c e . v
At Wild's
Spring selections-just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our.:....
Suitings, Trouserings,
Palmer's Pharmacy
- IS NOW.--
Wilder's Pharmacy'
The store is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and
the stock is being sorted
and increased. Precsrip-
tions a specialty.
Geo. P. Wilder.
Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and
Williams and Werners Chocolates. Lakest line
in the city.
Luncbes at all hpurs.
3os South State Street.
There Is
No dis ppointmet in our
Soda Water. There is
plenty of coldness and
satisfaction. Have you
noticed that even on cool
days, people often have
to wait their turn? They
don't do that at any other
fOuntain. Our soda
water is right.
A good Base Ball and Bat is just
the thing to develope your
To Be Held Next Thursday After-
As the University track team is to
meet Ilinois in a dual meet next Tues-
day afternoon, the candidates for the
team will be given a chance at com-
petition for the first time this year in
a handicap meet to be held Thursday
afternoon. As this will be the first
handicap meet ever held here consider-
able interest attaches to the event. The
handicapper, ex-Captain Heald, has ex-
ercised considerable judgment and close
and exciting contests may be expected.
As there is great competition for
places on the team, and as the men
who wil represent the 'Varsity against
Illinois will be chosen on the showing
made, several records are expected to
be smashed.
In order to arouse enthusias and to
permit as large a crowd as possible to
attend, the adaiisison has been fixed at
the nominal price of 15 cents, which will
only cover the advertising expenses.
The discus 'hrow, which has recently
been added to the list of intercollegiate
events, will be a match event and open
to all comers. The handicaps in the
other events will be as follows.
100 yard dash-Thomas, scratch;
Hartsburg, I yard; Westphal, I yard;
Elbel, 2 yds; Thompson, 2 yds; Johnson,
2 yds; Kittleman, 2 yds; Forbes, 3 yds;
Prentiss, 4 yds; Auer, 4 yds; Webster,
6 yds.
220 yard dash-Thomas, scratch;
Thompson, 2 yds; Wltestphal, 2 yds:
Forbes,.5 yds; Johnson; 5 yds; Prentiss,
6 yds; Webster, 8 yds; Auer, $ yds.
120 yard hurdle-MeLean, scratch;
Webster, 2 yds; Ayers, 3 yds; Hazleti.,
10 yds.
220 yard hurdle-McLean, scratch;
Webster, scratch; Ayers, 3 yds; Harts-
burg, 10 yds; Richardson, 20 yds.
300 yard dash (scratch event)- Teet-
zel, Hatch, Thompson.
880 yard run-Hayes, scratch; Whit-
tlesey, 10 yds; Spalding, 10 yds; Benson,
15 yds; Danforth, 15 yds; Armstrong, 25
yds; Fisher, 25 yds; Reynolds, 25 yds.
Three-quarter mile run -'Wood,
scratch; Whitcomb, 15 yds; Case, 25
yds; Murphy, 25 yds, Llewlyn, 35 yds;
Delbridge, 35 yds.
Three-quarter mile n walk-Tryon,
scratch; Brookfield, 15 yds; Woodruff',
Shot put-Lehr, scratch; Dye, scratch;
Jones, 2 ft.; Stengal, 5 ft.
One mile bicycle-Turner, scratch;
York, scratch: Baldwin, 75 yds; Sten-
berg, 100 yds; Kenneth, 150 yds; Sproat,
50 yds; Eames, 175 yds.
Quarter mile bicycle (scratch event)-
Same entries.E
Official handicapper-H. T. Heald.
Referee-Dr. Rabethge.
Clerk of Course-Allan Campbell.
Starter-Dr. Fiezgerald.1
Base Ball Rules.-
The following are the rules under1
which the inter-class baseball games1
will be played:
1. All baseball games shall be played1
according to the schedule established
by the basebail committe- of the ath-1
letic board, and shall no.-_ o earlier
than the second week aft t- _e spring
2. 'fhe officials of the game -.all be
appointed by the manager of toe 'Var-
sity team and shall meet the approvalI
of the captains of the contesting
3. The names of players on class
teams shall be given to the assistant
manager oft he 'Varsity team and pub-
lished in the Daily four days before the4
date of the particular game, and all
protests shall be made to the assistant
manager within two days after sch
4. A player shall compete with the
team of the class in which he is regis-
tered. The University record shall be
final in all cases,
5. No person shall compete who is
considered a member of the 'Varsity
team by the manager and captain of
that team, and any person having
played on or against the 'Varsity after
the beginning of the inter-class games
shall be ineligibl for class contests.
