I THlE UNIVERSITY OF MIU)HIGAN DAILY. Millinery ! 4 W. J. BOOns. Pres. W. ,NL,1s iepe w JOHN C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier. We throw in this Latin motto with every pair State . Savih 's - Badk of oui celebirated Transacts a general Basnking bosi ,ness. Av.4Cornell1 hoe 0R L~tES, Cr. Mlain and Huron Sireets. $ 3 O FO MN.Capital, $50,eS. Surplus, $30,000. Transacti geseral basking business. 1 t i t. iKsEP, Pres. C. F..GRENEs, Vice-pres G.OODS ass. RE. 11. Iiono Cashier. 119 South Main Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capitli Stock, $5O,0S. Surplus, $1i0,000. JO S. W . OLLA F IOrganized under the GenerailStashing Laws 3thsState. iteceives deposits, buys and selin exchange on the principal cities of the United Stains. Drafts cashed upon proper MW A Identification. Safety doposit hoses to rest. A IL R IN UFZOrriu: Christian Pinch Preu.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscoch, Cashier: H. .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. 11 .UP STAIRS. S.Ann MAhrBNbornnAru FIRST NATIONAL BNOrganizedrior _____________________________________________________ Capitai, $1iSieS. Surpius and Prefits, 0,000 ITransacts a generai bashing business. Foreign exchange bought andnaild. Furnish H® !DRIN ERS F CO FEEletters uf credit. HO!DRI KER OFCOF EEE. 13. KINNE, Fees. HARRISON SOtULE, Dean &o Co.'s Blonded Coffee is tho result of thirty years experience S. W. OLARKSON. Cashier. in roasting coffee, and' produces in the cup a beverage of golden ( color and uneurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 25c pe (ondCf.MJH O* adventure the statement that no better or more erouiceeR & C can be had at any price. The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of ]DEAN &t CO MPANY. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window 214 South Main Street. Shades, Room Mouldinges, Etc. Univernitv Notes. ilaid, Lafacyctte for FTrance aid ,Cs Specialty of fine interior decorating painitinog, frescoing, tinting and paper teiar for Spcaiti; then, diping hter ices hanging. Only the best of workmen There wili he no meeting tonight of in goilden light, she sviii write far employed. Work guaranteed. the Whist Cliub because of the cocert. aboe thiieccall, hesidie the snsme c, (C. HI M AOR& CO., C. A. Bishoip, 'et.Ii', is coinsedt at the Abrhiasoi Lincol~~n, that of the soildier, ThrtsicDcotr tfniversiiy hospitai on aoccount of an ait- lice hero, the mairtyr-Antoniosc Mace. LARGEST SHOWING NEWEST FANCIES In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- ments, Etc., selected by our trimmer in New York, under whose direction hats and bon- nets sold are trimmed. Do you want to see all the latest, correct ideas, of Spring Millinery ? Visit this depart- ment, 2d floor, this week, LADIES' SHOES I tach of iflammiatory rheumatism. ( I'hi' coicclusionci of Wendell P'hilltips' Mr. J. It. Allen, sit the ecngineerinsg orationson Toccussaint L'Ouvectur iscea deipartment, received aj telegranm francItollosiw: P rsof. .Ei.(Cioley sayisg that he swas intfif ty years hence, whsen Truth joeltcpreiparing tc gos isisboard the cots ai heaviing, isc Musio f Htistiory Yosemite. xwiiilccut Phsciosn fir tc the(reti ons Prof. H. iE. UCsoley hac sbei gicensthe,tBrutucs for the Rosmain, Ha-mpdectn fir privilege by she governmicenit ofapoin- Ensgland, Lafayette for France, choiseo leg hisoOwns assistant engiiseers, with Wasinigtoii au the height, cosumimate the assraince that his appsointmsecnts fssuer of scrarloicrrcivilizaticon, then, wousld b e csnfiredt.ipinig her pen in the suiilight, swill Ccci. Eli tt. Ssttocn, vhos graduated awrticis hcisceiar blue, ahbove thenm alt, frornci tis lass depacrtmeini in '93, has the icamue of the soldier, the stactesmni been sipendsing a few dcays inticwissvicHr. the mart ye-ToussoaittL'Ouvertuire. Scittecs for some time has heen private, LOST. We itre shossing' the largest most complete line of andt Ladies' Sprin~g Footwear EVER SHOWN. SEE OUR $3.00 SHOES IN BLACK OR TAN, VESTING TOPS. Shoe department, 1st floor. MACK &CO Golf Suits, Crash Suits, White Ducik, Tennie and Golf Trousers. MACK & CO., third floor, elevator. Remember! We handle a faelilne of Clothing, Men and Bays, as well as Haberdashery. Clothing on third fleer. MACK & CO. secretary focr Isis. hPingree. Because of Piagiariam. The fotllowing, takecs frocm Nesmith's srationa in the Northern Oratoricl League last Fridasy evening, ias cased considerabie commnent and toe has been accused of plagiiarisin. Nesmsithi reis- rcsented Northwesterncin the content. His subject, "Antonio Maco," strucks a patriotic chord, and he wsaofrequent- ly interrupted wyih applause. In clos- ing he said of the Cuban rnartyr: And in future ages, when the record- ing angel shall write in the eternal blue the herocs sf the nineteesith cen- tciry, she wilt put Giadstone for Eng- 4 A numccber2IBuRecamseraisonsthe hicaviseis at the Athletic Field Wed- cieoday afcercoosn, tiisy 11. Finder pltoesecetuirin is 7idState st. aindirc- cerise resward. 72 toot, strayed or stsolen-White hull terrier puppy, hitch, no marhs, with came on ieather neck straps. Return icc Phi Dteta Phi Hosae, 8h3 S. State st., and receive reward, Wanted-Twos sr three reliableyouong men hasing fair educeation and good ad- dress to represent ue as siate agents. Call at once, Arlington Hstel, city. G. F. Gam, Asst. Mianager. NOTICE, Aul candidates fee the '9h basebali team are requested to be at the fair grounds Thursday, Hay t2, at 4 p. m. P. W. JONES, Henge. KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latent Novelties it Winter snd Sipring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block wet ofUniversity. BICYCLES Built So order, Repaired and Enameled, at 106 North Fourth Avenue. Win. 3. Wenger. A. resL LINE Or BICYCILESUONDRIES 0N STOCK CHAPIN BROTHERS, (successors to Hunter & Chapin) MAsUrACTREnS Or....... . Dental Instruments and Fine flachIzery Special attention gives tosRicycle Repairing BICYCLE LIVERY-Prices Reasonable. No. 11d E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. CRASHES~... Fresh Strawberries and Pine Apple and the bent quality of tee Cream. PHOSPHAT'ES "'-.- Fissest Fruit Juices and Artesian water used in our 20F.Washington 31(1S., State. For Forty. Years GOLDEN.:SCEPTIRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe.