THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. See xOur Swell Display of Summer Neckwear! For Quality, Correct Styles, and Square Prices-We are the "Onliest." AN EXCLUSIVE LINE OF WASHABLE NECKWEAR, Madras, Cheviot, Ginghams, in Combination StocKs, Ascots, Strings and 4-in-hands. Alfred Benjiman's, Fancy Vests, Crash and Cloths-swell patterns. We can fit you in any style of gloves. Our $1.50 Gloves are especially strong. Ask for "No. 30 Every pair guaranteed. TRY US.___ TRY US4 MACK & OOMPANY. Ifyuws oona Banjo or Mandolin that has ,a toss to suit the most exacting critic, buy the Waldo OF ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR me Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standasrd Tine. 8.o a.m. *70: . 412 a.m. 11:25a.m. 4:44p. m. 8:4 p. m, *Run betweenAnnArbor and Toledo only, E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. ToledoO. MI HICAN ENTRAL -TU Niayara Faits Route." Central hanaard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. Mali and Ex.......3 47 BN.Y,Chi-.-- 812 N. Y, Special.---418 Mail--- 0------98 *N. S. Limited.-..8 18 Pacific Ex.---12 30 Eastern Ex....97 P. M. A. M. Wmstern Ex... 38 D.N. Express... 5 50 GR.&K.Ex5 Atlantic Ex......7 30 Chi.Nt. Ex.....-7 47 G. R. Express ---1110 *North Shore Limited is an extra fare train and there is a charge of $2.10 to New York more than on other trains. 0. W .RUGGLEs, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. At.. Ann Arbor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, DROCKS ALL AND TOLEDO RAILAY Is the only line from the Toledo Union Station to Columbus and points beyond, using Union depot terminals at Colum- bus and runs four fast express trains daily between the points named, two of them in the un-precedented time of three hours. Parlor carsondaytrains, seat s23 cents; Pulman sleepers on night trains. Students dfssring, unequaled- facilities- areinvited to use the Buckeye Route and can obtain full particulars on application to local ticket agents. E. ER. DAVIDSON, .. Dist. Pass. Agent, Toledo; or W. H. FISHER, G. P. and T. A. Columbu. Ohio. KINDERGARTEN, . STEINS! Col and See Us, A whole window full. RENTSCHLER THE PHOTOGRAPHER w AED. Telephone IO. ANN ARBOR JEWELER FULLER & BERANEK P-TAILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered 312 S. STATE ST.. over Rose'e. Phone No.244, New State. Six Models for '98 at 8610. 't97 Models, while they last at $50. !" Cor Mainand Huront A~t Br-wn - Drug Store, Streets. New Officers Will Be Chosen. Good Government Club Election. s At a meeting of the temporary ofRl- The regular business meeting of the cers of the University battalion and the Good Government Club was held this various drill masters who have been afternoon in Room 4 in. the law build- training squads on the campus the past ing. The principle piece of business week, held last night, it was decided disposed of was the election of officers that the permanent officers shall be for the coming year. The following chosen by a competitive examination. were chosen: President, F. L. Mulhol- It was thought that this method would land, '99 L; vice president, W. B. Hara more certainly secure the best men. rison, '98; secretary, H. McCutcheon, Also, it is well known that many of the '98; treaseuer, L. C. Crampton, '99 L. members of the companies objected to It was proposed to reduce the member- the appointment of officers by election. ship fee to 25 cents. It is not known who will try for the gvarious positions yet, though sentinment FRENCH. Students desiring to remove their con- seems almost uranimous in favor of J. ditions (especially Course 2, June, '97) C. McConkey for major. will have a chance on Saturday, May s 1 21, at 8 a. in., in Room 5, T. H. ANOTHER SPECIAL TRAIN TO IS- , m NFRANCOIS. LAND LAKE. Wanted-By a lady with experience, Owing to the belief that permission a place as matron of a fraternity or would not be granted to visit the boys sorority. AddressA, care Daily.- in Camp Eaton, many did not go to Is- land Lak'e last Sunday who wished to TEACHERS WANTED FOR NEXT do so. - The Ann Arbor Railroad has SEPTEMBER. therefore decided to run another spec- Physics and Chemistry (man) for . .na Mich. H. S., $800. st train to Inland Lake on Sunday Three H. S. Prins., $1,000, $1,200, next, May 8th, at 9:15 a. in., returning $2,000. from the lake at 5 p. m. Fare for the H. S. Assistant (woman) English, round trip, .75 cents. Children under $ s00. 12, 40 cents. J. J. KIRBY, Greek, $410 and home.S Asst. Gen. Pass. Agi. We have very many other vacancies and are getting them every day. Al- To stick Rubber use MAJOR'S RUB- bert & Clark Teachers' Agency, Pull- r ER CEMENT. Beware ! l l Don't man Bldg., Chicago. The oldest and take a substitute. largest in the West. Thirteenth year. University School of Dancing STATE STrET, OPPOsrTe LAW BUtLDIN. Programe Party, with Orchestra Music, every atale.i/ Evening. Ptlvate Lessons by appointment. - Office, 427 1hoinpson st. ENOCH DIETERLE, EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR CallsAttended Day or Night. No. 16 East Liberty Street: Residence 533 Seuth Feurth Ave. .. Phone. 1S. p '.F 0.1M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIIRCTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence. 302 Fifth Avenue. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Order-s for all Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. orat Residence, 1710 Ge ddes ave. P~. S. - Will tame pupils on Piano' and in sight reading at above named Places. A. J .Johnston. U. of X.Shiaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUT11 STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hal Dressing up stairs Old friends cal again. We welcome new uoes. J.K. TROJANOWSKI, Lowney's Chocolates --O TO- W. W. TUTTLE'S, Wt. ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. TO RENT. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM One door east of American House. Both Phones, No.8. THE L-ARGEST MANACTRRtcnS OwATHLNsSO AND BiCYCL scSU Es AND UIFoRs IN THE WORLD. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Guarantee." Official Outfitters to the Leading llege, Ah letic Club and School Teams of ee e.3S. Every'Reqoisite for Base Ball, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The Spalding Official League Ball Adopted by National, Minor, College and School Leagues. Rase Hall Uniforms, Mats, Gloves, NI ts. Chest Protectors, Shoes, Etc. T SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES 8 T SPALDINC BLUE RACER {Chain} MODEL.. THiE SPALDING ROADWEEL e' O S. Send for Illustrated Catalogue-of all Athletic Sports. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York - ChIcago "War Songs"! Coon Songs"! sousa's Marches"! Latest Music foe Piano, and other Iustrumsents. 6Finest assortment of Guitars andi Mandolins, Strings anddTrim- mings. Lowest Price., The SCU1AEBERLE fiuse Store