AM --a URSDAY, MAY 12, 1898 PalCE-3 CENTS. VoL. VIII. No. 167. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THi r t At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our;..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. N,. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy . IS NOW------ Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. .PIPE tS ALE T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line it the city. Lunches a* all hours. R. eJ0OArY & Co. 108 South Stale Street. ERRORS LOST GAME, Chicago Wins Second of the Series. Errors which loomed. up bigger than a May Festival chorus gave Chicago an undeserved victory over the 'Varsity yesterday. They came in the sixth in- ning and netted the Maroons three runs, a lead which the 'Varsity coul not overcome. Up to this both teams had tlayed an even game with no scores. The final score was 4 to 2. Miller easily outpitched Smith and did work that was deserving of vic- tory. Only four hits were made off his delivery in the entire nine innings, and in the meantime he struck out eight men-certainly a great record. He re- ceived elegant support from Lunn. The 'Varsity players played faster than in the Illinois game, and their batting showed improvement, but the errors overcame all of it. Neither side scored for five innings. tn the sixth Herschberger struck out, Gardner got a life on Condon's error, Miller's error advanced him to second and let Clarke rach first. Matteson dropped a beautiful fly and Gardner scored. Then Vernon hit to Gilbert at shortstop and Sawyer was. fdreed at e~onr Ad xii hn nP+1. second. A. wimd throw to first let Clarke score and Vernon reached first. Kennedy then hit for two bases, scoring There i Vernn. Smith ended the burlesque by going out from Miller to Condon. No disttppointnuet in our * Soda Water. There is In the seventh Lunn hit a fine two- plenty of coldness and bagger, reached third while Butler was satisfaction. Have you being thrown out at first and on Merri- noticed-that even on cool field's error scored. Condon hlied out days, people often have and McGinnis fanned. In the ninth an- to wait their turn? They otherrun was scored through a base to tht lit any other on balls and hits by Wolf and McGinnis. fiuntai.. Our Soda Chicago also scored in the ninth, Ver- water is right nan's single and Kennedy's triple do- ing the business. 5c MICHIGAN. A B. R. H. O. A. E. Cooley, 2b. ..... 4 0 1 4 .0 2 Gilbert, ss. 3 0- 1 2 1 CALKH' Q I 1 y Lunn, c........ 4 1 1 t1 t 5 -.AJKflIIAflV Condon 1. 4 . . . utler, f. .... 4 0 1 0 Wof b .... ,. 4 0 2 3 0 0 McGinnis, m 4 0 2 1 0 0 E P Mattes'on, if. .,..4 0 t 1 1 1 1WVa H ' Milr ............................4 0 a 0 41 TOotlST ...C...52 8 27 T a A.B. R. H. O. A. E-. Merrifheld, 3b. ..4 05 2 4 1 Herschberge, in. .. 4 00 1 0 Gardner, c. ......... 4 1 0 3 1 0 A good Base Ball and Bat is just Clark, 2b, ......... 4 1 0 2 4 0 the thing to develope our Sawyer, rf. 4 0 1 0 0 0 g d p y r Vernon, ss. ,....... 4 2 1 1 1 0 muscles. Kennedy, 1b. . ,. 3 0 2 150 0 muce.Smith, p.o ... We have every varity from 5c Southard, lf. ....... 3 0 0 0 0 to $1.25. Totals ............34 4 4 27 17 2 toInings- 123456789 Sporting Goods of all kinds. Chicago . ..5 0 0 0 3 1- 4 Michigan ............0 0 0 0 0 01 0 1- 2 Base Ball Suits made to"order. Three-base hit-Kennedy. Two-base, Prices are right. hits-Lunn, Kennedy. Stolen bases- P Michigan 1, Chicago 2. Bases an balls- Off Miller 3, off Smith 2. Struck out- By Miller 8, by Smith 3. Time of game W AHR'S BOOK STORE -Two hours. Hmpire-Tyndall. Michigan's next game will be next Up Town Down Town Saturday with the strong Dixon Cal- S. State st. opposite CourtHouse' Ann Arbor Main ht. - lege team. A crack Company. I Co. A, U. of M. Rifles, Capt. Magley, drilled last night for the last time this week on account of the May Festival. This company is getting to be the crack (-opany of the town and last night did come fine, fost drilling. In spite of the general loss of itterest is drill more en are constantly coming to this com- pany. Col. Sutton, when in town two days ago, saw the company drill and com- plimented the men on their soldierly be- haviour. The company is contemplat- ing adding two more fours, i. e., six- teen more men, thus raising the number to sixty-onc i These sixteen will be tak- en from the auxiiary squad of the company, thus leaving places for a few men i the auxiiary squt Men de- siring to join this squad r t to the captain at 10:30 