AAMII . AIL ulp AL Affi AA VOL._ VIII. No. 10'. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16$, 1897. FouR PAGES. WLD0 Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winier in :Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NIO.108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN I U, AlI legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packaaes- * til a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, ATHENS__THEATRE.' CORBETT- FITZSIMMONS V ERLSCOPE Jest Received a Large and Elegant Line of New Wipes I Het and Coid Lunches at all hoars. Agents far Heyler's and Williams and Werners Ce.'s Chocolate Ben Beojss. T Y 0 Bj ii. &308 Souths State Street. THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWIARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S 3OOHSTORE. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are bound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law aud Medcal Books, in short, Text-Books for every department iu the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books 'and U. of M. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make ourstores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE U~p Town Dawn Town S. St to st. Opposite Corlllosse Ann Arbor main st. ' FIRST OF THE SERIES. Brief Outline of Senator Mason's Lecture Last Night. A lar;ge sod appreetativa audience gotiered illi University Rai1laLst even- ing 110d listened to the spelning lecture by) Senator Wili. E. liason. of Illinois. In part'esipoke. as follows: The fitrst notion was formned. by cells ar- ronged :so as to best psrotect tiucoo- ocives against tole elenoients. I ii 001a1 taring "and 'tragic struggle msadietoy naotulre to create a tadpole. During that1 strggle one dautletc mitcrobe' set: sati.,vtthout'bait or ptot, across anl 1utrted udroit-of ovater, returne'd iin safety to is friends, and was evei titer sptokei of isnuntcrobtc isteraturt as a inotti Columbusn'" It was a long stride from the first, notion (tile caller- tion of cells), to the creation of other inatiotto, suhl as a swZzarat of 'bees, a shtosol of ish, Lanti a 'band of oar in- 'eresting 'friends-the tmonk:y. It ovas also a long stride fromi those nations to the t ribses of the unciviizoesd110,111. tn forest aand desert., bsii'a.greter 1tride tas, donsle nature mtadie- in reotetilog tin ptresent, socalledi, elvitizossi isattons. till lbest: of Which we belier' tis be 0111 own-i Uited States of Ants-ri-o. 1'Te evolton of 0a ntion (.1wtll-t up100oil theeoltitonttof lteenc, soroot- elsolitles: Inittitois -- Cttaotstte Athletic Pledges Fulfilled. 't"alhtr, (ielevieve L.. Dt-by, JuoliatiT. - - * iteese, Lottise ?M as-Keazir, Gtitee 'f'ile fo'iso-itig witt-cfito' soid tupsitstl- Sind~ller, Gerrutde N. Chte iantiMrc-LIT vipltllo 10 tott' AthltieicAssociation: 1011 C. Kaiotto. Finatsce-Ilose fosod- U. of lit. Daily,.,$25; Lw-is If. Lis(- Allit,;.Motry E. Wilonl, 1Maccyarl-I Lay- 1111-c, maimailger of til-A Itilts 'itr, ton Isvoa. B.rulce and111 Iizetht- Boul111 05 D. K. E., $1100; S. A. E.,.50w; ti'll -oi 0111. 11froesllltoll--a t- L. tary, Isppa 1st, $511; TZeta SIo, $51); Jtas. Hienriet11 ta -isalsn, Irteint K. (roddlzd. Pre-itiss, $15; lobinsoit, -;J. Dte F. V etot tllltttttcrLltlt 11111('irositi Cob-tor. lhitrds, $5; it . °'. Clarkeo, $111; C. C. - Il-tepitttl--Sy-iyl I'ettt-e, ?totttit' i. \t'illi, $5; W. A. C ( 'tolk, .$10;C(hais. -G(ibbs, Frei-Ik IGillettoe, Ma-rgtretIt. Dsonel, $7501; IT. of -\1. i'lil'r 1tiosis, - Ilacoi andh May 1M. Biott ckt. -x$10; Mack-it& Co., $i0; Ftn-lI3 .,hltlr, National College Republican Club.titItI ttl,$;.A.irdtii Wl. G'. Patlm~er, il0; AV. 11. Tftll-, $11,; -A. L. Diis-is.119tL, is tis --r'slpros- iPosey, -$5; to' tartwrig;io $5; (Xlily - l-ge Leaoguet, haintg ben el-ct-li it Ill & Co., $;")0 (iolls ilud, $10;;1V. I tielt'Lst ittetttigof the leagueild inci it Ststy, .$5; l3. Pottter, Si; IL. S. r De-troit, Julty 14i 11111 55 Sinltly, $5; G. 11'.',Kt'ifct. 55G(. (G. Th ' Uinliteod States is (dividedlinitots Witiltb, $2; 1-. A. Colon, i-Id oo- rdl J. Hiliittg.CoIIllsmiiT ittl1 11 trl'L~i sig~satu ir.- I. ystlo'lilx be- g, Vs-ily, Iclltttltloi nof lie,)Ilit lilstrit, cat:oof l i ithe Iot' ;a-_ ''1"h-y put o ltoitt'isilsg the1'stales iof Mitl'illotos, argeia it t el tot 0110) 1 t 1ltrg y i1110 - Witscosinstanid Iowao; S. A. Cerlnitto.Il- tot-t.111notithlO 1111111. 1111-fact illversity of 1WoIshiitgtn, el115111111111110I tthe' vltiler 00-is lil; too ttri iti i n! flir 'el i::t~i t . ntto-"ei~rv c .