the strongest. Owing to the fact thfat Diao College hoas two big games on the present trip they have cancelled their date with Michigan for this afternoon. At some little expesse Manager Kieth has been able to secure the Michigan Agricultur- a1 College team for a game. This team is a strong one, ranking about even with Oivet, who gave us such a close game a s hort time ago. The price of admission has been reduced to 25 cents and a good game can be eapected. The American Book Company will publish a French book in prose com- position this summer, written by Victor E. Francois. t t ALL THE 'LATEST NOVELTIES IN inJ. T. Jacobs &Son SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South Main Street. ...FIETAILORING.. Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all tioe swell- est and most exclusive novelties. Our garments wherever seen will he appreciated and pronounced by critics as strictly correct. We respectfully invite your inquiry. We do only a flue trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty in stock. Garments hearing our label pressed gratis. 81- i 0 k E E IF YOU WANT TIIE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY' BADGES OR PINS Sendto SMITH] STURGEON & CO., 237 239,21i Woodard Ave.. Detroit. oDesigns and estimates furnishedsonall works ofda th "r r' k'i"od .A. #Athens = Theatre~ $ Thoese are some of the attrac-$ $tions we havo booked for next year: Wilbur Opera Co. Eletrician.$ Prisoner of Zenda. Under the Red Robe. $ of Smith Russel. V Heart of Maryland. And many others equally as good. SUMMER LAW LECTURES UNIVERSITY OF VIRGoINIA. eselly proftabejle tosbeies to anats lacking systemati nstmruction n o oler rac titioners desiring te comnie recremtion wilh a revew ofrsflemesnryrneiples. Frscaaloge ad- dress B. . 111NOR1, Sceary, Calottesvile, Va. "Acme" Bicycles '98 Models. High Grade:. SAME GRADE AS AGENTS SELL FORE $75.00. We Have no Agents but Sell Direct to the Rider t Manufacturer's Prices, Saving You ali Agent's Profits. Ses materials, Sperh finish. ight elegant meodels. "We ship asywhereswith privilege of rxamination, pay express elsarges hotS ways and refund your money if' eel as represented. Elvery "Acme" is fell saransteedasinsal J A i i r BURCHFIELD, New Phone 41. 106 East Huiron Street for a Summer Cruise e o NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfec. PASSENGER _ ionayetlattilned in STEAMRSEat Construction: STEMER, -Luxurious .Equip. SPEED, ,42' nal.Artistic Fur- COMPORT ~,enlshing,Dncoratils ANO SAFETY andEfficientSersie To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No oterine offersaPnorama of4ileseof eqalvaietyad inest. Vase Telpe per Week Between IEry and DaandsitService et.wses Nigt etea DETROIT AND CLEVEI AND Toledo, Detroit And Mackinac Cleveland, Fare 1,5O0.Eh Direction. rETOsKEY, "TnE 800,"1t1 N 15 TE Put-in- Bay sBets,o,$ie. 1 Sateroom., t. AsDsDUUrTH. and Toledo. Conecios are made atClevelmnd wish LOeWRATESstonicesqeNssaeassaemadE'se=sanas,fer all(9po0ntss5asSat Reisrs0Incldig ea~ls d erta. Approx-.andSoues tss aadatpsDeri oa lpoint i$14;tsfrom etoit nOs~alla, $8 6.SassrTrips Juse, dafryAuss5 515;~aas~rlssieao.Seembaer andeestbr Oly. Seed se. for Illstrated Pamphlet. Address l~~l111 51111 sliilf ~un A. A. S INoiarggQa.. . DnIaIr. fosese!loale5E,' INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, COTRIELL & LEONARD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Makes of the Cars and aowos, to University of Michigan, U. oc Chicago. U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn- sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Colombian, Williams, Welesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. Class contracts a specialty. . .: ADVERTISERS "The U.* of M. Daily, "Its columns are al- which, by the way, is one ways filled with -hoice of tho best advertising University news."- mediums in Ann Arbor" Washtenaw Evening -Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April 3, 1898. 8, 1898. READERS " W AR MAPSW- -OF-- Cuba, The Wold; West -Indios* Just what you need to locate Key 'West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is- lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortugas) Etc. The World-on one side, 28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indties, on other side. Send Mnc for sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to $85 weekly. RANeD, McNALLY & CO., 166-174 Adams St., Chicagfo,