6. Profesionals shall not be allowed
in any inter-class contest; special stu-
dents shall play with the team of the
class with which they entered college.
N. B.-This rule is to be construed
by the baseball committee acording to
the circumstances of each case.
7. The tean of the Ann Arbor High
School meeting the requirements of
these rules shall be considered eligible
8. Any point of dispute arising which
is not provided for in these rules shall
be decided by the baseball committee
of the athletic board.
All teams expecting to compete must
send me an entry by 6 p. m. Thursday,
May 12, andI th schedule of games will
be published in the Daily of Friday,
May 13.
Assistant Manager
627 S. Thayer Street
Xichigan vs. Odcago, Wednesday,
May 11, at Regenta' Field. Game
call promptly at 4:10. Admission
-50 cents.
A Hot Contest Is Expected Be-
tween Chicago and U. of M.
Chicago comes today for the second
game of the series of five, and there
is little doubt but what it will be as
close and exciting as the first, which
Michigan won 5 to 4. The 'Varsity's
practice work since the Ilinois game
has been hard, and especial attention
has been paid to batting, the 'Varsity's
weakest point. This has shown an im-
provement, and the team promises to
pile up more hits today than in any of
the preceding games. Chicago has not
been idle since the appearance here.
Stagg has put the men through the
hardest work of tie season and fully
expects to win today's game.
The Chicagos arrived this morning
and are at the Cook House. As usual
they stopped over night in Jackson.
Iterschberger is reported not to be in
good condition, having injured his foot
last Saturday while jumping. He will
probably play in part of the game at
The line-up follows:
Michigan Chicago
Condon..............st base.-..........Kennedy
Cooley.--..----.. 2d base. ....... ......Clarke
Gilbert-.........-short stop---. Vernon
Wolf-.......ad base ----Merrifield
Matteson --.~.~.. left ld.- Southard
McGnis.-m.. _..middle.-.... -Herschberger
Butler..........--right feld-.. -....Sawyer
Game will be called at 4:10 o'clock
Volunteer Company to be Raised.
Colonel EliR Sutton, of Detroit, a
member of Gov. Pingree's military
staff, was in tswn yesterday to see
about raising a company of volunteers
from among the students to become a
part of one of the regiments at Island
Lake. The Sons of Veterans were al-
lowed two companies in Michigan's
complement of men, but have only
raised one, which leaves one more to
be organized in order to make out the
number originally calculated upon. It
is the desire of Col. Sutton to make up
this company from among University
students. If organized it will be the
only company of its kind in the service,
so Mr. Sutton is quite anxious that the
project go through.
Prefererce will be given the men
who are now enlisted in the University
battalion. Col. Sutton held a confer-
ence with Major McConkey and il-
formed him Ihat if a company could
be made up out of the battalion it
would be sent at once to Island Lake
and would retain its officers and or-
ganization. The members of the inde-
pendent companies will not be accepted
unles a full complement cannot be se-
cured from the battalion. Men to be
eligible must be of the military age,
residents of the state and in good phy-
sical condition.
Forty names have been handed in,
and if the remaining number is secured
today-the organization will be at once
muscles. 15 yds; Paul, 30 yds; Norton, 30 yds;
Dowd, 30 yds.
We have every verity frotn 5c Pole vault-Adams, scratch; Baker, 3
to $1.25. in.; Houghton, H2 in.; MeArthur, 12 in.
Sporting Goods of all kinds. High jump-Flournoy, scratch; Try-
on, scratch; Lund, in.; Ripley, 2 in.;
Base Ball Suits made toorder. Armstrong, 2 in.; Wrenn, 3 in.; Loud, 3
Prices are right. in.; Burton, 3 in.
Broad jump-Runnells, scratch; Rus-
sel, scratch; Wilkinson, 4 in.; Johinson,
WA UR' OK STOR 6 Gin.; Loud, 10 in.; Davies, 10 in.
Up Town Down Town Hammer throw-Bennett, scratch,
S. ytate,.t. Opposite yourtflese , ; Cooper, 22 ft.
Ann Arbor Main t. Dye, 5 ft.; Harvey,'5f. pr 5 ft.