}t ." n fnt ttt-f11111iir t " ll 1, r1.. tttle .1 Wa-ilittottOre-gont stdi Mimo; A. U.-i Senator Nason to the Daily: "I think any citizen ought to be patri-4 otic enough to take an interest in the politics of the country. The4 man who does not vote ought to be forced, and if be resists, hel ought to be disfranchised. Students ought to study the questions of 4 the day'and to exercise their duty at every chance."4 1111 111111111 0111 w 1 11 itli t'e Itolh l. 11001, (1111 i 1 1Iriesto ('lit il<11111 ''il i t o 11 to11 be fitee, 11110111110-ow itOsot I(1d dish let, to 11111,,shlita-1 te of 11ci 15l l i ot sillt 'tite cit too-to to bt Ncew-Yosrk. tee iititl tlow so o- ithtst fr'i'olit. 'e loe b soill tis tfill Itte lmiae- ot-totilo)teattlts 1li010u15-0011 aid os-'ei 00 lry ON0lll11111t1 l ctto, 1110-ftrsttelotr it x1t111 a sinrle toy u el-.loll i 11111i ito-l t 11. tHodig1t1-tot 5 illitt wa, 'poor. Ro' isloe'flitit, 10toold0101 loll Hise aoo nd hoisi ilis to'- ltlocoitol. _liiltogotts l11111t vwilh e1o': CD ilt ta~L~ l 1 l i- 10 c-tili-; Ottoto-and Coll-.-. g1sot--od,;Leot and i ttitr, tac-k?: -s; tt-'tttt-lInat 'i (' tzvi, (oots; Milloros 111.1 iceolt. Itloartor; iiogg 111al 101 5 art. Ihalf-tacks; titiannanfull-backt. rlit- - o 1 00; il tbo ..C. 1-Knilght, 'riit oI ; Ilit. 35W l's- 511. itsioanti Normotal. s i r 'T'is the bits of libo-rty, as is theit' to of loo', temoore ytotugive Itheieotore yotu ihtre. S lue i otbtidoiient of usar canot tcomle Pi a dly, tier call 000.ati oncedistbanid otur armsy anld ntvy, b)11 by puropues consideration ore can hausten hue du(y os-len a, civilizautiont %vill inaintaits its trusy and navoy only to de'fenod itself against baubatisus and aettle all inter- .ationasl disputes, as we dud (lie Bering Sea controversy-:by interna- tional arbitration. For my part I be- lieve rtat to acquire territory by war is barbarism; to acquire it by tiiiloin- acy is larceny. I would never set tis dogg ever any otlher na-lion except by te consent and wis of the people tat that notion, and then not to levy tri- bute, 'btut simply to help them to .the glories and responsibilities at self-gov- ernusent. Freshmen Spread Committees. ,The freshiman spread wrhich 10 us- wally held at this season of tile yeah' lis been postponed on account of tsar- lug no-ights in the gymnasium, until eatrly in oDeceumber. MAiss :Florene Spence, vice president of the sophto- iore class, and acting as general uhiairnoan ;has appointed the following is-t Purt 3its cuuuttolgiioug llhuttes twhereelcioons arte tot Itoheld. More Minstrel Talent Needed.I Tennis Tournament Postponed. Qutit' a numuber of personts interstedlc in utitetrel sork asweootredu the call for iaptplictois maude in the Daily lo.st Weod- tuesdaoy 0usd great centhuusiasmu was shouwn. Evrythuinigpoits to a ve-ry sluccessfuil penforuuitnce ausd all lhat is needed to guaratlee a cousploto sute- to('s is -,tue alsluouruuce of a boor more persona sith talent ini ble mtitustrel line. It is sincerely desire'd that anty persons with such talent, or any pea'- so00sknouswinug anyone else soiih taslent will ptut in atn appearne st a secondi useoting to be held next Thursday at 7 o'clock in Room 24. m Base Ball Candidates Meet. Seine fifty candidates, old and ness. for the 'Varsity basseball teamninuet ini roomUs 1. H. last evening tr 7 o'clock and discussod (lie plains for the coinn year. Henary Clarke, the groat Chlicago titceher, Captain Btstler, Mosnaoger Keithi, ox-Captain itiller and ox-Sian- ager Atkinson -were present admtasio speeches. L. C. Boyle, '59 IL, is nowy Attorney- Goneral of Kansas. Thb' etnis touurnuamuent pr'opeur tido not tbogin yeste'rdoay. lue cief oast silly indtranewso-s tho lascltof tbtlls. Mauogo 'Herrtirk announces btha sotuldl thebus-lbs .arrive ini tithe, file touurnuame'nt will begin todauy. If it is not1 statrted totdayt, it wsill sturelycoo- tmence NMondasy -afterutoon. Yesterday-, ty mututal consent, T. Russeoll ptlayedi Chandler; bRussell was retturnted winnier after a wrell-played g iuthuthble stcore 16-3, 6-1. In tue fit-st -sot Russell was somnewhaot un- steady, and tOhandler on tile other luatusiptyeti extremsely wsell for a notice. Contestants owto hare drau each otlier 1110y play bsy mutual con- sent. A meeotinlg of 11101)T, sttiudets froms bile slates of (Ohio, lIdltlO, Illinois and 1o1issoluni wa-s hleld ini Newberry thall yesterday afternoon. Althloughs the attendance w-as light, coansiderable wvas done in the way of or.ganizing for the comiug freshman law lettion. The old story of M3ielligan vs. outside states may be looked for.