'.5, a THE UNVILRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a" Miillery LABBEST .SKOfWING NEWEST FANCIES In Hate, Flowers, 'Plumes, Ribbons, Feathers, Orna. ments, Etc., selected by our trimmer in New York, under whose direction hats and bon- nets BalId aretrimmed. Do you wantto see all the latest, correct ideas, of Spring Mifillinery ? Visit this depart- ment, Rd Rlor, this week., Special IRates onP Th eBerryman (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann A~ J.g . #KOLLAUFP 118 E. WASHINGTON ST. UP STAIRS. Ai HO ! DRINKERS OF COFFER Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thin in roasting coffee, aud produces in the cup a: color aud unsurpassing flavor. We sell this cofl and venture the statement that uo better 'or in can be had at auy price. DEAN &L C 214 South Mai Street. FORTETERSCO. ',fothing lbut the Laftest Gwcrything bur the Oreli ss We are showing the largest. and' most comsplete lie of *pri~ a 1 l -i Athletic Notes. Sa turday's college baseball games re- sulted as follows: Chicago, '6; North- western, 1; Yale, 2, Dartmouth, 0I; Be- loit 3, 'Wisconsin 5; Cocnell 8, Harvard a. Northwesters defeated Chicago Sat- irrday in the dual track meet by a, score of 71 to 54. -The surprise uf the day was the dereat of. Burroughs, or Chicago, by Jones, of Northwestern, in tse 100 yards and 228 yards dashes. Illinois woon casily over Purdue Sat- urday< in the annual dual track and field meet. The score was 81 to 47. The Western intercollegiate record .in the hammer throw was broken by Van Oven, who tossed the wveight 114 feet. Rt., G. Clapp, of Vale, Satsrday es- tablished a new world's record in the pole vault. He cleared- the bar at 11 feet 6 inches. Second Edition CdrnIng. The edition of 11lchiganenslan, with the exception" of a few copis at the ;bookstores, has been entirely exhaust- ed. Thebard of editorshaeeeld'e to issue a small second edition.,Work. on it is being, pushed rapidly and it is expected to,,he on sale the last of thsis or the first of next week. Prof. A. A. Stanley has gone to] Pawtucket, R. I., hsaving been called to thebie of his emothser who is fatal- ly ill. Just a yeac ago -Proif, Stanley' father lied. -1 BROU GHT' I (Continued social life fos-wt dreamed and to ldence of God, mt advancing. New officers of }ed at a, meeting test. They are: President, Hari western Universit J. J. tLambert, Sta second vice-prese University of Chi dent, J. H. Means gan; secretary, J.' of Wisconsin; tre Oberlin College. An application University of 711; was presented by but action was dl4 to1 give the 'reprex suit thefr assoclai Xeting of cla.m and manager's in this p. ma. to arrm At the last mes 10on League lbs elected; Pident 5 yice-president, I. tary', W. Rt, Mat stoo dthatthe ne comitted to.av ggreseive pulley lon n, / 1W. J. BOOH, Pre. W. Aazot0, lt Vice-pre lho o . V. SgRUA, tVce-pres 1s OHN;: WC. . At. Cashier. St e ayings-Ballk, StudioI Transacts A genel Rankng bse' Cr. Ramin and Huron Streets. Capital, $550,00. Surplus, $3,00. Transacta general bankin busiess._ Irbor'. . ar, Pre. C. OGssNS, vie-Prs THE ANN~ ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Capital Stak, WS,00. Surplus, $15,00. Reources, $1,00,00. rgalee uder the General laning Laws oSptis State. Ieceves depposts, buys and sells exchange n the princpal cities of the Unled State. Drafts cashed upon prper lentl~catl. Safety deoit btses to rent. nn Arbor, Micli. Cashier: ~ y FIRST NAT'IONAL BAtoAN&5izeIN1S capital, 811D0.01. Surplus and Proits. ,1108W Transacts a general banking busiee, Nrsgs exchange bught andeuoli. Frsha letters of credit. tyfer experience E. D. KINNE Pres. HARRISON SOLE beverage of golden S. W CLARKSON. Cashier. ee at 25c per pound~ nore delicious coffee cI.M JR&C. The Artistic eortors OMPANY. Have a complete line Of Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window QACK 'IrORY, Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. 3ACKVICTRY, Specialty of fine interior decorating from frst page). mulning. nlfr e bsifn ormei hich' men have ever emplloyed._ ork guaranteed. which, is the provi- - U. MAJO~R & CO., inkinsd has beens ever Th'ie Artistic Decortor, the league were elect-y t precious to the con- :K LI..E IN rry B. Gough, North- LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S ty; first vice-president, e Univerity of Iowa; TAILOR dent, C. J. Busisnell, icago; third vicepres- Latest Novltes in Winter AUniversity of Michi- and Spring Garments. T aDaies UivesiyCOR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. asurer, H. Morehead, .One blck west of University. for admission of the mnanesota to the league' BICYCLES Samuel Savil Paquin, Built to order, Repaired and tforred for three weeks Enameled, at 10g North sentatives time to con- kourth Avenue. ttlon:Wmi. 3.Wenggr. if base hall captain's A FULL LiNSSOF ICYCL suNDUsinI* SOCK I poomr 9 at 5 o'clock CflAPIN BHRO7thERS,tgthsceu.-- lucceser oIi unter & Chapi.) 'st ats of the Anti-Sa- xAs~rArcRaa r... .Dentl intrumets 5andPMes Machinery tuilwtngoffiers ereSpecial attenton given In Bicycle Repairngi t, ra M. Hawkins; BiCYCLE LIVERY-Pris Ressebie. Y:Rasb, '00; see- No. lltl.Ltbsrty St. An Arbor. }w. It s under twdminstratlon is ORU HSS.~s"- , t~gpus, radicai and resh Strawerres and Pre Apple K54 In0 Pursung .the s- the bet quality of Ie Cream. EPHSPHATSA ---- ineost Fruit Juices ad Artesian water used In our-- a LEADER soD :304)F. wasslacton 1110 S. state EVE~R SHOWN. SEE0# $3,00 SHOES IN BLAK UN, VESTING TOPS. Shedepartmnt, 1st floor. Fe YE S