Saturday .:mon in front of the main hall for de . vir- tual s tiool for non-commissi -Iofll- cer is beingconmducted by .Capt. Mag- Next company drill Monday evening at i shrp. To Recruit Regulars. By order of the secretry of war, Lieut. Smoke, first lieutenant of the Nineteenth Infantry, U. S. Army, has received authority to enlst one com- pany for the Nineteenth Infantry. This company is to be made tip of students of the University of Michigan, and be kept as such during their service. Th n en are srequired to enlist for three year. While bound for this time, ac- cording to the law as included in the amendment to the Reorganization Bill, the army shall be reduced at thb end of hostilities to the original size before the war. This means, unless other ac- tion is taken by Congress, this present company will be honorably discharged as soon after peace is declared as pos- sible. For those who are anxious to go to the front and see service there is no better way. This company will be sent to the Nineteenth Infantry, stationed at Mobile, Ala., as soon as organized The recruiting office is at Dr. Vuty's office on State st. Office open between 2-4 p. m. President Hutchins and Prof. Freer have returned from Detroit and an- nounce that Parke, Davis & Co. have offered $500 a year to establish a fellow- ship in chemistry. The only conditions attached are that the student shall be a post graduate, that he shall not be re- quired to teach, shall do work in orig nal investigation, and if at any time the donors desire a problem investiga- tion it shall be done by this student, At the election of oficers for Com- pany B, University Pattalion, the fol- lowing men were chosen: Captain, J. Cox, of Kentucky; first lieutenant, F. D. Eaman, of Michigan: second lieu- tenant, I. L. Weaver, of Kentucky; sergeant, J. L. Larmour, of Illinois. Refreshments After May Festival. Among the pleasant features which are growing up in connection with our annual May Festivals, probably none is more popular than the serving of light refreshments in the old chapel after the concerts. This was inaugurated three years ago by the Women's League. It affords people a chane to have a chat about the concerts over a cup of coffee or a dish of ice-cream, before separating for the night. This year the serving will be done by the Students' Christian association. No pains will be spared to make every- thing entirely satisfactory. Small tables will Pr vet in the old chapel and the young ladies of the association will do the serving. An advisory com- mittee, consisting of Mrs. A. B. Stev- ens, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Huber, Mrs. Pat- terson, Miss Dean and Miss Butler, in- sures the completeness of the arrange- ments. Naval Reserves' Troubled. The Detroit Naval Reserves are ex- periencing some of the stern realities of life on board a U. S. ship. The Yose- mite, the boat to wh en they have been assigned, has not yet been completely overhauled, and now the men are quar- tered on the Franklin with the Mary land reserves and several regulars. The treatment they have received on board and on shore has not been all they think it should be. An abuimnts of tile University, in a letter home, declared that "the hospitality for which Virgania is celebrated is largely a myth." Sev- eral of the men entered a Norfolk res- taurant to buy a lunch but weere ejected by the porters, as a standing rule of the irst-class restaurants is that ni sea- men are alowed. As some of the men are society leaders us Detroit, they were consequenly mortifhed at their treatment. Central Debating League Officers The Graduate Council of the Central Debating League, which meets in Chi- cago this week to ddtermine upon ques- tions and judges for next year's de- bates, is composed as follows: President, Selim H. Peabody, Ph D, LL. D. For Michigan-Robert McMurdy, E. C. Lindley. For Northwestrn-John Hamline, R. V. Holt. For Minnesota-G. C. Sikes, S. S. Paquin. For Chicago-M. P. Trutchey, . A. Buzzell. The constitution requires that each university shall be represented by two of her graduates in Chicago, and that the presiding officer shall be a graduate fron some eastern university and shall not in any way be connected with any university of the league. Mr. Peabody is a graduate of Yale, and was formerly president of the University of Illinois. Me is now a resident of Chicago and his selection by the other mnembers sof the council should be highly satisfac- tory to Michigan.