THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH[GAN DAILY. Published Daly (Sunays excepted) during - the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MCIGAN Orric: Times building 29 s. Main St. Telephone (New State) 109. MANAGING EDITOR ..J. F. TOxAs, 'IS L. BUQSINESS MANAGR . H. HANS'0 L. EDITORS. H. B. SKiLLAN. 9*WL.. Athletics. E9,L. GESSR, '5 L . ',. R. Woonnow. '58 . EnOffioA. 9. F. D. AA. '98 0. D. HMTowUT,'00 E.. DArong, '8 P. I, loxss, '9. .1H. LUD, '00 M. A. H. MDouGLL, 101 E. The subscription price of the Daily isn1.0 for he college year, wth a regular delivery efore noon each day. Notices. communica- tions. and othernmatterlntendd or publica- tion must be handed Is at the Daily office be- fps;*4 p. imdo mailed to the editor before 3 p. i.. of the day prevos to that on which Bnbcrl tlooe mayabe lft at The Daily Ofince. Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newtand, or with Busess Manager. Subrbers will con- fer. a favor by re cing promptly at this office ny failure of carrer,-o deliver paper The excellent plan of holding student mas meetings before important games will be, continued during the baseball season, the first one to be held tonight in preparation for the Chicago game. The result of these meetings in the past, together with the importancc of the game to e. played Wednesday, should draw out a large crowd. 'VARSITY SHUT OUT. * (Continued from First Page.) None reached first ae. Michigan went out -an usual In the net, but Ilnois took advantage of er- rors and brought in another tally. Mc- Gill scratched, a hit and while Fulton wan striking out, stole second. He was almost instantly caught napping and Miller threw him out. Johnson then reached first on Lunn's error. A balk by Miller advanced him to second and an error put him on third. Shuler hit to Gilbert, who fumbled, and Johnson scored. The fifth was a repetition of the pre- ceding innings an tar an 'Michigan was concerned. Ilinois in her half, su- combed to Miller's prowess. Three strike-outs in this inning inthe record. The 'ninth, after two were out, saw McGinnis gather in Michigan's only hit. Davies was then -sent to bat _in Matte- Mon's place, and proved easy. An audience only fair in numbers witnessed the game, and failed to dis- play much enthusiasm. The U. of M. band was there and did all it could to - add to the afternoon's pleasure. The summary: MICHIGAN. A B. RM.O. A. Cooley.2lb.......2. 0 0. 2 1t0 Gilbert, ss. ......... 3 0 0 1 0 1 Lsnn, c... ..:... 4 0 0 10 0 1 Condon, b....... 4 0 0-6 0 0 utler, rf. .......... 4 0 0 2 0 1 Wof, 3b. .......... 4 0 I 0 0 1 McGnni,m........ 3 0 1 3 0 0 Mateson,f. ....... 3 0 0 0 0 0 ;Miller, p .......3I 0 0 0 511 *Daves,m. 1 0 0 " Totals .....1 0 1 24 6 5 -Batted for Mateson in ninh inning. ILLINOIS. A.. . . A. Fulton, b.......... 3 1 1 2 1 1 Jonson rf.........3I-1 0 0 0 0' Shuler s. ....4-0 0521'4 1 Winton b....4 40 0 1 1 1 WernhsmIf...4 0 1 0 0 '0 Loi, m. .~'..4 1 1:. 0 0 6 Fluagerb...0 00 2600 Hfazett lb....3 0 0 11 0 0 Mccullum. p. .. 0 0 1 1 6 0 Mc6i111a....... 1 0 1 3, 00 Totals...... 113 5 2 16 3 Innings- 121416759 Mlichg .......00000000-0 itii ..........1 01001 0 .31 Three-base hit-Loin. Stolen baes- Winston, McGill. Bases on balls-Off Miller, Fulton, Johnson, Fiesgee; off McCullum, Cooley, Gilbert. Hit by pitched ball-By Miiller, McCllum; by McCullum, Cooley, McGinnis. Struck out-Hy Miller, Fulton, Shuler, Win. ston. Wernham, Loin (2), Malett (2), McCullum, McGill; by McCullum, Gil- bert, Condon, Miller. Passed balls- Lun. Balk-Miller. Time of game- 2:00. Umpire-Eagan. Michigan's neat game will be with Chicago next Wednesday afternoon. Os the 21st of the month Illinois will be met at Champaign in the concluding game of the series. " Base Bali Mann Meeting. The first mass meeting of the base- ball season will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the gymnasium to arouse en- thusiasnm for the game with Chicago on Wedneaday. The meeting will he conducted as were those:.of last year. impromptu speeches being called for from players and others. Music will be furnished by the U. of, M. ban.. NOTICE. Parties having table board or rooms to rent during the May Festival. will please leave address at the School of Music. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES -OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 137, 21, 141 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished onall work of this kind. SAthens __Theatre SThese are some of tho attrac- tions we have booked for next WeilburOpera Co. $ Eletrician. Prisoner of Zenda. $ Under the Red Robe. $Sol Simith Rum' el$ Heart of Maryland.,$ And many .othcers equally as goo $ -i Handsome Nickle Mirrors_ FREE Fifty of them--no ruore-calt ~a: ford 'it. With every $15.00 Suit or over, .you get a handsome swing mirror, nine W'O fastened ini a pickle frame. Our assortment of Suits at $15Xt0, $16.00 and, $18.0 was newer better. We can give you light and dark effects, rough or smoothl goods=Havu't epace- enough to give you a description of ;every good quality they have. Come in and let us show you what stylish cloth- ing you can buy from our up-to-date stock. See our north window. ---- -_. ; _.., .,. T(~ for a Summer Cruise(o s Urc M ki c ... take the C astin o M c i NEW STEEL he Greatest Perfec- PASSEGER tinyet attained lit PASSENGERBest Costrction, ; STEAMERS,. Luxurlsns . Equip.' SPEED, a. ment, Artistic Fur* COMFORT . eshingOecsrntloss AN* SAFETY sndaefclentlSrvico To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago ino er cLineofrs snra ma of #60nileof qsslsverety ad IntreL Four Trips per Weea Between Iery sad sSymSand ih eassrfeesnswet piglet BettaweMaen c ~ D[TROIT AND CLEVELAND ToledoDetrit d. Cna svlad 'aer6 se leetss ish PlTOSISI, "IllS 800," 5AEQUETTE Put-" in - Bay Behs6.,1.Sttrom$.7. ANDDULTH. andToledo. Islsel re madeCotnilevelande with 514;rsslete15 ..ssSepte, m es d O a ie.J Auss.Jslr.tem Senxd cc. for Itlsrsed Pamphlet, AddressOW (o A. A. SClssNvz.2 t.. e. *-5svsiYOgT M. 51t5. Olil ld ItOeaN y iov ~fiil INTIERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMICaCOSTUME, COTRBPL.L1 & LBONAR1.> 472-478 Broadwny, Alissny, N. V. Makers of the CArS and GOWNS, to, University of Michigan, Usc fCbicago, U. of Mionsota, Cornell, Lehigh, U. of Penn- sy~vaslsa, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Colonsbian, Williams, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc. Class contracts a specialty.- HOLMES'. LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. Phone 106 BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. . " ,9 8: MICHICANENSIAN ! SECOND EDITION I Out Nozt Thursday U. --AT- MaiH all, T appan Hall and Law Building.