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May 14, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-14

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,
Palmer's Pharmacy
- IS NOw.
Wilder's Pharmacy
The store is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and
the stock is being sorted
and increased. Precsrip-
tions a specialty.
Geo. P. Wilder.
lust received afresh supply of Allegretti, and
Williams and Wersers Chocolates. Largest line
its the city.
Lunches at all hours.
R. B. JOLLY & Co0.
a38 South State Street.
There is
No disappointmet in our
da Water. There is
plenty of coldness and
satisfaction. Have you
noticed that even on cool
days, people often have
to wait their turn? They
don't do that at any other
fcUnitait. Our soda
water is right.
3300KT OR.
A good Base Ball and Bat is just
the thing to develope your
We have every varity from 5c
to $1.25.
Sporting Goods of all kinds.
Base Ball Suits made to'order.
Prices are right.

YESTERDAY'S CONCERTS, appropriate flowers adorned the stage.
The numbers upon the program last
Afternoon and Evening's Pro- night were of especial merit and were
highly appreciated by all.
grams Warmly Received. Mir. Berthald, in "Aria" from "Les
Troyens," made a great impression up-
The symphony concert given yester on the audience. He has a bEautifulj
day afternoon as the second of the voice, which is very sweet and rythj
May Festival series was an excellent metic, and his range is remarkable.
one. The program, though changed to Mr. Berthald was loudly applauded and
some extent, was very acceptable, as lie responded liberally to his ovation.
was shown by the applause that greeted Miss Stein, in the rendition of "At-
the close of each number. ti.," made a profound impression. She
The first number, Symphonie Pathet- showed herself to be an artist in the
ique, Op. 74, by Tschaikowski, was ren- truest sense of the term.
dered by the Boston Festival Orchestra Perhaps the most popular number of
under the able conductorship of Mr. the evening was that rendered by Sig-
Mollenhauer who is a familiar figure to nor Del Puente. The audience was
the May Festival audiences. The sym- very demonstrative in their apprecia-
phony is hardly what its name would lion of his effort. The Sicgor came
indicate it to be. It almost borders hehre with a high replwt ion preced-
upon the dramatic in music, but what- ing hin, and it is needi.- say that
ever its nature it touched a responsive there was no disarpointn . xcvept of
chord with the vast audience and the agreeable kind.
brought forth long continued and well Prof. Stanley's symphonict.t ec:was
deserved applause. The second move- vat rmly received. It has be-cc heard
nent, Allegro Con Grazia, was especial- here only once before, and the, it was
ly well received. The uncommon still in manuscript and arranged only


Important Business Transacted at
the Session Yesterday p. m.
The Board of Regents coet yesterday
afternoon and transacted considerable
important business, including the ap-
pointment of teachers and instructors
for the coming year. In opening the
meeting President Hutchins explained
at length the attitt de of the faculty ic
the matter of enlistments. In the course
of his remarks he said:
"The University has already furnish-
ed over 100 seen and two professors,
which must te considered a liberal
cumber under the present call. We do
not feel that at the present time there
is a necessity for a general entistment
by students and we cannot encourage
it. If a further call for volunteers is
made, and the necessity exists, the Uni-
verAity authorities will be found ready
and willing to co-operate and give
every encouraFement. Dr. Charles B.
Nancrede was given a leave of absence
until October 1 to join the Third Michi-
gan Infantry as surgeon. Also the de-
gree of M. D. was conferred en Dr. S.
D. Tobey, of Oakland, Iowa, who left
the senior medical class in the spring
of 1860 to join the Union army.
Prof. V. M. Spaulding was given a
year's leave of absence on account of
ill health.
In executive session the board took
up the matter of appointment . Mast
of the staff of teachers were reappoint-
ed as had een expected, but the fol-
lowing are new mon who will take hold
nxt October: Instructor in German,
Dr. :Ewald Boucke; instructor in phys-
ics in place of Dr. Patterson, who gops
abroad for a year, Justis Trowbridge,
Ph. D., who graduated from Columbia,
took his doctcor's degree and left a ppsi-
tion as laboratory instructor in the Ber-
lin Polytechnic School to accept the pos-
ition here; instructor in law, A. J. Far-
rah, who takes Instructor Hughes
place; laboratory assistant in general

