Ijc U. @1' . . VoL. VIII. No. 165. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 18Q8 PRICE-3 CENTS. I At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy - IS NOW.------ Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. MAY FESTIVAL. Fifth Annual Series of Concerts Opens Thursday. The fifth annual May Festival, which opens here on next Thursday evening, promises to surpass any of the musical treats that has been offered in the past by this notable series of concerts. It appears from the prospectus that no ex- pense or pains have been spared in the attempt to make ilis series a memor- able one. The list of soloists as a whole is far in advance of any previous selection, and with Mme. Johanna Gadski singing "Senta" in "The Flying Dutchman" the height of musical excellence will be at- tained. The Boston Festival Orchestra, with Emil Mollenhauer ar d Albert A. ( f I Geo. P. W ilder. Stanley as conductors, will furnish the instrumental part of the program. The conductors need no introduction to Ann Arbor audiences, -and the reputation" PS A I E !th-at the orchestra sustains so well per- FOR THE NEXT WEEK. mits of no further comment. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and Thursday evening the "Maanzoni" Re- Williams and Werners Chocolates. ILargest lise d thedcity. h r iutem, by Verdi, will be performed by Lunches at all hours. the following soloists, assisted by the Choral Union of three hundred voices 008 South State Street. and the Boston Festival Orchestra con- ducted by Prof. Stanley; *Mrs. Jennie Patrick Walker, soprano; Miss Ger- trude May Stein, contralto; Mr. William T here .s H. Rieger, tenor, and Signor Guiseppe Del Puente, baritone. No disappointmet in our The second concert will be on Friday Soda Water. There is afternoon and will be one of symphon- plenty of coldness and les, with Miss Elsa Von Grave, pianist, satisfaction. Have you and Mr. Wililam A. Howland, baritone' noticed that even on cool as soloists. Emil Mollenhacer will act days, people often have as conductor. to wait their turn? They On the evening of Friday a niset- don't do that at any other laneous conertnwillb e offered. Tise f.uuntaiL. Oar soda water is right, soloists will be Miss Stein, contralto; Mr. Barron Berthald, tenor; and Signor " ""el Puente, baritone, while Prof. Stan- ley and Mr. Mollenhauer will share the honors of conductor. At this con- cert the symphonic poem "Attis," by ..CALKINS' PHARMACY Prof. A. A. Stanley. will be presented '_in all the power and strength of por- trayal that the Boston Festival-Orches- W A - tra has at its command. Led by the composer himself it may be expected 1 0 T O E . to offer ore of the rarest treats of the series. An orchestral matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon. Solo music will be a part of the program. Miss Janet A good Base Ball and Bat is just Spencer, contralto, appearing twice. the thing to develope your She will sing the aria, "Semiramide,, mnuscles.by IRossini; and von Weber's "O Fat- ima." Mr. Wiliam H. Lavin; tenor, We have 'every varity from 5c and Mr. Alex Heindl, violinceilist, will to $1"25..also appear. The orchestras will be t under the leadership, of Mr. lUollen- Sporting Goods of all kinds. hauer. Saturday evening the crowning effort Base Ball Suits made to'order. will be made when "The Flying Dutch- Prices are right. man" will be presented by the follow- ing cast; Mme. Gadski as Senta, Miss Spencer as Mary, Mr. David Bisphani as the Dutchman, Mr. Rieger as Eric WAHR 'S BOOK STORE and the Steersman, and Mr. Howland as Daland. The Choral TUnion will fur- U STown own Town nish the choruses of sailers and maidens S. Stats at. Opposite Courtlou,.se I &snu Arbor Mailast. h its Prof. Stanley will condoct. Co. A's Roster.