THE UIJVERSLTY OF MCHIGAN DAILY. Millinery 'tt tt 'st LARGEST SHODWING NEWEST FANCIES~ In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- ments, 4Eto, selected by our trimmer in New York, under whose direction hats and bon- nets sold are trimmed. Do you want to see all the latest, correct ideas, of Spring Millinery ? Visit this depart- ment, 2d. floor, this week. Special Rates on Photos- -AT The . errymanSui (Successor to Gibson & Clark) j112 West Huron, Street, Ann Arbor. a W. J. BOOTH, Preq. XW. ARNOnL,lst Vice-pres J. V. SassHNan.2u idhe-pes. JOHN C. WALE. Aust: Cashier. State - Saviups-Badk Cor. Main and Huron streets. jCapital, M5,000. Surplus, $30,000. Tranisact a, general banking business. R. Reuse., Pres. C. FE. GRENSn, Vice-Pres FRED. Hi.BE s'eil Casier. i 'JOS. W. KOLLAUF 118 E. WASHIINGTON ST. lUP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Mich. HO ! DRINKERS OF COFFEE Dean & Co.'s Blended Coffee is the result of thirty years experience iii roasting coffee, and produsces iii the cup a beverage of goldein color and unsurpassing flavor. We sell this coffee at 26o per poundi and venture the statement that no hatter or more delicious coffee can he had at any price. DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. THE ANK ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stuck, 5k5,ll000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, Si5i100,000. Organized under the Gneral Banking Laws of this State. Receivun deposits, bugs and selis exchange on the principal cities uf the United States. Drafts cashed spun peeper Identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. Ohricou: Chiristian Mack tree' W.D, Harriman, Vice-Pees.; Chas E. I iscoek, Cashier: 5M. J. Fritz Assistant Cunhler. FIRST NATIONAL NKoganleedAtSor Capital, $100,00. Surplus and Profits, $40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNEt, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pegs' S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. C. II. MRAJOR & Co, The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall- Paper. Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating painting, frescoing, tinting and paper liangiing. Only the host of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. SI. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic D~ecortor, KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest. Novelties in "Winter suit Spring Garments. Uni versltV Notes. place last nighit in the s iely room's in lUniversity 1Hall. Covers ivriclaid Fired blunker, '96i IL, county attorney for oiie hundred. Prettyman catleredI. of West Polo), Neb., 10 visiting friendsI Lies). Smoke hssasked and received LAIE'OHOES! POCSIE8TER,. Notbisg but tiu T-atest. We aire ihowino, the largest aid molst compete line of 7 otwar EVESSHON.' SEE W9$3 0 SAN SR BLACK WIA VESTIG TOPS, $oe deprtmnet, 1 lor H. K. Johnsoni, of the medical depart- ment, has core Io Saiult Ste. Mlarie toi takce choice of a summecr hotel there. D~r. Victor C. Vaiighain goes to Wash- ingloin, D. C., shortly to attend a meel- iig of . the Anmerican Association of Phsysicianu. S. B. Cougtr, if Iblood Lake, who enlisted. with the (Groud Rapids com- pany, was in tows yesterday on a shsort furlough. Dr. Charles B.. Nanerede, of this city, read a paper on "Surgical Treatmsent" at the meeting of the Michigan Stale Medical society in Detroit yesterday. Frozen *Truth, the Iniveruity Anti- Saloon League, publication. appeared fistat comnpasny of 100 men from among the students of Michigain Uicersity, to be a tart if the Niineteenth Infanitry. The Ann Arbor High School baseball teans defeated the team from the De- troit High Schiol at the fair groundu by a score of t4 to 8. Battery for A. A. B. S., White antd Beinnett; for Dtetroit, E. Badger and J. nudger. Tomorrowy will be quite an impoitant doy for Ann Arbor Methodists. to the morning Bishop C. B. Fowler will preach .at the Methodist i'hurch. Ini the evening D~r. George A. Gloidn, tif he. New Old South Church, Bostoii,soil) lecture in the evening. tt is unoderstood that the Fruit aind this morning. It contains seveial sen- Flower Missioin tommnittee will give an-; sational articles and chsarges against other dance in the gymnasium sinmilar Ann Arbor salooins. to the one given last Satarday night, yScribners for May co'ntains a sket~cnhs ome time in the near future. The tool of -Undergraduate Life at Wellesley.' dance was thoroughly scessful, es- It in the first if a series of sketcesr pecially from a financial standpoint. of lfe a thefemae cllegs t~ appar ver $1)00 waxs cleared for the Miasios. of ifeatthefemlecolege Cappar The election 'if the Michigaiienoian in that magazine, board of the '99 clue u will take place J.- W. Judnon, who entisted with the j Mondaiy tfternoon at 4 u'clock in Room Detroit Nasal Reserves, iu repoirted to' C. During the past week the 'ontent have passed the esaminsei-n recess- has become quite war . There are new tu'o tickets in the feld and one or two, sorry to become an able-bodied seaman,cadats rnig lden'eti' The lowest rank is that 'of iandsman. There has been nothing as yet to test The second annual banquet of the the strength of either ticket, and both' Adeiphi and Aipha' Ru societiex took sldes are claiming virtor y. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. BICYCLES Built to order, Repaired andA Enameled, at 1006 North Fourth Avenue. Wiu:3J. Wenger. A FUtLiLLINSE anBICYCLESeUNtES;IN $TOME QIIAPIN BROTH1llRS, (stuccessors onuue a Chapmi) MANSIFA TUessas 0P...sssM~d. Dosnt 'istrunsenis and Fins fiac }Inset Special attention given to Bicycle Repairing BICYCLE LIVERiY-Prices Reasnauble. No0. 118i R. Liberty SI. Anns Arbor. FresStrawbegries ed Pseg Apple an the bestequality of tee (Ire'an. Finest Fruit Juices and Artesian water used in our 20O F. Washaingtoun 361a8 ixt NZOLIOCZ& Made especially for us. They consist, of bright and dressy sel(y.s, umany lilqes bu~t few of each pattern. Our window ' w il show you the droams for $1.4. - WA-C Qn