rhythm in which it is written was well
brought out by the conductor and or-
In place of the aria Mr. Howland was
expected to sing, he chose "The Two
Grenadiers," and sang it well. Mr.
Howland has a bass voice of very good
quality, and it, together with his use
of it, compares very favorably with
those others of the soloists who have
thus far apepared in the series. He
responded to an encore with a short
piece and was accompanied by Mr. Mol-
lenhauer upon the piano.
Because of the mialaying of the or-
chestral accompaniment to Miss von
Grave's piano concerto, the third num-
ber could not be given as on the pro-
gram. Instead, Mr. Max lHeindl, an-
other familiar figure before Ann Arbor
audiences, rendered the concerto in E
major that he was to give tomorrow
afternoon. Mr. Heindl ranks high as
a vialincellist, and the audience was
fully appreciative of his art. He also
responded to an encore. Miss 'von
Grave will play her concerto tomorrow
The overture to "Gwendoline," by
Chabrier, was rendered as the last num-
ber of the program. It is quite Wag-
nerian in its style and offers a splen-
did opportunity for the orchestra to rise
to its fullest power. And in this case
the orchestra did rise and rendered the
piece in a manner worthy of far greater
applause than it received. The place at
the end of the program was an unfor-,
tunate one owing to the haste the audi-
ience always has to leave the hal. It.
is safe to say, however, that it would
have had a much warmer reception had
it come earlier than it did.

for the organ. The piece was e oal to
any of Prof. Stanley's former com-
positions and is indeed a credit to him-
The following was the program as
rendered last night.
Overture, "Akademischhe Fest," O.
80 .............................lBrahms
a. "Herzwunden" .........
b. "Im Fruehling" ..............Grieg
String Orchestra.
Aria, "Am Stillen Herd"........Wagner
(Fromn "Die MeistersingEr.)
Mr. Berthald.
Aria from "Les Troyens"........Berlioz
Miss Stein.
Symphonic poem, "Attis,"A. A. Stanley
Aria, "Eri Tu," (Ballo Mascheri).Verdi
Signor Del Puente.
Barcarole, "A Night in Lisbon,"....
Aria, from "Cberon" ........voi Weber
Mr. Berthald.
"Kaisermarsch" ................Wagner
Dr. Nancrede Accepts.
Speaking of Dr. Nancrede's accept-
ance of the position of surgeon .in the

Third Infantry, Michigan Volunteers, chemistry, Ralph Page, salary, $150;
the Detroit Free Press says: "Dr. Nan- assistant in general chemistry, without

crede is * * * one of the most pop-
ular members of the faculty, as well
as being a recognized authority on the
subject he teaches. He has always
been very close to the students. An'
ardent supporter of athletics, he has
for years held a position on the board
of control for the athletics of the Uni-
versity. It is always a familiar sight
at every athletic event on Regents'
Field to see Dr. Nancrede's carriage
drive in, loaded down with children.
The doctor invariably presented a bill
of no .small denomination in payment
of their fare, and it was generally
understood that he, would be insulted
if any change were offered him. His
departure from the campus, even fo, a
brief period, wil e'geatly regretted
by the students in all departments."

pay, Wiliam H. hess; assistants in Lat-
in, salary $225, John C. Granrud, Sam-
uel A. Jeffers, John W. Sturgis and
George D. Hadzits, now a teacher in
the Detroit High Schocl; assistant in
the theory and practice of medicine,
Dr. C. D. Silver; house surgeon of the
hospital, Dr. Chas. B. Gauss; assistant
demonstrators in anatomy, Norton D.
Cocns, of Mt. Pleasant; 1. M. Doolittle,
of Elyria, Ohio; Lawrence M. Upjohsn,
of Kalamazoo, and Lccise M. Dether-
idge, of New York. These were. ap-
pcinted assistants in derocathology: Dr.
Jas. F. Breakey; in hygiene, Dr. Tho~m-
as B. Cooley; in obstetrics and gynae-
co:cgy, Dr. Caspar Lakins; in hIstology,
Mrs. Lydia M.. De Witt.
Lettdrs were yreeived from Secretary
(Continued- on. Second. page).

The third grand symphony concert of
WAHR'S BOOK STORE the Choral Union series was given at
Up Town Down Town University Hall last night.
8A Stat st. Opposi n ouse The hall was especially decorated and

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