- The following is the roster of privates of Company A, U. of M. Rifies: FIRST PLATOON. G. Weurfel, Shephard, Vaile, New- ton, Runge, Dye, Noordeweir, Jones, Etmmons, Wistrand, Blackburn, Small. Oiandridge, Rheinfrank, Osbourne,E Beuret, Gore. SECOND PLATOON. I Engelhard, Slater, St. John, Hans,1 Hazelton, Springett, Eakel, Crowe, Has- kins, Van Kuren, Blarthell, Osgood, Dresell, Smith, Chadburn, Byers, Rich- ardson, Babcock, Phelps, St. Clair. AUXILIARY SQUAD. Cotton, Mothersill, Persing, Tupper, Weiss, 'Brown. Weurfel, Delbridge, Mc-" Creary, Barbee, Hilyer, Cowgil, Beath,{ Mallette, Pruesssuan, McCr ady, Mapes. The officers are as fo.;lm: Captain, Wm. Magley; 'lieuten- ant, A. L. C. Atkinson; se. d ieuten- ant, L. A. Wilson; first serge . .A. D. Stansell; second sergeant, Gc %'uer- fel; third sergeant, T. E. Rust; Corpor- als, Jones, Hans, Cotton, Mothersill, Gore and Beurst. Michganenslan Board. Tha meeting of junior independents for the election of represer-tatives for the Michiganensan board was held yes- terday afternoon. Those elected were Archie McMillar, of Bay City; Fred Past, of Peoria, Ill.; P. I. Falter, et- gineer, and Miss Ml Taylor, of Ann Arbor. H. Hobart Corwin and James Armstrong were also candidates. The election was quite closely contested and warm. Those elected are well qualified for their positions and their election augurs well for the 99 Miciganenstan. After the election the Junior boys met and decided to return the party given by the girls of the class about two months ago. The party will either be in the shape of a lawn party or will be given in the Barbour gymnasium. Further particulars will be announced later. Mass M..ting Tonight. Tonight the board of the Athletic As- sociation have arranged to have a mass meeting of all students possible in Uni- versIty Hall at 8 o'clock. The object of this meeting is to arouse college spirit and enthusiasm over the bright athletic prospects of the season, and in partic- ular for the big Chicago game Wednes- day. The rusult of the first game be- tween Chicago and Michigan is well known to every one. Let the next game also be a victory. Turn out to the big mass meeting. Don't forget the team. Prof. Dean ^C. Worcester spent sev- eral years in the Philippine Islands and madethre acquaiastance of Weyler and other Spanish notables. He tells all about the islands and expresses.an em- phatic opinion of Weyler at his lecture, at the Athens Theater Wednesday even- ing. Thelecture is illustrated with fine stereopt con views and- the entire proceeds go to Company A. You should not mss this. TO MEET PENNSYLVANIA. Prospects For a Debating Contest Are Very Good. The following letter relative to our prospective debate with the University of Pennsylvania has been received by Prof. Trueblood. The writer is Dean Lewis of the department of law at Pennsylvania: Thos. C. Truebood, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dear Sir-I laid your letter of April 9th before the committee of the Cornell debating council. The committee wishes me to accept your offer on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania, sub- ject to the approval of the incoming debating committee and the Provost of the University. As far as they had power to do so, they accepted your offer. A new com- mittee n-ill meet in a few days and will be empowered by the Provost to take final action in the matter. I send you herewith a copy of our agreement with Cornell. Please let me have, as soon as possible, your ideas on the agreement which Michigan and Pennsylvania should sign. I think the Cornell agreement will be very satis- factory to us. Yours very truly, WILLIAM DRAPER LEWIS. An attempt to arrange a debate with Pennsylvania was made last year, but matters could not be brought to a head in time. There is plenty of time now though, and our debating committee will meet soon and look over the Cor- nell-Pennsylvania agreement. This agreement differs from ours with Chi- cago and in some respects is better. It is quite possible that it will be tried for the sake of letting the students here see which they like better. The chief difference is in the management of the time. In the Cornell-Pernsylvania agreement each speaker has ten min- utes to open and five for a closing re- buttal speech. The tendency is to have more extemporary work and to thus show up the ability of the men in "tackling" in debate, in meeting ques- tions as they come up.,. The details of the debate will be ar- ranged as soon as possible, the date fixed and the question proposed. Ow- ing to the fact that Pennsylvania has another debate at Philadelphia they :have stipulated that their debate with us shall take place here. This will give us two important debating contests in Ann Arbor next ear, as we meet North- western in the Central Debating Leagu contest here also. Michigan vs. ChIcago, Wednesday, Elay 11, at Regents FieId. Game call promptly at 4:10. Admission - 50 cents.